Hemp semiconductors


Registered Member
well well well... Hemp. It's got allot going on. besides being related to Marijuana, besides being over looked. What's it good for, by the way why would I want to talk about it on a modding forum?

well *see the three wells above* Hemp fibers bio degradable easy to grow and produce can be made into plastics, paper, rope, clothing (some non hippy looking stuff my girl friend owns as it turns out is made almost entirely out of hemp, and doesn't look like a burlap sack, fact was we didn't even notice till I saw the tag one day) hemp harts make great food, it's seeds can be turned into oils (famous for it's longevity as a lamp oil) and Bio diesel. (really good stuff too, one tank would take you around the USA, and if you wanted to you could drink it as food, try that with diesel or any alternative fuel.) well hemp has allot of history in the USA a country now demonizing it for the last century because of it's relation to Marijuana. Besides all the things weed is good for (Cancer, chronic pain, watching sponge bob, glaucoma, MS, all sorts of stuff I wont go into) weed has clamed NOT ONE LIFE EVER, compared to smoking, Gasoline and alcohol.

I'll be clear however, this is not about Pot. In fact, lets say every thing about Pot I know for a fact is a lie. What makes Hemp out side the law? if it was embraced by industry would we not have even more uses for it? would it be conceivable to run cars off of it? the growth of hemp is only 110 days. the land it uses would retain the roots of the plant. it's a vary simple harvest, cut the stalks off and then it's fermentation it like you where making wine. you need to make a portion of the material into ethanol (further distilling) to ignite it, then it's a far more abundant fuel. the land left is tilled the crop rotated and in the next season you have another go at it. the soil is better off with it. unlike corn there is little need for pesticide and its a far shorter grow period, with multiple yields in a season.

the problem thing. Political climate... search youtube Fords Hemp car 1930s.

Politics are not my deal. Materials and building things makes me political though.

there are allot of places growing hemp any way. allot of countries it doesn't matter and is pretty well endorsed. changing the industry is like changing the political climate they will only do it when they realise they are missing out.

I'm wondering about our precious semiconductors, is this a possiblity with Bio mas? I'll be asking Sciforums too to see what kind of response I can get. but besides the idea that a few plants in my backyard over the summer I would beable to make a sweet project case with out melting plastics in my basment seems like a good spring or summer project and subversion to any weed I might want to be growing else ware. plus free matterials that just grow out of the ground by them selfs is pretty sweet.... Consoles that grow out of the ground... Cases first..

Hemp fiber is easy to get. once you have the plants, you strip the stalks into fibers. Hemps superior to many other plants because the fibers stay at a few feet in length... wile red woods (nearest thing compeating with it) are just a few inches. so you have these dry fibers. like making fiber glass, the resin is your hemp seed oil. the fiber lays out, apply resin, repeat... the fiber is strong and has been made in the past into many things. Cell phones, cars, cookingware... all sorts of crap.

Well isn't it a drug? Marijuana is a drug (on freaking paper, but there are more drugs, and more screwed up ones in breakfast cereals, but you still eat that don't you?) Hemp how ever HAS NO DRUGS IN IT!!! it's a close friend but it's that non stoned productive misunderstood weed no one can admit works crazy hard.

I'll end on the note that hemp paper is better takes less to make, the US declaration of independence is written on the stuff... if you have scene it, it' still white too... after how long?

it takes up to 80 years to grow a forest to be clear cut, it takes 110 days for hemp to be paper, seeds to books, in a few weeks not a few decades.

I'm willing to bet there are ways to get semi conductors out of plants. Hemp has more uses as a plant that any other, if some plant can help the way we make computers, cases and components it's going to be hemp.

Any way... GiverGiver
What about making a hemp nuclear power station?
Or a hemp aeroplane?

There's a lot of things they haven't tried yet.
Yeah, hemp wine. Good idea.

Why not have a hemp supermarket, with hemp trolleys, and everything made out of hemp? If you had hemp banknotes, you could even pay with hemp.

People are always using alloys and plastics to make things.
Waste of time.
Just use hemp.
Well Mon Capitan! When oil runs out we wont have ze plastics no more. The you'll be crying out for that hemp tupperware.
In Bolivia they have added the coca back into coca cola.

