Hell is theologically impossible if God is omnipotent.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Hell is theologically impossible if God is omnipotent.

Definition of omnipotent. ----- Having virtually unlimited authority or influence.

Definition of influence. ---- The act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. The power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways: sway. IOW, unlimited powers of persuasion.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

When we die, believers believe that we will face a God who is said to have infinite persuasive powers and influence on the conditions of our consciousness. This power would overwhelm any reluctance for any non-believers who were not sure of God’s existence before death. For the first time, this is when full disclosure answers all questions that have prevented non-believers from believing in God.

All then would come to repentance and be saved.

Given this theology, hell would become a construct without purpose or inhabitants.

That would make Bishop Spong correct in his view.


Why then would the Church invent the concept of hell?

By doing so, the Church ignores God’s omnipotence and causes God to back slide from his position of master of all time and space, to the master of just some. He would not be master of those in hell. It can be argued that God could destroy those souls but that just makes him a destroyer and not master which is his ultimate goal or intent for all souls.

Do you recognize the huge power of God’s persuasive powers that would negate or deal with any objection that the non-believer would have for his non-belief?

Do you recognize that none would choose hell and that it is therefore not required and that God would not cause his back slide by creating it?



Hell is theologically impossible if God is omnipotent.

Definition of omnipotent. ----- Having virtually unlimited authority or influence.

Definition of influence. ---- The act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. The power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways: sway. IOW, unlimited powers of persuasion.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

When we die, believers believe that we will face a God who is said to have infinite persuasive powers and influence on the conditions of our consciousness. This power would overwhelm any reluctance for any non-believers who were not sure of God’s existence before death. For the first time, this is when full disclosure answers all questions that have prevented non-believers from believing in God.

All then would come to repentance and be saved.

Given this theology, hell would become a construct without purpose or inhabitants.

That would make Bishop Spong correct in his view.


Why then would the Church invent the concept of hell?

By doing so, the Church ignores God’s omnipotence and causes God to back slide from his position of master of all time and space, to the master of just some. He would not be master of those in hell. It can be argued that God could destroy those souls but that just makes him a destroyer and not master which is his ultimate goal or intent for all souls.

Do you recognize the huge power of God’s persuasive powers that would negate or deal with any objection that the non-believer would have for his non-belief?

Do you recognize that none would choose hell and that it is therefore not required and that God would not cause his back slide by creating it?




Souls will burn. God knows all through reason. His authority for sinners will be hell.
Thanks for showing your lack of faith in God's omnipotence and the hate you hold in your heart.

Refuting the premise would have been more intelligent and appropriate.
But then, that is not the way with believers.

i tend to agree with you. to me, this hell concept appears to be a human metaphorical invention to explain a state of conscious existance in which we , by free will, disconnect from the higher state that awaits us. the cosmos did not consciously make a hell for man. if there is a hell then its man made thru wrong use of energy OR thru wrong use of energy we tap into an astral dimension inhibited by bad [incoherent] energies. i'll depart here and go to the proper site
hello dl
your quotation 2 Peter 3:9
i am always amazed how bible authors write as if they are in direct communication with God or are his spokesman. thats blatant arrogance. who are they to state Gods ambitions or existance or what he requires of us or not. moses' commandments state what you cannot do but it took the new testament to state what you should do. the word repentance is another misnomer. repentance smacks of authority and control and domination and suffering if you dont. i think God is within us all and not some seperate entity that has to be worshipped. those ideas of worship are demionic, the very images moses ranted about.
hello dl
your quotation 2 Peter 3:9
i am always amazed how bible authors write as if they are in direct communication with God or are his spokesman. thats blatant arrogance. who are they to state Gods ambitions or existance or what he requires of us or not. moses' commandments state what you cannot do but it took the new testament to state what you should do. the word repentance is another misnomer. repentance smacks of authority and control and domination and suffering if you dont. i think God is within us all and not some seperate entity that has to be worshipped. those ideas of worship are demionic, the very images moses ranted about.

Yes. Strange how they can fathom the unfathomable.

Yours is more of a Gnostic Christian view and superior to those idol worshippers who have found a Godinabook.
Keep seeking and you will be rewarded. The God you find within you is not the bible God. The real Godhead is not the miracle working super God that Christians have invented.

