Help with disproving the resurrection of Jesus

Prince_James said:
If Gandalf can come back from the dead, so can Jesus! I mean, didn't the fellowship see him?! And all those people at Gondor?!

Oh shit, I almost fell out of my seat when I read that :)
c7ityi_ said:
Resurrection is the Christian name for Nirvana...

actually, resurrection is a word from the latin 'stop being such a lunatic', ultimately from the indo-european root 'you're speaking absolute drivel.' it's now come to mean 'coming back from the dead', and has nothing nirvana-like about it.
spidergoat said:
I haven't listed those, since there is some controversy about them, they might have been inserted at a later time.

"The evidence of Tacitus is not contemporary, however, but dates from about 50 years after the event. As governor of Asia c.112 ce, he must have been familiar with Christian 'troublemakers', as his friend Pliny obviously was. The only thing that would make Tacitus' writings an independent testimony to the existence of Jesus and not merely the repitition of Christian beliefs would be if he had gained his information about Christ being crucified under Pontius Pilate from the copius records that the Romans kept of their legal dealings. But this does not seem to be the case, for Tacitus calls Pilate the 'procurator' of Judea when he was in fact 'prefect', so Tacitus is clearly not returning to the records of the time but quoting hearsay information from his own day.
Despite their obsession with records and histories, that concludes our survey of relevant Roman texts. However, it could be argued that other Roman literature which may well have mentioned Jesus has been lost over time. But surely any such texts would have been carefully preserved by the Roman Church once it held power in the Empire. Not only this, but it is safe to assume that well-educated early Christians, such as Justin Martyr would have quoted these texts in support of Literalist Christianity, but they do not."

The Jesus Mysteries: Was Original Jesus a Pagan god? Timothy Freke Peter Gandy, ps 165-166
The above is a tabulation of contradictions between the ressurection stories. This level of contradiction seems to imply that the christian leaders where composing the written stories to unify the paagan godman religions that already existed and didn't collaborate very well. If there was an actual Jesus crusifixion even which I do believe happened, at the least these gosples/stories were written so long after the fact that they didn't capture a consistent representation of the Jesus ressurection hoax.
spidergoat said:
I read Jesus had a twin brother. This may be the source of the resurrection myth.
M*W: Gnostics taught that Jesus had a twin brother, Thomas Didymos Judas, who wrote The Gospel of Thomas. The Gospel of Thomas is a collection of the traditional sayings of Jesus.

Although this little factoid has been covered up by the Roman Catholic Church, some of the ancient churches, especially in France, show twin sons in the arms of Mary and Joseph. If anyone is interested, go to:

If Jesus existed, there are many things that the Church suppressed about him.
Samaritan said:
thanks everyone. Im a studying to be priest whos lost his religion and now Im surrounded by "righteous" people who hate me, so I thank you for your help.

God hates you too. God hated you before you were even born, like he did with Esau.
The animator/animation of the universe cannot be found in religion Samaritan. Look inside of yourself. I wish you well.