Help Me I die in my dreams lucent dream and wake up paralized


Registered Member
Thank you all.You all put my mind at ease finally but i have a few
questions.I've died in my dreams quite to much.Iam always shot
or stabbed repeatedly.When iam killed and black out for a sec iam
so confused and scared i even got about i'd say 30 sec to wonder
if iam going to heaven or hell.Its not a joke to me was at first until
the waking up paralized crap started.Has anyone woken up unable to move.Not to scared to move but PARALIZED.And ive
always had lucent dreams.Its always my location that alerts me.
Like iam on a school bus going to school but i realize iam 26.Or
iam back at home sneaking out my bedroom window when ive been living with my wife for 8 years.I can go through walls throw
people 100,s of feet ive even caused earthquakes.But one thing
i cant do is fly.Every time i do i get about 25to30feet than my stomach starts dropping and so do i.Sometimes so quick i have to
close my eyes and wake up.Iam so happy i thought i was the only
one who had these what ever they are.But i need to know whats
been happening recently about waking up paralized.I went to the
doctors many times in the last 3 years but iam perfectly healthy.
And its getting worse.My wife saw me when it was happening and i saw her i was trying to ask her to shake me anything but i
couldnt talk or move.Only could here my own words in my head.Than i my vision went away my wife started screaming and
finally i sat up scared shitless.I thought my eyes shut but they
rolled back and turned white.Please if anyone knows what this is
please reply.Thank you for your help.Oh and lately when i cant move ive been hearing wicked noises almost like a record going backwards.Iam i going crazy or is there a logical explanation.
Sleep Paralysis is not dangerous. I experience it 3 times a week. Just relax when you experience it dont panic just breath in and out and wait for it to go away. Theres a whole thread dedicated to this try searching ; ]
Scared of death?
To me death in my dreams means death in self death of ego death of this world persona. Am I scared of this kind of death? Yes I am for it means a change. People talk about realizing the true self and living by it... its very hard to do, in a world thats inconsiderate. and most of the time I wonder if im doing the right thing... sigh
gotta relax find peace in a predatory world.
a couple weeks ago.....

:eek: a couple of weeks ago i wook up from a dream i was having it wasnt a bad dream it was just a dream where i was walking around and stuff. when i woke up i had this feeling that well...have you ever had the feeling that something terribly evil is behind you and you have to get away no matter what it takes?. well i had that feeling except it was 10 times worse than i have ever felt it but i just couldnt turn over to see what it was. i could move but something inside of me said "i wouldnt turn over if i was you...oh wait i am SO DONT MOVE!!!" (not literally but you get the jist)and i laid there for an hour or so all the hairs on my body where sticking straight up and i felt as if i could never be happy again like it was sucking the life out of me. eventually i forced myself to turn over and when i did nothing was there except for a cold spot in the room. Freaky stuff aint it.:eek:
I've read that sleep paralysis is a normal aspect of the sleep cycle and it's what keeps us from moving around during certain levels of sleep (REM maybe?) People who sleep walk are somehow over-riding the sleep paralysis, but they're still asleep. You 'wake up' during sleep paralysis, whereas most of us keep sleeping, and you can't move so naturally you're frightened. I think that's a normal reaction. This might be a dumb suggestion, but try taping a sign on your ceiling and/or night stand that says, "GO BACK TO SLEEP" That way, if you wake up paralyzed, you can say to yourself , "I should be sleeping still" and don't FIGHT it. Just accept the paralysis as a normal part of your sleep pattern. (You just shouldn't be waking up during it is all.) Try deep breathing to fall back asleep. If it happens in the morning instead of during the night it can certainly be a problem if you need to get ready for work or something, but I think it's a physical problem and not a mental one. That's just my opinion. As far as hearing weird sounds, remember, technically you're still in a dream state, and we all know how weird dreams can be. Re: the violent nature of your dreams- have you been taking any new medication or using sleeping pills? I took 2 sleeping pills once several years ago and I had horrible nightmares! This may sound dumb, but do you eat late at night before going to bed or drink a lot of caffeine in the evening? I've found both of these to cause nightmares, too. I do believe there is a logical explanation for what you're going through. Let us know how you're doing, k?
Thats happened to me

Ive had that happen to me since I was
8 years old.
once I saw a sprial tube coming up from my feet
as I layed in bed one night.
A ball of light worked its way up the sprial.
and then a loud trumpet sound.
It scared the bejeees out of me.

I found Jesus and God and
it stopped.

Look in the bible, some people
are attacked this way by the Dark side.
You probly have a special mission in store
for you.
Good luck and God Bless you

I dont know how you feel about psychics, but Sylvia Brown was on Montel Williams yesturday, (that show is what prompted me to search out web sites and that is how I ended up here) and the things she talked about made me think, what I was experiencing astral projections.