That quote is a logical process that a real God would demand.
Yet Christians and their tribal ways will not let God be the Universalist that he is.

but if god is not omnipotent then hell is possible according to urself mind

If God is not omnipotent then what other lies told of him are lies?

FMPOV, all that can be said of an absentee God is that he is not here. Everything else is speculative nonsense and can never be shown to be true.

I've heard that the actual state is intended to be that of separation from the Word. Then again, Satan was supposedly thrown into a lake of fire. But apparently this was:

:shrug: I had no idea.

He is not cast into hell yet according to Christians. They have the usual B S to explain why God's justice delayed is not justice denied.

As usual, they let their dogma lead their thinking instead of the other way around.

god is powerful abusive freedom which is what explain the absurdity of the world

u tell me how inferiors that dont bother to make any effort even while planning the living of same pleasure in being have everything and are shown as if they are too intelligent when it is obvious from any sentence and breath they take that they are worse boring of stupids

u tell me how superiors that really respect everything and everyone else freedom so never involved in any mess or conflicts find themselves by providencial ways forced and raped ??

bc god exist that is why and that is how ur pervert god use truth and existence intelligence to do his wills so hell is for right ones and heaven for his kind

but of course truth exist too and free so wars are always the sense while it becomes everytime more real
the idea that god is omnipotent is of him proving the nature of god is evil wills

u r conscious so able to understand and picture right powerful freedom that cant b objective unless it admit the existence of else as free too, so by concept the most or ultimate powerful freedom is the most relative one

any honest mind know that so is never for god
I agree that freedom is key to existence.

Strange that Christians will give it away for a possibility without any truth and screw their morals to maintain their scapegoat delusion.

existence is to what exist, objective reality to and of what is subjectively already there present so object clarity to its own self freedom

so logically, what do not exist so are never real are screwd constantly by powers over existence inventing justifications that make them loose the right to exist

i can see how existence is meant but also who cant exist ever
I call God Love. Do what thy love. How does one sin? When they act against love, pacifism, faith, etc.
Why then would the Church invent the concept of hell?

The concept of Hell (Gehenna) already existed by the time the Gospel of Matthew was written. Presumably the Church did not yet exist. If anything the author of the Book of Revelation made matters worse by claiming that the sinners would be thrown into a lake of fire.

By doing so, the Church ignores God’s omnipotence and causes God to back slide from his position of master of all time and space, to the master of just some. He would not be master of those in hell. It can be argued that God could destroy those souls but that just makes him a destroyer and not master which is his ultimate goal or intent for all souls.

It depends on which church you mean, and where you are in their evolving history. For example:

Both the third-century father Origen of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa, a theologian of the fourth century, thought hell was more a place of spiritual suffering--of remorse and separation from God. In the fifth century, the great Christian theologian Augustine of Hippo staked out a middle ground by suggesting that suffering in hell was both spiritual and sensory--a view that continues to hold considerable sway.

.... While most of the early church fathers taught that hell's purpose was to punish impenitent sinners, however, Origen suggested it was remedial--that in hell, even the worst of sinners could be rehabilitated and ultimately find their way to paradise. But his "universalist" view was rejected by church leaders at the Council of Constantinople in 543. And while a few theologians of the day believed that sinners ultimately would be annihilated, most held the belief that the torments of hell were unending.

The latest round of revisionism was touched off last summer by a surprising editorial in La Civilta Cattolica, an influential Jesuit magazine with close ties to the Vatican. Hell, the magazine declared, "is not a 'place' but a 'state,' a person's 'state of being,' in which a person suffers from the deprivation of God." A few days later, Pope John Paul II told an audience at the Vatican that "rather than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God." To describe this Godforsaken condition, the pontiff said, the Bible "uses a symbolical language" that "figuratively portrays in a 'pool of fire' those who exclude themselves from the book of life, thus meeting with a 'second death.' "

The pope's more conservative critics complained that by dousing hell's flames, the pontiff had undermined a historic biblical doctrine and surrendered a potent theological weapon in the church's struggle against evil. "Scripture clearly speaks of hell as a physical place of fiery torment and warns us we should fear," says R. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. For unrepentant sinners, adds Prof. Douglas Groothuis of the evangelical Denver Seminary, "separation from God may seem like freedom from a domineering spouse or parent. Why fear that?"
