Help Me I die in my dreams lucent dream and wake up paralized

Paralysis during sleep

I have had this occur several times. It was so weird. This thing is, I THOUGHT I was awake and could not move when in fact (after this happened 3-4 times) I realized I was still asleep and thinking I was awake.
The only time this happened to me was when I was extremely tired from working long hours and driving 1000+miles per week. I would pull over in a rest area and sleep in the truck. It would range from thinking I was awake and looking out the window as if someone was there (probably a fear I had since I was vulnerable) and would then try to move to see what was tapping on the window and would not be able to move.
Another odd thing about this is the fact that I have only experienced the Paralysis when I was sleeping in the truck. When ever I would do this I was to the point that my eyes would not stay open while driving.
The sleep cycles never last more than 30 minutes but I would be OUT for that time and wake really rested.
I never sleep well any way so I welcomed those quick naps, even with the inability to move at times.

I read one reply that said put a sign on the ceiling. I think this would be interesting to do so you could find out if you were actually awake or asleep when this happens.
I see that there havent been people on here in awhile. But i keep having the same dream or I think it is a dream. I think I am awake and I cannot move. It is really scary. I feel like there is something in the room not sure what it is. Just a presense. Anyway I cannot move but I am fully awake or so it seems. I have read that I am still sleeping but if that is the case how come I can see everything in my room right down to the last detail. I can even talk just cant move. Its freaky. I am so scared I was calling out to my wife to wake me up. She heard me and came in from the next room. she had to shake me and wake me up. explain that. If I am dreaming how did I know to call to her and wake me up and know that I was doing it. Please explain.
I don't know what I would do, I mean, if I was completely paralized, I guess I would find it kind of comforting, at first. I wouild just lie there, and you really are at the mercy of whatever happens.
Well............. Try imagining going to heaven. Also I personally know a trick to control what happens in my dreams. I cannot make the dreams but i can alter them. For a while i had dreams or nightmares and whenever i did'nt want something bad to happen it did. So i soon discovered that if i hope something doesnt happen it will. ie, i hope that i don't don't get shot (as silly as it sounds) and it wouldn't happen. Soon afterwards i found out that when you fear something happening it takes precedence in your dream creation. So soon enough you can think what you want to happen and if you think about it hard enough it will take precedance and it will happen. Once more it cannot create your dreams. Like one of the first times i did it i experimented hoping to create a flamethrower just oughta curiosity. Did'nt ever happen.
Sleep Paralysis is not dangerous. I experience it 3 times a week. Just relax when you experience it dont panic just breath in and out and wait for it to go away. Theres a whole thread dedicated to this try searching ; ]

Actually! Sleep Paralysis is an opportune moment! That is the point where you are between the waking and dreaming, which means you can actually take control of the situation. Try "floating out" of your body, or doing whatever happens to come to mind. Of course, you probably aren't actually floating out of your body... but it can certainly feel like it! Adventure awaits!

You're lucky to have that 3 times a week, dude.

You can try to actually "enjoy" the dieing in your dreams, that way it won't happen as often. The brain has a way of presenting what you fear in dreams, possibly as a survival method to overcome fears...?

its not no astrail projection guys i get these every night i have been since i was 8 i am now 15 they dont stop i cant tell whats real anymore kinda kouse i refuse to sleep so im half awake all the time and sometimes i drift off but im not where i am when i fell asleep im in a forest in some hidden town every time i get the chills now couse when i die its not stabbed i get tortued for 30min+ he just dunks me under water not killing me but messing with me i cant see the guys face but he is always in a red robe everytime i dont know if he has feet or not either all i see is his eyes.... im so skared can some1 help me please i dont know if i should sleep at all anymore im honestly thinking about tweaking to stay awake draco i know how u feel ive been blacking out the same way when im awake as well family says each time eyes go back in head and i shake and i feel my self shake but i see him the guy behind him is all white everything is white i can even feel my eyes go back and this is all b4 i started not sleeping some1 please help me i think im crazy and need to go to a mental hospital im not joking :bawl:
Actually! Sleep Paralysis is an opportune moment! That is the point where you are between the waking and dreaming, which means you can actually take control of the situation. Try "floating out" of your body, or doing whatever happens to come to mind. Of course, you probably aren't actually floating out of your body... but it can certainly feel like it! Adventure awaits!