By what you are describing those are simular situations that she described. She wrote a book called all about dreams which I plan on purchasing.

In it she discusses astral projection, and past life. I think maybe it will help me understand what I have been experiencing better.
Hi Draco,

As others have mentioned, this sounds like a case of sleep paralysis - a natural part of the sleep cycle. When we sleep, our minds experience dreams as if they are actual events, and our bodies react to them. Sleep paralysis allows our bodies to "disconnect" from the events in our dreams so they can get the rest they need.

Because you experience "lucent dreams" (by which I assume you mean lucid dreams), you become conscious of the fact that you are dreaming. And because you are still dreaming, your body will generally still behave like it's asleep - even though you may feel awake. This can even include what would feel like the loss of sight, and distortion of sound.

As for the nightmares, allow me to put on my amatuer dream interpreter's hat for a moment. The most common question asked by dream interpreters is "what does this mean to you?"

For example, you dreamed about death. What does death mean to you. Is it permanent? What about the ability to cause earthquakes? Does this symbolize power, or responsibility?

Generally death is associated with some sort of change that you feel is coming or that you want to have happen. In your case it sounds like there is a lot of uncertainty associated with it.

If you are finding that these events are keeping you from getting a good night's sleep, you may want to seek out a sleep researcher or psychologist. As Janeelsa mentioned, things such as caffeine, sugar, or drugs can disrupt a natural sleeping pattern.
A book about Robert Monroe

Find a book by Robert Monroe,
His is an incredible diary that he kept starting
in the '60s describing indetail with scientific data the
experiences of his OOBEs. Even the studies the
government did on him.
You will be surprised at the simularities between your
experience and his.
I found it that way.
I have never died in my dreams but i have had objects stuck in me - i just pull them out and laugh at it,, i learned to fly and fall without fear and to fly backwards (this enables you to see where you are going - like a little rearview mirror). i have been to some other world and walked around another place in time. I have seen these huge lakes of crystal clear water and walked on the water without fear or drowning. i have no idea where this place is or if it is even real or just a place my mind made up. I get to explore these worlds in depth and even get to play around and climb on anything I want to. I only once or twice had any thing weird happen , once i tried to grab a orb and I did, but when I jumped up and tried to fly away with it , I fell instantly and woke up real fast, without the orb. I have dreamed that I was dreaming and things like that. I can read text in these dreams, and I can talk and hear, except most of the times the other people or things cant see me , but i can see them. I have seen great huge mechanical devices and large fields or collections of planes and huge ships that are lying in dry sand , like a museum. the only thing that has interacted with me is a man in a black suit with dark sunglasses - this man is like a tour guide. one time he took his glasses off and his eyes where like spinning spirals that mezmorized me. but the key to all this crap, is not to be scared of anything, show no fear and you can do anything you want to do. and go anywhere you want to go. do not waste time on levitation of just a few feet , do not trip out on viewing your own out of body trip, fly high and go - dont waste time on the common BS, enjoy and explore - if this is what happens after you die, then it is going to be a blast. kind of different - but fun. i never fly in daylight in these dreams - its always kinda dark - light enough to see and swim and fly, -

the only bad thing is sometimes I forget that I can fly - so I waste time running and walking around, and them I remember to fly, but them i cant find the thing I wanted to go back and look at,

Oh well, Iam prob wacked in head anywayz huh?>
I have never died in my dreams but i have had objects stuck in me - i just pull them out and laugh at it,, i learned to fly and fall without fear and to fly backwards (this enables you to see where you are going - like a little rearview mirror). i have been to some other world and walked around another place in time. I have seen these huge lakes of crystal clear water and walked on the water without fear or drowning. i have no idea where this place is or if it is even real or just a place my mind made up. I get to explore these worlds in depth and even get to play around and climb on anything I want to. I only once or twice had any thing weird happen , once i tried to grab a orb and I did, but when I jumped up and tried to fly away with it , I fell instantly and woke up real fast, without the orb. I have dreamed that I was dreaming and things like that. I can read text in these dreams, and I can talk and hear, except most of the times the other people or things cant see me , but i can see them. I have seen great huge mechanical devices and large fields or collections of planes and huge ships that are lying in dry sand , like a museum. the only thing that has interacted with me is a man in a black suit with dark sunglasses - this man is like a tour guide. one time he took his glasses off and his eyes where like spinning spirals that mezmorized me. but the key to all this crap, is not to be scared of anything, show no fear and you can do anything you want to do. and go anywhere you want to go. do not waste time on levitation of just a few feet , do not trip out on viewing your own out of body trip, fly high and go - dont waste time on the common BS, enjoy and explore - if this is what happens after you die, then it is going to be a blast. kind of different - but fun. i never fly in daylight in these dreams - its always kinda dark - light enough to see and swim and fly, -

the only bad thing is sometimes I forget that I can fly - so I waste time running and walking around, and them I remember to fly, but them i cant find the thing I wanted to go back and look at,

