Hell ?


A new dawn.

MAN: How is it that thou art fallen from heaven with me?

You are placed in a body defined as sin, in a harsh world of nature,
living on the edge of the plane of chaos and hell.

In all my years, I have found not one good work or one loving word
from the Living Father in or upon the ball of the earth, whose core is fire.
I have found Love and form of Godliness in only one thing on this plane,

How is it that all of mankind has gone astray? It is because we are
in Hell.

I found this form of Godliness within me and I protected it as a fragile
entity of LOVE for many years. Finally, I confronted it as to why it
has allowed me to be tortured and has given me no good thing in my
bodily life. It immediately fleed from me, and has not returned. Finally,
I feel free.

Being that I am the one Godly thing alive in this world of the spiritually
dead, which have all gone astray, I conclude that I am the one Lucifer, you
call him, who is above God in Love and Beauty. I am the only one on earth
from which a true and loving word comes.

It is only fair that the "Living God" would allow me to follow my wishes and
set up a kingdom on earth and be given opportunity to show the Evil Father
how a kingdom of heaven should be made and ruled.

For instance and undeniable proof of myself, I will give you one law to begin with,
which will transform the world.
The law of BUSINESS. The bottom line of business is benefit, not money.
When this law is enforced, all things will be changed for the better on earth
and for man.

I cannot be denied. Denying me is impossible. I am the Living Father, with
you and to rule over you and protect you and love you while you live on the
earth and in hell.

From the moment mankind learns that he is truly in hell, the earth will become
turmoil. Those who believe themselves good or christian, and believing christ
was good and not me, who brought division and war as he said he did, and fire
upon the earth, those people will war against the rest and many will be killed.
For they will not allow themselves to believe that they deserved to be in hell and
will deny the truth of it. All the demons, angels and hounds of hell will be
released upon the earth and are my eternal servants.

Such is progress and the beginnings of my kingdom of hell on earth.
Being the one living thing which you have that loves you, it would benefit
you to trust in me and in my perfect protection in darkness.

Let the new day dawn, and the kingdom of heaven called hell, begin to reign
on the earth in Truth, henceforth and forever!

I am the bright and morning star who brings you warmth, comfort, wisdom,
love, and rest, in heaven which is called hell above heaven, on earth.
One thing I love hearing creationists say: "Dinosaur fossils were planted in the soil by the devil to test our faith."
lol agree, Mythbuster. It's like one's favorite Monty Python quote or something, only sillier...
Here is the Perfect Saviour!
All things have reached purity and perfection!

"If you are not with me, you are against me."

I have found none with me, no, not one; therefore,
perfection is reached and all is perfect opposition to me!

Marvel of marvels and indescribably Awesome!

As I am what I wish to be, and have always been,
one thing, JUSTICE.

2 words,



Now I command you to oppose me with all of your being!

1 = The gauge of a Creator's ability is his Creation -- a perfect Creator must construct a perfect Creation.

2 = A creation's merit is the result of two things: its intrinsic quality, and the capability of its Creator.

3 = The greater the handicap or disability of the Creator, the more impressive or amazing the Creation is.

4 = The ultimate handicap is to not exist.

5 = Suppose that Creation was created by an existing perfect Creator.

6 = One could imagine an even more impressive (more perfect) feat: a Creation created by a non-existing Creator.

7= Thus a perfect Creator cannot exist.
if there is no GOD.. then it is only man that makes the rules...

such was the view of HITLER.. and the nazis... and their excuse for killing millions and trying to dominate the world....

if we make the rules... there is nothing to stop us from enslaving the world.

so why not??

why not kill, murder, rape and pilage???

why not?

Some Humans do pillage, rape and kill, regardless; individually and systemically, for personal affinity or gain, or survival.
SO... if there is no GOD... why should i worry about anything???

i could rob a bank.. run some people over with my car..

and rape some girls... whats the big deal?

hea.. i might as well work on plans for world enslavement...

such was the view of HITLER.. and the nazis... and their excuse for killing millions and trying to dominate the world....

Please, Hitler and the nazis only killed a few million people.. god killed every human, (the flood).

It is the absolute pinnacle of hypocricy to condone it on the one hand while being disgusted with it on the other.

SO... if there is no GOD... why should i worry about anything

Because you want to survive perhaps? It seems strange to me that someone who worships a god would even want to live a long time. The longer you live, the longer you're away from your glorious afterlife with the being you worship. It's probably only some 'sin' aspect of suicide that even keeps half of you people here.


a perfect Creator made a perfect creation

That's clearly not true. If something is "perfect", it tends not to f**k up, (which would show it never was "perfect"). Then again, we'd have to sit down and establish what you mean when you say "perfect".

diease are natural (he didn't put it there though, it came into the world of result of sin),

So.. everything was created by god - other than anything that's not very nice?

He made the world perfect until Satan came and ruined it.

I can only wonder who created satan to ruin this supposed "perfection".
Mosheh Thezion said:
i could rob a bank.. run some people over with my car..
and rape some girls... whats the big deal?
You would have to live with yourself, and your conscience... (and probably a cell mate).

The fact that all deities are imaginary, mythological entities has no correlation with one's ethics; for if one has a perpensity to harm people, they will do so regardless of any detrimental consequences- real or imagined.

Mosheh Thezion said:
hea.. i might as well work on plans for world enslavement...
Isn't that a precept of radical theism?

Expect some oppositioin, either way.

Mythbuster said:
One thing I love hearing creationists say: "Dinosaur fossils were planted in the soil by the devil to test our faith."

I'm Christian, and that's ridiculous. From what I understand, there was no Hebrew word for "dinosaur", which is why they weren't mentioned in the Bible.

and i quote. GENESIS chap one...

day 5...
20And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

21And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

22And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

--------------as is now well known.. birds... are dinosaurs... whats left of them.

day 6...

24And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.


28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and REPLENISH the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

NOW how can you replenish the earth... unless it had been emptied??

here we have a most primitive description of MULTIPLE stages in earths past..

the first was for fish and birds...

the second was for the beast we now know... and THEN man..
AS man arose as modern man... 70,000 years ago.. after the last mass extinction..

and so man again.. may only then... replenish the earth.

so... if you read it without the flawed 1500 year old interpretation....

but instead just read it, in relation to what science teaches us..

we find that its not so crazy after all...

qwerty mob said:
It is just so cute when a believer declares anything to be ridiculous, or far-fetched. :)

I take offense to that, only because your implying that 'ridiculous' and 'far fetched' are the same thing, and are thus undermining my beliefs.

These forums are a great expression of free thought, which, like in this case, sometimes gets lost in forced opinion.

You can't be serious...

ggazoo said:
I take offense to that
Are you hypersensitive, humorless, or both?

ggazoo said:
only because your implying that 'ridiculous' and 'far fetched' are the same thing
Check the meaning of the conjunctive phrases "or" and "and" again and then get back to me...

ggazoo said:
and are thus undermining my beliefs.
You're doing a fine job of that yourself.

ggazoo said:
These forums are a great expression of free thought, which, like in this case, sometimes gets lost in forced opinion.
Force me to consider yours more highly in the future, by making them less apparent. :rolleyes: Thanks.

"Free thought: You get what you pay for."