Hell is theologically impossible if God is omnipotent.

Say something intelligent and then I will refute it if I feel it necessary.

you are so stupid that u prove alone how ur expressions are wrong so of evil powers and never ur brain free stand is a right that u deserve

concepts abstractions are exclusively of absolute facts, u are the opposite of refuting any, the edge of being from any
Just more of the same old nonsense from GIA. Ignoring free agency, as always.

What free agency?

Tell us about God's sissy fit the moment A & E showed they were free agents and did their will instead of God's.

Do you even know?
Do you see God honoring their free agency?

hello dl
i was in catholic boarding school. they encoraged us to study comparitive religions. that habit has led me to study all types of religions and thus i dont take sides too much. some interesting "agnostic" concepts are via Simon Magus [magnus?] . some theosophical material is by Bailey "treatise on white magic" . both deal with the concept of God, but as usual just another doctrine. too much doctrine all around. doctrine of religion. doctrine of law. it leads to wars, arguements etc. its sressful.

Then if you have a spiritual side, I suggest you forget about religions for other than what their myths say.
Bishop Spong speaks well to this.


The best way to think of these things is that they are all myths. This allows the mind to judge them without pre-conceived notions screwing with your morality.

If you are lucky, you will find the Godhead and only then should you believe in anything otherworldly.
Even then, you will not have to believe the fantasy, miracles and magic of the Gods on offer.

Reading the Gnostic Gospels is also helpful. I call myself a Gnostic Christian.

What free agency?

Tell us about God's sissy fit the moment A & E showed they were free agents and did their will instead of God's.

Do you even know?
Do you see God honoring their free agency?

I have already explained all this to you, but you seem far too interested in some agenda to remember or even actually engage. I won't make the point again only to have you do your usual copy/paste rote reply.
I have already explained all this to you, but you seem far too interested in some agenda to remember or even actually engage. I won't make the point again only to have you do your usual copy/paste rote reply.

Thanks for defending your asinine remarks the proper way by running away.
You do my work for me.

Thanks for defending your asinine remarks the proper way by running away.
You do my work for me.

Okay, troll, why do you insist upon taking the Bible as literally inerrant? Do you not concede that men wrote it, and from a decidedly human perspective?
spidergoat, et al,

I apologize for my tardy response. I was sidetracked on something elsewhere.

Yes, we've all seen this "human logic" applied to the "God Power" concept.

Actually you are wrong. Those attributes are meaningless. This doesn't point to a realm outside of logic, since the laws of logic are self-evident.

Maybe this will help.

First, there are a couple hidden assumption:

  • That logic existed and limited the Supreme Being before the creation of the Universe.
  • That the Logic Laws, created by man, apply to a Supreme Being. That the human assigned attributes of the Supreme Being must follow human logic.
  • That the Supreme Being is independent of man's knowledge; that the Creator has no influence over the development of man to comprehend. That man fully understands the total extent of the Supreme Being's powers. That man's ability to comprehend the abilities of the Supreme Being is equal to or greater than that of the Supreme Being.
  • That manmade mental paradox's limit the Supreme Being in its ability to execute God Powers.
There is a second line of thought, relative to the God Power definition. The construct of a paradox is such that it searches for a human flaw in the definition of manmade definitions of the observable reality and attempts to exploit them. The immoveable object or the circular-square are often exemplary of the quasi-logical tricks applied. And the solution to such manmade philosphical trickery is the exploitation in the opposite fashion. Examples:

  • PARADOX 1: Could an omnipotent Supreme Being (SB) create a rock so massive that that SB could not move it?
SOLUTION 1: Yes. "Lifting" or "moving" implies the force of gravity to hold it in place. The SB merely eliminates the force of gravity and inflates the rock to become the universe. Note: This is a variation on the theme that the SB either eliminates all but the rock from the Universe, thereby there is nothing to lift it from (or off of); and the theme that the SB creates a separate Universe in which the only constituant is the immoveable rock. The more recent (1925) variant is where the SB moves everything away from the rock creating a differential in space. The Quantum (1990's) solution is, of course, for the SB to change the polarity of the rock so that it becomes repulsive to everything around it.

  • PARADOX 2: Could an omnipotent Supreme Being (SB) create a circular-square (Euclidean round square)?
SOLUTION 2: Yes. The paradox presupposes the SB can not alter the perception of man. The SB merely creates the ninety-degree angles over the curvature of space and spins it at some great speed. It is observed by one on the plane to be a square, and observed by another, outside the plane, as a circle.​

But these are all illusionary paradoxes, trickery, created by man to dispute man's limited image of what a Supreme Being might be; and what limitations the SB might have. For instance, even the Law of Logic recognize that nothing can be both "A" and "not A" simultaneously; or, square and not square. The syntax of the paradox does not follow the three self-evident logic axioms: http://editthis.info/logic/The_Laws_of_Classical_Logic

  • The law of identity
  • The law of the excluded middle
  • The law of non-contradiction

These do not really address the concept of a SB and man's mental understanding of such a enormously infinite concept. They are side show to the larger issue.