At the levels in the drink, it is probably less harmful than the caffeine and excessive sugar Coca Cola replaced it with.
See http://www.3news.co.nz/Bolivia-make...drink/tabid/417/articleID/151454/Default.aspx

It is well known as an ingredient which reduces appetite.

Can't see it being allowed elsewhere.
Too much money in alcohol and dentistry.
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There is no doubt that hemp has an important place in 21st century agriculture. It simply over-produces a crop more than anything else with properties that exceed everything else.

But this is a tired thread. It's been brought up at least a dozen times over the years in various forms.

Yes, we're all pro-hemp. And most of us are pro-pot too. This is a moot point for this forum because everything has already been said about pot and hemp- we get it.

And to add a slice of personal philosophy- it's only a matter of time until the system cracks and we once again start legally growing hemp and pot domestically.

But in the meanwhile, 99% of pot busts are idiots who carry it in their car while driving high or people coming out of clubs high out of their mind.

The responsible user has a solid source, buys it discreetly and uses it at home in their own privacy. The law ain't kicking down these people's doors because they're not idiots caught DWID (Driving While Under the Influence of Drugs).

In the meanwhile, my plan to move to Devner still remains...
I'm forwarding the pitch in concern with bio mass being used as semicunductors. but I think that's for me to keep reading about for a bit....

I'm so going to try growing a hemp case for a project box.

I basicly ran out of weed (to far from BC this year) and before jetting off to get more, my girl friend sat me down and had me watch this hemp documentary.. most of the facts I knew and had scene before. still, can integrated curcuts come out of or benefit from this stuff.
Get with it man... You are practicing the art of propaganda, bold statements without proof. It reeks of a not to subtle agenda

Lets start with this stupidity..
cennar said:
weed has clamed NOT ONE LIFE EVER
Marijuana increases the risk of testicular cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, a type of brain tumor, and the risk of leukemia in the offspring, resulting in many deaths. Pot causes respiratory diseases that leads to early death. Intoxicated individuals kill or are killed on our roads, work places, and homes, in the tens of thousands across the world. Mental illnesses brought on by pot smoking are responsible for thousands of suicides, and many other mental illness related deaths. The black market and organized crime involved with pot kill thousands every year. Poverty in first world nations due to pot addiction results in shorter life expectancy. And I sure that some have been crushed to death by a bale of pot.
cennar said:
one tank would take you around the USA
Around the USA 30,000km on one tank? Lets say the best diesel performance for a small car 4L/100km will require a fuel tank of 1200L. As hemp oil has a lower energy density then fossil diesel you will need a very big tank. So the USA uses around 10Billion liters of fuel a year for transport. Best output for hemp oil is 1000L per year per acre. So you would need 10Million acres. The USA has only 4Million acres of farm land including pasture & rangeland. So if you don't mind starving and only drive half as much, Biofuel could work LOL

cennar said:
it takes up to 80 years to grow a forest to be clear cut, it takes 110 days for hemp to be paper, seeds to books, in a few weeks not a few decades.
Fast wood or Fiber farms have a growth time average of 10years in the open environment. With continued growth all year round and little use of pesticides and fertilizers. Hemp may grow to maturity in 110 days but as you also want seeds, in the outdoors you only get one usable crop a year and also require heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers. Fast pine out produces indoor hemp production in terms of kg per dollar, and much more then outdoor hemp.

If hemp is so great why is it not used by the majority of the worlds population and agricultural land where there are no restrictions on its use?

Hemp is not a wonder weed and im sick of hearing the virtues of hemp from young smokers justifying their addiction. Stop smoking, you will live a longer, healthier, richer life. Better still go visit a 40 year old yellow toothed pot smoker rasp out its benefits in between coughing fits, sitting on second hand dilapidated couch as the waft of uncleaned week old dishes try to mask the stale pot odor.:m::shrug:
As for semiconductors.:confused: No No No there is more value in the soil hemp grows in then the plant in regards to the production of semiconductors...:rolleyes:
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propaganda with out... read what you wrote up there. DO IT
(Cant link since my post count is low. go look up Hemp fuel and car, you'll youtube a Merc 300d station wagon running around the US and canada powered by it)

