Hell ?

qwerty mob said:

Are you hypersensitive, humorless, or both?

Alright...my apologies. I'm not going to get into an argument with you since these forums are based on debate.

I'm not "hypersensitive", or "humorless", I just think that calling my beliefs ridiculous was uncalled for.

Moving on...
I apologize, friend. It is my assessment that Mythbuster was not intending to insult you personally, either.


Now, going back to hell, err, to hell with- no I mean... about Hell......


Is is not a fallacy of equivocation that such a place has no dimensions? It would seem to me that going to "dimensionlessness" is more semantically correct.

And objectively, more terrifying...

Mythbuster said:
One thing I love hearing creationists say: "Dinosaur fossils were planted in the soil by the devil to test our faith."

I think I was around 10 years old. Stepfather told me the earth was around 2000 years old. I said then "How can you explain the dinosaurs?!" Well, he replied emphatically and with complete seriousness, "Maybe the devil put it there to trick or confuse us!" Such unbelievable deceit making reality fit your beliefs. They do it because it actually works for personal power. I caught him another time in one of his hypocritical contradictions and I pulled the Bible out,(as a child) that what he was saying was in contradiction to a verse in the Bible. He absolutely refused to look at it and turned the tables on me accusing me of lying and being insane and how dare I, a worthless lifeform question him. He kept repeating nastily and violently "Where? Where? No, its not! No, its not in there!." He wouldn't even give me a chance to answer him after he belittled me and made me to "feel" as if I was wrong even though I knew I was right, I felt like someone had punched me and I was dumbfounded. He was extremely vicious. I wonder what people like this are trying to hide and what they are fighting for. He is so secretly deceitful as if he's biding his time for the likes of him to rule the world, such deceit but such extreme unwavering passion and conviction he was right and God's right hand man and judge over lesser beings. If he sinned, he justified it that the other deserved it, meaning if he lusts its because of the wickedness of the other and so they deserve to be treated as such etc to the point there was really nothing committed. Is that unbelievable or what? Total emphatic projection of the undesirable onto others while he remains pure because he is and those he deems to be of his kind are 'exalted' therefore worthy of humanity but not others. Meaning he may deserve rights but I may not. This was is his real belief and attitude. How can one fight such pure and willful deceit?
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M*W: I could disobey god without even a mere thought, but I will never betray myself.

i dont think you can combat that. The only great purifier death would, but thats extreme.

The super religious always seem to be nutty it will probably be recognized as a psychological disorder in the future. I often find they are bigger sinners then those they accuse of being evil.