Most Respectfully,

PS: Remembering that I am Agnostic or maybe a Pantheist; and submit this just because I don't like false logic.
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Question for a Satan, and his angels. Would a perfect God allow you not to go to hell where you self-rightoussly belong, and desire to be?

Hell is heaven from one mans perspective, Satan. Right?
Question for a Satan, and his angels. Would a perfect God allow you not to go to hell where you self-rightoussly belong, and desire to be?

Hell is heaven from one mans perspective, Satan. Right?

Would any sane man or angel choose endless torture?

Would a God take the moral high ground and cure the insane or would he put them in his torture chamber instead?

Judgment and punishment go hand in hand.

Our human laws have a form of punishment where the penalty is graduated to fit the crime. An eye for an eye type of justice.
God‘s punishment seems to surpass this standard.

The definition I am comparing here is the eternal fire and torture type of hell and I am not particularly interested in the myriad of other definitions and theories that some use to supplant this traditional view.

To ascertain if hell would be a moral construct or not, all you need do is answer these
simple question for yourself.

1. Is it good justice for a soul to be able to sin for only 120 years and then have to suffer torture for 12000000000000000000000000 + years?

2. Is it good justice for small or mediocre sinners to have to bear the same sentence as Hitler, Stalin and other genocidal maniacs?
This might actually include God if you see Noah’s flood as God using genocide and not justice against man. Pardon the digression.

Punishment is usually only given to change attitude or actions and cause the sinner to repent.

3. Is it good justice to continue to torture a soul in hell if no change in attitude or actions are to result?

4. If you answered yes to these questions, then would killing the soul not be a better form of justice than to torture it for no possible good result or purpose?

Is hell a moral construct or not?

Please explain your reasons and know that ---just because you think God created it ---does not explain your moral judgment. It is your view I seek and not God’s as no one can speak for God.

I take the bible for what it is.

Is that suppose to mean that you do not take it literally? Then why to do argue it as such?

Just a disingenuous troll. But I am sure you are chomping at the bit to do your usually copy/paste post, so here you go.

The existence of free will necessitates that it not be arbitrarily granted or applied. Any non-natural interference negates it entirely. Now you can baldly deny its existence, but you cannot prove it and cannot substantiate any argument against it, including some imagined logical incompatibility with omniscience or omnipotence.

two concept i think you are ignoring..

one of great debate:
free will..
we have the choice, God can make us believe but then we wouldn't have a choice..

you have seen the debates around here..would 1000 years make a difference on whether one would believe or not?

the other a theory i have heard..
Jesus has spent time in hell attempting to save ppl...
dont know enough about this to argue for or against it, but it is an interesting proposition..
Would any sane man or angel choose endless torture?

Satan is the torture of hell, as he lives it free. Hate keeps it. That is all. No endless torture. Blank landscape what its people will make it.

Would a God take the moral high ground and cure the insane or would he put them in his torture chamber instead?

You said it was a torture chamber. It is what we make it, man. Heaven and Hell alike.

1. Is it good justice for a soul to be able to sin for only 120 years and then have to suffer torture for 12000000000000000000000000 + years?
Yes. Who are they? Did they rape? What did they do specifically is the simplicity of it all.

2. Is it good justice for small or mediocre sinners to have to bear the same sentence as Hitler, Stalin and other genocidal maniacs?
This might actually include God if you see Noah’s flood as God using genocide and not justice against man. Pardon the digression.

Depends entirely on their existence. Don't take biblical accounts specially.

Punishment is usually only given to change attitude or actions and cause the sinner to repent.
Not possible for true sinners.

3. Is it good justice to continue to torture a soul in hell if no change in attitude or actions are to result?
They will stay there.

4. If you answered yes to these questions, then would killing the soul not be a better form of justice than to torture it for no possible good result or purpose?

Satan wants them. If we just kill them all it kinda all just ends. Satan can handle it. Just a place to put the people who wont go who can't be with me, or whom choose to go elsewhere, Hell.

It is your view I seek and not God’s as no one can speak for God.

I can. Hell is because those people want it. They want to rape forever, except Satan. He wants those people for a variety of reasons. Its not important, more than they still love. So a cast system.
spidergoat, et al,

I apologize for my tardy response. I was sidetracked on something elsewhere.

Yes, we've all seen this "human logic" applied to the "God Power" concept.