I'm not even going to touch the weed causes cancer, that's really silly, and not the point jerk off. I'm right to call you one, just because your trying and failing to dismiss a point I'm not trying to get at. The point is hemp is use full, that we know already. Now what about Bio mass being used for semi conductors? I'll over look the rest of your post unless you can drop some good prof that weed kills in any way. I've personally grown weed, I didn't add any thing to cause cancer. I've got friends who are Neurologists and biochemists who would choke you out with facts. Especially the doctor, whos like 80 years old really awesome, stoned all the time and knows that its a neuro persurvitive. My friend Gil who is also a doctor somkes weed and does shrooms, his wife when pregnat kept smoking weed too, to our concern, Gil's doctor advised she not even quit. that some wares like a quarter ounce a day would do nothing to the fetis. Also it turns out she got vary baked and gave birth some wares under 15 minutes. Alice is a Healthy kid no isues, Gil still servs his country as an army Doc... You still need to show your facts buddy.

Please get your facts strate I've smoked allot of weed with really good doctors.

Weed is illegal for political reasons I really don't care about.

CAN HEMP OR BIO MASS BE GOOD FOR SEMICONDUCTORS.... I'll be back soon, I've got to work for a bit.
So let me guess. You are in your early 20's. 23-25 I would say. You smoke lots of pot. You have a limited education and if you work it will be low income. You fancy your self as an artist but would rather spend a day looking for pot then finishing a project. Oh did you do the dishes this week or where you too stoned to bother.

I bet you think you know every thing about pot. I must be twice your age and have seen what pot does to people, do you want to be a 40 year old pot user struggling to pay the rent. Give it up.

So lets move on. Do you know what a semiconductor is???

Did you know that when you burn almost anything you create molecules that cause cancer. Look up free radicals.

Did you know that smoking a joint will deliver 4 times the tar into your lungs then the inequivalent sized cigarette. That tar can cause emphysema, pleurisy, bronchitis, asthma, and more. The afore mentioned conditions also increase your risk of lung cancer. Look it up young man, you know how to spell google I hope.

Did you know that the main action of TCH is on the immune system and can inhibit proper function leading to the list of cancers I previously posted. Plus a host of other immune diseases associated with dysfunctional immune responses.

Did you know that THC is 1000 times more toxic then alcohol, and 100 times more lethal then heroin. That in the USA the are 4 recored deaths from overdose of the THC pill Marinol.

Did you know that heavy pot use results in a reduction of the Hippocampus (via toxic death or damage of neurons) responsible for memory. Leading to increase risk of Alzheimer's disease. Note its not the THC but the Carbon monoxide in the blood from smoking pot.

Increased carbon monoxide is involved in wide variety of heath problems including birth defects, cell damage, brain damage, and even cancer.

That pot use will greatly increase the odds that you will commit suicide, even worse you are much more likely to be involved in a homicide. Smoking pot massively increases your chance of being jailed for crimes not involving drugs.

You must know that pot users are twice as likely to be involved in a fatal car crash.

Look it up fool or is your attention span hindered by TCH.

So would you get in a plane when the pilot is stoned, would you allow a surgeon to operate on you stoned. Would you want you child to mix with the low life's that sell. Would you give your child money to buy. Would you encourage your child to smoke pot.

Guess I should say my Bsc PHD means nothing to you. That your 80 year old doc and 15 min birth :rolleyes: are plenty of proof that your habit is beneficial and that a pot smoking life will eclipse all the teetotalers.. Moderate your habit so you can live long and prosper....

Last, can you go a day without... I think not... I dare you chicken shit.
Did you know that smoking a joint will deliver 4 times the tar into your lungs then the inequivalent sized cigarette. That tar can cause emphysema, pleurisy, bronchitis, asthma, and more. The afore mentioned conditions also increase your risk of lung cancer. Look it up young man, you know how to spell google I hope.
Cigarette smokers commonly smoke many cigarettes a day. Most pot smokers (of which I am one) share one joint to get high and usually no more than once a day.

Did you know that the main action of TCH is on the immune system and can inhibit proper function leading to the list of cancers I previously posted. Plus a host of other immune diseases associated with dysfunctional immune responses.
This is a science forum. Cite a source.

Did you know that THC is 1000 times more toxic then alcohol, and 100 times more lethal then heroin. That in the USA the are 4 recored deaths from overdose of the THC pill Marinol.
Cite a source.

