Help Christians!

Originally posted by Jerrek

I think he knows absolutely nothing about Judaism and/or Christianity and is grabbing for air. Jesus was indeed a Jew.

It's a she my blue or voilet haired premature egg yolk. I'll talk to you more when you grow up more......As far as religion, Mine and your creator will judge between us in the matters that we differ I shut your annoying yap. Next time, instead of insulting, just go and find a biblical verse showing that Jesus indeed proclaimed to be a Jew.

Show me one verse, where Jesus said:
"I'm a jew"

Good luck not finding it.
No my genious, that's what make ordinary people like you christians. Jesus was a an orginator, not a follower. And even oridinary folks have renounced their parents versions and chose their own beliefs....

Oh and I forgot, Abraham parents were pagans, does that make the friend of god Prophet Abraham a pagan by difinition...the list goes on.
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Of course it does, you're just being slow. What I'm trying to say,, is that your parents religion have absolutely no influence on your religion. I gave an example of Prophet Abraham who was a follower of god. His parents were pagans, and we don't call him pagan Abraham.

The jews were mocking jesus at the time of his death by labeling him the King of the jews. Jesus came to show the jews that they were so off tract from the original message of believing in god that they needed reform. Jesus was not a jew or a chrisitian. He was a believer and follower of god...plain and simple...I hope he could come again and tell us all that.
heflores, you're confusing the religion, Judaism, with the race, Jews. Jesus was a Jew racially.
Jewishness is a race????:confused: :confused: I thought it was a diseace...just kidding. :D . No really, I'm simple like that, I think religions belong to god and because there is one god, it follows that there is one religion...The religion of god. All the other mess that have been convoluted over the years gives me a headache.
Jesus wasnt just a jew, he was a rabbi. Heck, he couldnt be christian as he cant worship himself. Before then the only major monotheistic religion was judaism.
They sound like a bunch of kids, don't worry about them, hopefully they'll become wiser as they mature.

Unfortunately, the main instigator, the administrator, is close to 30. Another member who posted equally intelligent posts was 40. Yes they seem close to middle school age.
Originally posted by Xev
Whoa, Catholics do not worship idols or statues.
The Pope says Mary worship is proper. The pope has bowed down and prayed toward many statues of Mary. A women dead in a grave.
Who is this Judiac god????? Judia means guidance. I thought god is the creator of human kind and universe.

I don't know. You tell me. I said "Judaic". Judaic, as an adjective, means of or pertaining to Judaism. :p

Noone dies for noones sins.

Hey, that's your belief, and I agree with you. However, according to Christianity, Jesus died to save humanity from having to pay for their sins by going to hell. Or something like that. Haven't you ever read Chick Tracts? Or at least the Bible? :p

People are responsible entities that take responsbility for their actions.

Christians generally take responsibility fo their actions, but believe that they won't have to pay eternally for their sins because Jesus payed for them by sacrificing himself.

I'm sure people on death row would love your concept of Jesus though, maybe he can sit in the chair for their sins too.....rediculous concept unfit of Jesus or god.

Hey, don't get mad at me. That's just what Jack Chick says. And all the other Christians I've ever met in my life. Of course, I personally think it is highly unlikely that God exists, and I believe that God does not exist (however I do not "know" this). I believe that it is possible that the individual today referred to as "Jesus Christ" existed at one time in history, but I think it highly improbable that he was sent to earth by the Judaic god on a mission.
Originally posted by hotsexyangelprincess
By your defintion of a Christian, then Messianic Jews could be considered Christians. but they're not. An Jesus would have been a right-wing libertarian, if not an anarchist. :m:

Messianic Judaism is a sect of Christianity. It's Christianity that still observes Jewish holidays and the Jewish holy book, etc.
Originally posted by Jerrek
They worship statues of Mary.

No, Catholics have their own editted version of the Bible. The King James Version, as we know it, is not used by Catholics.

Killing of a few religions here, aren't we?

Agreed :)

I think he knows absolutely nothing about Judaism and/or Christianity and is grabbing for air. Jesus was indeed a Jew.

Catholics generally do not worship statues of Mary. They use them as a vehicle for worshipping God.

The King James bible has portions removed too (although they are nearly all from the Old Testament).

And when did Jesus claim to be a Jew?
Originally posted by Jerrek
heflores, you're confusing the religion, Judaism, with the race, Jews. Jesus was a Jew racially.

There is no Jewish race. That's a myth.

Modern Zionists tend to claim that the Jewish race is descended from Israelites who fled Israel. Well, I've got news for you. The race isn't pure enough anymore. My mom looks just as much Anglo as the next person. I look Anglo too. I probably have a few ancestors from Israel, but there has been mixing, especially since the end of WWII.

Modern-day Israelites are descendants of, if not themselves, people with German, Russian, French, Polish, Hispanic, English names. Italian, Greek, Ethiopian, Arab, Tatar names. Quite a few changed their names upon moving to Israel, thus giving the illusion that they are really Israelites when it comes to race. However, Israelites weren't black. They weren't hispanic, or greek, or italian. They weren't russian, or polish, or german.

Racially, Jesus was an Israelite. Not a Jew. If anything, that was his religion. And perhaps it wasn't even that, maybe he was an Atheist or a Shintoist... :p
Sephardic/Genetic Jews and Arabs are of the same "race". Genetic Jews are Arabs, who shared the same genetic origin only yesterday in an anthropological perspective. Of course there is really only one single human race, with a wonderful variation of decorative styles on the same basic clever-monkey theme. Christians, ethnic Jews, and many others whose religions and cultures incorporate it, are still often caught up in racism, and sorely need to drop this silly destructive hangup.
Shock Rifle!

The UT Shock Rifle smilie is cool!

In the meantime, this is an excellent topic going here. Strange, maybe we should hold more religious debates in the WE&P forum ... er ... um ...

BTW, just to revisit an old question and a part of the topic that should stay dead, I'm just curious: If Catholics aren't Christians, then why did God trust them to be essentially the vessel that brought Christianity ... well, through quite a bit?

I mean, it's not like Protestants have done a whole lot better; while the numbers are certainly lower, the scattered divisiveness and mutated forms of faith that have scarred the intervening years since the Reformation are at least equally disgraceful. But Catholics guided the development of Christian thought for centuries. If they're not Christian, why would God will such a thing?

And what's with the Bible? What, you lop out a few more books and call it even more official?

Tiassa :cool:
Will the Real Cristian stand up plz...!

Catholics and Protestants fighting about the legacy of Jezus, Sunnits and Sji'its fighting about the legacy of Mohammed....
Originally posted by Jerrek
quote:Arent we all supposed to be the children of god?


actually that is quite wrong, Jesus himself said in the bible that we all are children of Jahve ;)
Christian is somebody who follow Jesus teachings; in this sense, catholic, protestant, orthodox, etc. are all deviant divisions, invented by human burocracy, and not sanctioned by Jesus.
Each of them have his own pet doctrines, which are not at all important; what is important, is what Jesus did and spoke.
I am not catholic, but I admire John Paul standing on the present demential fantasy named "eliberation" of Iraq;
No war is good, and with more wisdom and understanding all human problems may be solved in a peaceful way. The problem is not the religion -any one- but the human stupidity, of whom there is no escape, specially when it is combined with political propaganda, where everything is either white ("us") or black("them"), while in reality white and black do not exist, everything being a degree of grey.
Your average American Christian falls somewhere in the middle between the KKK and neo conservatives.

The KKK believes race is more important than religion

The neocons believe religion is more important than race

The white house hopes Billy Graham will appeal to both.

but $ (at all costs) reigns supreme.