Oh well, Iam prob wacked in head anywayz huh?>
I’m no expert but this is what I think. Im all about dreams

I’m no expert but this is what I think

I’m 23 and I love dreams. I always have lucent dreams. First with that flying thing. When I was younger I could only jump really high like you but then drop like you. Over the years of kept doing that, now I finally can fly. No lie for the past 2 years I fly every night and have super powers of anything I put my mind to it. Shooting fire, moving things with my mind whole bunch of super hero stuff, it’s crazy but it’s amazing. Now I got a problem. For the past two nights’ I have woke up in my bed and I was still dreaming. The first time I saw something scary I woke up in my bed in my room and it looked so real,(still dreaming) and I ran for the door but it didn’t open and I cracked my head open. I freaked out. There was so much blood. Normally I would just heal myself, but I thought I already woke up, so I believed it. I was so scared. Honestly I had 3 false awakenings in one night yesterday. Last night I was scared it was going to happen again, so every time I was falling a sleep I woke my self up. I had two false awakens last night before this happened. Now this is where I know what you’re talking about with being paralyzed. It only happened once, but I know exactly what your talking about I felt it this morning at 5 am and I’m still awake from it I didn’t go back to sleep. It is the scariest shit I have ever experienced lol. I woke up and couldn’t move or say anything I heard some one talking to me and I also heard someone snoring right next to me, but I sleep alone. I had my eyes opened and I could see everything in my room it, was real. I couldn’t move for least 5 minutes. Then finally I could move, the voice and the snoring disappeared. But visually every thing stayed the same. Now I’ve been looking up everything on the internet this morning, to find an answer, and I couldn’t. This is what I honestly think. Again I’m no expert but this makes sense. You’re half awake and half asleep. You’re awake but you’re still dreaming. It’s like mentally you’re awake, but physically asleep. But here’s the thing if you’re mentally awake, why do we hear noises. So I think were also half asleep and awake mentally too. It’s crazy but come on what else could it be. I think this happened to me because I kept waking my self up before falling asleep. But I had two false awakening before this happened. Now I come to the conclusion the paralyzed thing happened because I made it happen, by being scared of false awaking so I was bouncing back and forth from reality to dream. You mind is a powerful thing. Now for these past two nights I feel so tired, like a falling feeling in my dream and when I’m awake, but I’m not falling, now that’s screwed up. I think I’m physical exhausted but mentally alert because of fear. What do you think? Now with that dying crap, this is what you got to do lol. I used to die in so many dreams not waking up before it happens like every one else does. This sucks for people like us. but now I have healing powers. And I never die in my dreams in fact last night some one tried to run me over with a car and I just lifted it up with my mind and threw it miles away. Lol. When you’re in a fight, you have to think like a superhero. You got to think you can’t die, and two you got to face him. Stand up to him. This will take a lot of practice, because it took me a couple months to get this right. But now I just shoot electricity, fire ice, you name it, what ever you want to do, to this attacker go over in your head over and over, and when your about to go to sleep, visualize that attacker and that dream and visualize what your going to do to that attacker. Eventually, when you fall asleep, you will be able to do this to him. It’s good you have lucent dreams because this will be a lot easier. The hard part is when your attacked you have to be aware you’re in a dream or that it’s just a natural instinct on what to do to him. You are in control of everything. I read that a guy was being chased by another guy in a dream and had the same dream over and over. Until the last time he stopped. Faced him and said you can’t hurt me. And then the guy said hurt you, I just wanted to say I love you, that’s why I’ve been chasing you, and never had that dream again. How screwed up is that. But the only way to get around it is to face him. Or my friend said this, I haven’t tried it, but turn around in circles and you will appear some where different Lol I’ve done every super hero move then you can imagine, but you got one up on me. I never went through walls. I’m going to have to try that. Try turning invisible lol that’s the hardest one. I’m in control of all my dreams but me waking up and still dreaming sucks royally and screws up my head. Try praying, I believe in God through Jesus that’s what got rid of my fear and nightmares, I pray all my life and for the past two nights I didn’t and look what happened to those dreams. But that paralyzed thing can’t hurt you, your just sleeping awake.
Probably time to buy a dreamcatcher, always use it with an open window. If the problem maintains, buy a aquarium with a lobster. Only one, otherwise they kill eachother. Praying won't help much i think. Or ask a parapsycologist.
Yes. Cheeses and milks stimulate certain chemicals of the brain, makes dreams more lucid and vivid.