Help Me Out Please

cole grey said:
I have the "issue" when athiests assert their concepts as "truths"
The strong position asserts that god does not exist. Other than that there are no atheistic assertions.

insisting they are the only reasonable way to think, ignoring the (obvious to me) complexities involved in the matter.
I'm not sure I'm following you here.

re: the traveling example. My point was just that a person may call something "impossible", which isn't impossible but is just out of the realms of current understanding.
I understand. What I was trying to point out is that logic can help us even when there are large gaps in our understanding.

There is nothing wrong with using the least complex theory as a starting point for investigation (occam applauds you), let's just say I have a 'hunch' and want to start from there, as I am in no particular hurry.

CG says - "insisting they are the only reasonable way to think, ignoring the (obvious to me) complexities involved in the matter. "
RAITHERE (understandably) says, "I'm not sure I'm following you here."

I was just saying that there are many validly explorable paths which arise when people are "proving", or "disproving" a theory that cannot actually be proven or disproven. These are usually ignored by one or both sides of the argument. (I should have left out the parenthetical aside which isn't important to what I'm saying.)
Raithere said:
The strong position asserts that god does not exist. Other than that there are no atheistic assertions.

Yes, there are no other atheistic assertions, but there are many other assertions made by athiests that are misrepresented by them as being the only valid conclusion. That is a little bit annoying.