Did you know that heavy pot use results in a reduction of the Hippocampus (via toxic death or damage of neurons) responsible for memory. Leading to increase risk of Alzheimer's disease. Note its not the THC but the Carbon monoxide in the blood from smoking pot.
Cite a source.

Increased carbon monoxide is involved in wide variety of heath problems including birth defects, cell damage, brain damage, and even cancer.
See my earlier comment about the number of joints pot smokers smoke.

That pot use will greatly increase the odds that you will commit suicide, even worse you are much more likely to be involved in a homicide. Smoking pot massively increases your chance of being jailed for crimes not involving drugs.
Cite a source.

You must know that pot users are twice as likely to be involved in a fatal car crash.
Cite a source.

I've been smoking pot off and on for over 40 years. I don't have a cough or yellow teeth.
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In Bolivia they have added the coca back into coca cola.

At the levels in the drink, it is probably less harmful than the caffeine and excessive sugar Coca Cola replaced it with.
See http://www.3news.co.nz/Bolivia-make...drink/tabid/417/articleID/151454/Default.aspx

It is well known as an ingredient which reduces appetite.

Can't see it being allowed elsewhere.
Too much money in alcohol and dentistry.

It still contains sugar though.

Hard to believe that the production of cocaine includes saturating it in kerosene and\or gasoline.:eek:
the problem thing. Political climate... search youtube Fords Hemp car 1930s.

First time i heard of that.


Ford recognized the utility of the hemp plant. He constructed a car of resin stiffened hemp fiber, and even ran the car on ethanol made from hemp.

WOW...a hemp resin car. wouldn't be too good for a crash over 30mph or so but i dont see any reason to go faster than 30-40mph.
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dbnp48 said:
This is a science forum. Cite a source.

I've been smoking pot off and on for over 40 years. I don't have a cough or yellow teeth.

What, I have to provide an annotated bibliography. I don't care if you are too lazy to look up the facts. Why must you get so uppity when facts get in the way of your pseudoscience. Deal with it, smoking anything is dangerous even once a day, week, month.

dbnp48 said:
Cigarette smokers commonly smoke many cigarettes a day. Most pot smokers (of which I am one) share one joint to get high and usually no more than once a day.
Good on you, but hope you are not a pilot, or surgeon, or anything else that may put others at risk. If you think pot does not impair cognitive function and health tell your health insurance agency. They are experts at risk assessment based on cold hard statistical facts. You and they know its dangerous.

Please people stop making self justifying excuses. BTW I have a nice plastic bubble if you want real safety.
Did you know that THC is 1000 times more toxic then alcohol, and 100 times more lethal then heroin. That in the USA the are 4 recored deaths from overdose of the THC pill Marinol.

No drug causes more deaths by poisoning than alcohol.
That's because the amount needed to get you very drunk is not much less than the amount needed to kill you.

A bottle of whisky is not a huge amount to a seasoned drinker.
Four bottles will see him into his coffin.

I've never heard of an death caused by overdose of cannabis.
Not by smoking it anyway.
Just the facts Captain.. I sure you will be just as sick on 500ml of alcohol as 0.5ml of TCH.. But you are welcome to prove me wrong but ingesting 500ml of TCH.
captain said:
No drug causes more deaths by poisoning than alcohol.
As I love to be the bitch, look up Heroin Statistics. It is responsible for the majority of accidental deaths. In 1999 51%.. oh no it is increasing... Hey did some one say gate way drug:rolleyes: Oh no dont tell me its not just because you didn't open the gate.. Nothing like a fools Paradise.:cool:
What, I have to provide an annotated bibliography. I don't care if you are too lazy to look up the facts. Why must you get so uppity when facts get in the way of your pseudoscience.
Normal practice is to provide a citation when you make a claim. Since you say you have a Ph.D, you should know that and be able to do so easily.

Your claims contained suspiciously round numbers (1000, 100).

Your post contained typos and spelling errors which is very suspicious in someone that has a Ph.D.

You made a vicious personal attack on cennar which is not normally part of a strong, reasoned argument.

If you do decide to cite sources, it would be helpful if you included which university you graduated from and what your thesis statement was.

If you don't, I'll assume it is because you can't.
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