hell or heaven


Atheism:is non-prophet making
Valued Senior Member
if I'm to go to hell, as the religious say for being an atheist, then at least it will be cooler there, a good 80C cooler.

The temperature of Heaven can be rather accurately computed. Our authority is Isaiah 30:26, "Moreover, the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days." Thus Heaven receives from the Moon as much radiation as we do from the Sun, and in addition 7*7 (49) times as much as the Earth does from the Sun, or 50 times in all. The light we receive from the Moon is one 1/10,000 of the light we receive from the Sun, so we can ignore that ... The radiation falling on Heaven will heat it to the point where the heat lost by radiation is just equal to the heat received by radiation, i.e., Heaven loses 50 times as much heat as the Earth by radiation. Using the Stefan-Boltzmann law for radiation, (H/E) temperature of the earth (-300K), gives H as 798K (525C). The exact temperature of Hell cannot be computed ...[However] Revelations 21:8 says "But the fearful, and unbelieving ... shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." A lake of molten brimstone means that its temperature must be at or below the boiling point, 444.6C. We have, then, that Heaven, at 525C is hotter than Hell at 445C.

(From "Applied Optics" vol. 11, A14, 1972)

so something to look forward too people.
Not only that..

Think of the person you love most in this world, (mother/child/wife etc). Now.. if they end up in hell you'd be distraught, and you'd have to 'live' with that fact for eternity. As every day passes with you sitting in the clouds playing harps, you'll know that the person you love the most is burning. Most humans would have a problem with that and yet there wouldn't be a damn thing they could do about it.

It seems whether it's heaven or hell we're destined for, we'll all suffer the same.
If heave were totally perfect then satan would not have revolted. I believe that heaven is better than anything I can conceive but that it would not fit my definition of perfect.
If heaven were totally perfect then satan would not have revolted.
your evidence for this is where!
I believe that heaven is better than anything I can conceive but that it would not fit my definition of perfect.
well that's your perogative, you can believe that if you wish, however people of reason, know it's extremely unlikely there is such a place, it's just wishful thinking on your part.
There is no suffering in Heaven. It is a glorious place where everything is beyond perfect. You will go there for eternity if you are a born-again child of Jesus Christ. That's where all 'his kids' go. I'm not taking any chances that my belief in this is wrong.:)
There is no suffering in Heaven. It is a glorious place where everything is beyond perfect.
have you been there, you know this how!
You will go there for eternity if you are a born-again child of Jesus Christ.
and what of your children if they dont turn to christ, what happens to them, you seem to know all the answers.
That's where all 'his kids' go. I'm not taking any chances that my belief in this is wrong.:)
well bully for you, but why tell us what you believe, it's purely subjective to you, I'm glad you feel warm and fuzzy, just dont harm anyone because of your delusion.
There is no suffering in Heaven. It is a glorious place where everything is beyond perfect. You will go there for eternity if you are a born-again child of Jesus Christ. That's where all 'his kids' go.

For a moment consider that the person you love the most will end up burning in hell for eternity, (I explained this earlier).

Your return comment is to say that "there is no suffering in heaven" which leaves us with a couple of choices:

1) You wont remember that this loved one exists

2) You wont care about this loved one

Which is it?
God said it first: the Bible says there is no suffering in Heaven. If I had a child and it did not accept Jesus Christ as its' Lord and Savior when it reached the age of reason, it would be destined for hell. Sad but true.

When you go to Heaven you worship God. It will be the most awesome/glorious thing you ever knew. I don't know if you remember/care about loved ones. There is no scripture for that.
So what will you do sandy if, when your child reaches an age where they start to consider these things, he or she decides that they don't believe? Or that they believe in a different God? Assuming that you've discussed things with them at length, and they've remained Hell-bound. What then? Disown them? Accept them for what they are (ie Hell-bound)? Or what?
God said it first: the Bible says there is no suffering in Heaven. If I had a child and it did not accept Jesus Christ as its' Lord and Savior when it reached the age of reason, it would be destined for hell. Sad but true.

At least you acknowledge that it's "sad" I guess. However, it's worth doing a quick love test.

You die and go to heaven. Once there god tells you that your child is destined to hell to burn forever. He offers you the opportunity to swap places with her. Would you do it?

When you go to Heaven you worship God.

Sounds like awesome fun. An eternity of servitude, of bowing at the feet of a being that created you purely to bow at his feet. And theists dare claim god didn't want robots :bugeye:
IF I had a child it would be raised to be a believer. It would be so full of His word and well-behaved that it would not choose satan over God. It is the responsibility of parents with kids to get them saved. If they don't, the kid goes to hell when he dies.

No to the love test. It will never happen.

You will worship God in Heaven because you want to. He doesn't make anyone do anything they don't want. We have free will.
You've avoided the question, sandy. I'm asking what you'll do in the interesting inevitability that your child reacts against everything mummy believes in (as they probably will, with relish).

What then?
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Let's get this clear... You first said:

"IF I had a child it would be raised to be a believer."

Then said:

"You will worship God in Heaven because you want to. He doesn't make anyone do anything they don't want. We have free will."

So, god won't force anyone to do anything but you think you have the right to do so?

No to the love test. It will never happen.

You don't know that. Perhaps it's the ultimate test of all.. A true test of how much you love your own.
Not only that..

Think of the person you love most in this world, (mother/child/wife etc). Now.. if they end up in hell you'd be distraught, and you'd have to 'live' with that fact for eternity. As every day passes with you sitting in the clouds playing harps, you'll know that the person you love the most is burning. Most humans would have a problem with that and yet there wouldn't be a damn thing they could do about it.

It seems whether it's heaven or hell we're destined for, we'll all suffer the same.

if you had a dream that you had nice friends and woke up to find that you had better friends, what would you make of the dream?
IF I had a child it would be raised to be a believer. It would be so full of His word and well-behaved that it would not choose satan over God. It is the responsibility of parents with kids to get them saved. If they don't, the kid goes to hell when he dies.

No to the love test. It will never happen.

You will worship God in Heaven because you want to. He doesn't make anyone do anything they don't want. We have free will.

Any reason you didn't have any kids?
if you had a dream that you had nice friends and woke up to find that you had better friends, what would you make of the dream?

All due respect but I fail to see the relevance.