
Welcome Callatya,

New people give us a fresh look at the world, so welcome Callatya and I hope you post often. And thanks for the heads up on the ponies ... - see what alcohol can do to you? I only remember the decade as a whole. A word for the curious - the memories don't come back when you stop drinking either! Oh well.

Wet1, Childhood-smildhood! Photocopy everything if you want to remember them, but holy cow, run out and buy yourself a safe!
As Bebelina said you're sitting on a goldmine.

Cheers everyone,

Welcome, welcome, welcome...

As Stryder said, there are a few Brits to kick around here, good to have one more! :D

As for the Ponies... they were the cutest little things with the most annoying little jingle (in the US, anyway). It is now rolling constantly through my head and most likely will not stop until next Tuesday. Hope you're satisfied with yourself.

Remember that we respect all of your opinions, no matter how wrong they are!!

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velcome, callatya.

Well that answers my question, green. Now I can start sleeping again without wondering "what is HELEN talking about?"