First, there are a couple hidden assumption:

  • That logic existed and limited the Supreme Being before the creation of the Universe.
  • That the Logic Laws, created by man, apply to a Supreme Being. That the human assigned attributes of the Supreme Being must follow human logic.
  • That the Supreme Being is independent of man's knowledge; that the Creator has no influence over the development of man to comprehend. That man fully understands the total extent of the Supreme Being's powers. That man's ability to comprehend the abilities of the Supreme Being is equal to or greater than that of the Supreme Being.
  • That manmade mental paradox's limit the Supreme Being in its ability to execute God Powers.
There is a second line of thought, relative to the God Power definition. The construct of a paradox is such that it searches for a human flaw in the definition of manmade definitions of the observable reality and attempts to exploit them. The immoveable object or the circular-square are often exemplary of the quasi-logical tricks applied. And the solution to such manmade philosphical trickery is the exploitation in the opposite fashion. Examples:

  • PARADOX 1: Could an omnipotent Supreme Being (SB) create a rock so massive that that SB could not move it?
SOLUTION 1: Yes. "Lifting" or "moving" implies the force of gravity to hold it in place. The SB merely eliminates the force of gravity and inflates the rock to become the universe. Note: This is a variation on the theme that the SB either eliminates all but the rock from the Universe, thereby there is nothing to lift it from (or off of); and the theme that the SB creates a separate Universe in which the only constituant is the immoveable rock. The more recent (1925) variant is where the SB moves everything away from the rock creating a differential in space. The Quantum (1990's) solution is, of course, for the SB to change the polarity of the rock so that it becomes repulsive to everything around it.

  • PARADOX 2: Could an omnipotent Supreme Being (SB) create a circular-square (Euclidean round square)?
SOLUTION 2: Yes. The paradox presupposes the SB can not alter the perception of man. The SB merely creates the ninety-degree angles over the curvature of space and spins it at some great speed. It is observed by one on the plane to be a square, and observed by another, outside the plane, as a circle.​

But these are all illusionary paradoxes, trickery, created by man to dispute man's limited image of what a Supreme Being might be; and what limitations the SB might have. For instance, even the Law of Logic recognize that nothing can be both "A" and "not A" simultaneously; or, square and not square. The syntax of the paradox does not follow the three self-evident logic axioms: http://editthis.info/logic/The_Laws_of_Classical_Logic

  • The law of identity
  • The law of the excluded middle
  • The law of non-contradiction

These do not really address the concept of a SB and man's mental understanding of such a enormously infinite concept. They are side show to the larger issue.

Most Respectfully,

PS: Remembering that I am Agnostic or maybe a Pantheist; and submit this just because I don't like false logic.

The laws of logic apply to everything because they are axiomatic, self evident.

"even the Law of Logic recognize that nothing can be both "A" and "not A" simultaneously; or, square and not square."

Correct, which is why the attributes commonly given to God are not logical.
Is that suppose to mean that you do not take it literally? Then why to do argue it as such?

Just a disingenuous troll. But I am sure you are chomping at the bit to do your usually copy/paste post, so here you go.

The existence of free will necessitates that it not be arbitrarily granted or applied. Any non-natural interference negates it entirely. Now you can baldly deny its existence, but you cannot prove it and cannot substantiate any argument against it, including some imagined logical incompatibility with omniscience or omnipotence.

Thanks for the opportunity for me to show why I use a literal bible against foolish literalists.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.


"Any non-natural interference negates it entirely."

I agree. That would include any commands from a non-natural God. Right?


Free will is quite easy to prove. I have a test you can take if you like.


two concept i think you are ignoring..

one of great debate:
free will..
we have the choice, God can make us believe but then we wouldn't have a choice..

you have seen the debates around here..would 1000 years make a difference on whether one would believe or not?

the other a theory i have heard..
Jesus has spent time in hell attempting to save ppl...
dont know enough about this to argue for or against it, but it is an interesting proposition..

For our free will to believe in God is not an issue because all he would have to do is show himself.
If in our face, no one could deny his reality. Not even the atheists.
It is the fact that he is absentee that causes doubt.

As to Jesus saving people. All he had to do was not condemn us in the firtst place for being exactly what he created.

Sound like a ploy at self-aggrandizing to me. He just wants to be our hero.
Self-serving to the max that.

Satan is the torture of hell, as he lives it free. Hate keeps it. That is all. No endless torture. Blank landscape what its people will make it.

You said it was a torture chamber. It is what we make it, man. Heaven and Hell alike.

Yes. Who are they? Did they rape? What did they do specifically is the simplicity of it all.

Depends entirely on their existence. Don't take biblical accounts specially.

Not possible for true sinners.

They will stay there.

Satan wants them. If we just kill them all it kinda all just ends. Satan can handle it. Just a place to put the people who wont go who can't be with me, or whom choose to go elsewhere, Hell.

I can. Hell is because those people want it. They want to rape forever, except Satan. He wants those people for a variety of reasons. Its not important, more than they still love. So a cast system.

So God will not do the moral thing because Satan likes things the way they are. God pampers Satan then. Ok.
Thanks for your reply. You know nothing of justice.
