help: DIY heads up display

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It's a little harder to change resolutions, than just changing a resistor. Not being a smart-ass or anything...but do you know how to read the color codes on a resistor yet? or know how to read a schematic? It's a good thing to know. Plus...anything that small isn't going to have discreet resistors all over the board, the enitire circuit will be in a single custom made super small IC.

The real trick will be making two proprietary systems talk with each other...
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Hold a book up to your face as close as the goggles are, and try to read anything.. our eyes can't resolve images that close to our face. That's why current head mounted HUD's are great big huge things.
HUDs don't display things that close: the focus of the image is "at infinity" so the distance to the "screen" doesn't matter.
This is why and how the USAF among others is looking for in-helmet projected data for pilots of combat aircraft.
Thanks for the info Oli...I know more about electronics than eyes. :)

So if the military is still looking...what'd ya think are the chances that someone with very little engineering experience could build a working prototype out of consumer-available parts? Slim to nil?
Thanks for the info Oli...I know more about electronics than eyes. :)

So if the military is still looking...what'd ya think are the chances that someone with very little engineering experience could build a working prototype out of consumer-available parts? Slim to nil?

Who built the world's best-selling/ working air-air missile?
(Just a thought... :))
buahahahahaha ive got it working.....sort of

i took apart an old old digital camera,scrapped all the parts i didnt need like the lense and frame and rebuilt it into a new smaller frame for all the hardware and circuitry
after that i made a direct connection in place of the actual camera eye to an svideo cord

once i had that all i had to was setup my laptop to run on the same pixel ratio and size

the only thing "technically" that i have left to do is fit the screen to the right lens and an old pair of aviators

btw. would you know where i could get ribbon extenders maybe ten inch length
having a bulky camera near my head would be a bit of a drag.
Welp ---- my idea definitely wouldn't be "cheap" or easy.....or attainable by the average chump twiddling around in his garage...... but........

Seems like you could make a lens for your goggles using the same technology as those transparent LCD clocks. Have you seen those before?

Here's a link to a picture of one

Imagine something like that integrated into the glass/plastic at one of the the corners of the goggle

How much data would you need displayed for paintball besides ammo right? I guess you could make it fancy and add current heading, gps coordinates, current temperature, current time (anything relevant --limited to text or numbers)

Should be lightweight seeing as how those clocks are powered by a couple of AA batteries.

Assuming you could solve the "field of vision" problem, it might be kinda cool. Maybe a little bifocal area?
I used to have a set of laser guns which came with wearable targets and a HUD back in 1998. All I remember is that it covered both eyes, was slightly tinted and was really clear. No idea how it worked, as it never interested me back then. I was too busy fighting.
See, Dr Karlo Kopp for all military tech related explanations
search on ausairpower, helmet mounted display.

But of course these video game glasses come close, and on a non-military budget. One or two have flown RC model planes with onboard video transmitters using glasses such as these. (1st person control)

dang it won't let me post links, google on i-glassesstore
after that i made a direct connection in place of the actual camera eye to an svideo cord

Cool...I'd like to see that. How did you covert the analog signal of the S-video cable to the digital inputs of the CCD sensor?

This will be the sort of thing I reckon.
Do you think that this might have any signifigance?
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hopefully the ending product will look like a normal pair of sunglasses with a small circuit board encased on the side

along side that im making a mouse scratch pad in a whatch frame or atleast have it on my wrist maybe even a key board if im ambitious

as soon as all this is finished im going to try to patent the design as a true personal computer


wow im nerdy for a girl
actually i looked into the design of the device just now

and it seems like the only problem with my plan is that it formats in pal and not ntsc
and that shouldnt be hard to fix as most prebuilt devices support both formats and can usually be fixed by removing a resistor


PAL and NTSC are different formats, ... 625 lines vs 525, not many pieces of equipment support both. PAL is superior quality, so that's hardly a problem.
Some things to look at for your heads up display

do a google image search for a company called XYBERNAUT. They were doing cool stuff like 10 years ago that may be relivent to you now. And cheep.

Also Look at this heads up useability open house i found. The applications are endless...

If you build it, and it works i want one too! :)
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