You're lucky to have that 3 times a week, dude.

You can try to actually "enjoy" the dieing in your dreams, that way it won't happen as often. The brain has a way of presenting what you fear in dreams, possibly as a survival method to overcome fears...?

ya dude i tried that but they got more and more brutal like i said i get tortued the guy doesnt just chase me like 1 time i was running in the forest and i found a house in middle of no where so i knocked no1 answered so i kept on running straight same house kept running same house almost like it wanted me to go in i think so i went in kouse after a while of running the door was open so i went in idk why when i got in i wasnt me.... like i could see my entire body like up thats when i knew i was going to die again does that every time and every time riight b4 he kills me he looks right up at me in the air thats when i go back in my body and he pinned me down this time still cant see his face and dragged me to bathtub filled it up and and slammed my head on bottom it was half full then held my head under i thought this isnt that bad then he lifted my head out let me breath did it again..... then he held me out and threw me out of window chased me naked so i thought i lived this time..... ... and then i fell kouse i stepped in a sticker bush he kut off my hands and watched me bleed out so again i went out of body after 5min of screaming and he looked straight in air at me the guy hasnt made a sound ever not a grunt not a owe when i stabbed him with fork nothing
.I've died in my dreams quite to much.Iam always shot or stabbed repeatedly.

Dying in your dreams is not so unusual. It typically happens when you're unsure of the future or there's a big change, such a moving out of state or financial probems. What you should be worried about it how violently you're killed. I've come close to dying many times but they almost always happen by falling. If something's seriously bothering you, you may want to go see a therapist.

Has anyone woken up unable to move.Not to scared to move but PARALIZED.

This is perfectly normal. Google sleep paralysis and you'll seen thousands of similar experiences. I think I've experienced it myself once. I woke up from a dream and my vision was really blurry, I was staring straight at the ceiling and I couldn't move. Suddenly there was someone standing over me and I got scared shitless but came out of it a second later.

always had lucent dreams. Every time i do i get about 25to30feet than my stomach starts dropping and so do i.

The mind can do funny things. Being that high in the air, and nothing to support you, subconsciously you know you're going to plummet to the floor. Even though you're conscious of your dream, other parts of your mind aren't.

If you want to take lucid dreaming seriously, consider learning how to meditate. Not only will it help you stay asleep longer once you become lucid, but it'll also make tasks much easier.

Lucid dreaming is amazing. It's a doorway to understanding your subconscious mind, and if approached methodically it can become an enlightening experience. Scrutinize your environment, you'll always see something interesting that you would never have noticed otherwise (it's very easy to become oblivious when dreaming).
Lol how do you guys get dreams that often? Like I can control dreams and I always have fun but I barely get any dreams. I've noticed I get bad dreams when I sleep very late and still have a lot energy in me lol
This is a normal part of sleep wake/sleep circles, it has a name hypnogogic state sometimes called sleep paralysis.

Our brains use this to prevent us from physical acting out what we are dreaming during rapid eye state of sleeping
The apparent paralysis on waking isn't a problem.
In your years of visiting doctors, did not one of them tell you this?

Your dreams sound awful.
Aren't you afraid of going to sleep?
I would be.
I found Jesus and God and
it stopped.

Look in the bible, some people
are attacked this way by the Dark side.
You probly have a special mission in store
for you.
Good luck and God Bless you

since this was basically ignored in the thread, i thought i'd quote it and say...

which is worse? sleep paralysis and night terrors, or jesus?
Sleep paralysis is fucking horrible.

And oddly, often I feel afraid but can't produce adrenaline, and don't fully wake up for all of ten seconds....
since this was basically ignored in the thread, i thought i'd quote it and say...

which is worse? sleep paralysis and night terrors, or jesus?

Lori dear,

You seem to be the only one in this forum with some decent manners, can I include you as a friend?

Blessings and light

Lori dear,

You seem to be the only one in this forum with some decent manners, can I include you as a friend?

Blessings and light


not really known for decent manners around here, but i've been working on them.

i've met a lot of people on sciforums. my husband and a best friend as well. they are my friends because i actually know them; i've lived with them and shared a lot.