"hell" is the sun?

Everything that is apparent to us in this physical world is bound with the gravitation of the earth within its effective magnetic area of attraction. Human beings, too, are the members connected with the attraction of earth inasmuch as they have came into being in this physical world.

As the Koran notes that "We have made everything from water (that is, H2O)", and as every life form on earth is of water, so is man as well!

Since Man lives on this earth and is bound with its attraction, his hologramlike body of frequencies produced by brain —or his "spirit" in its familiar way of saying—, is tied within the gravitation area of earth!

On the other hand, there exists such a peculiarity in human brains that if it performs functioning (starts action), the person can escape from the gravitation of earth and the Sun consequently; and only then may he reach a life of heaven at the dimensional depth of countless stars in space, with a body suitable to the conditions there.

If the circuit to produce such an antimagnetic energy has been unfolded in one's brain, he then gets a body of frequencies along with "LIGHT" (nur). And thus, he is set free in a speed relative to his "light," namely the power of "energy" in his "spirit."

If a person's brain is unable to produce and store such kind of antimagnetic waves on his spirit, then he will not be able to get away from the attraction of earth and subsequently from the Hell, as his light will not be enough. Thus, he will be doomed in the Sun forever!

In the pursuing stages, the Sun will absorb five of the planets of the Solar system up to Mars in their orbits prior to shrinking to turn into a neutron star.

Afterwards, it will never be possible for anything to get out of it once it falls into it. More detailed information on this subject is available in our book, "MYSTERIES OF HUMAN."

As regards the life forms in the Sun, which has been specified with its feature of being "Hell". Its inhabitants were named as "demons of hell" (zabani) in religious terminology in view of their brutish characteristic of making wretched those whom they get hold of, by afflicting severely, damning, so making them helpless, weak (zabun).

Besides man living on earth and jinni on earth and in space, there are particular life forms of every planet and every star! Likewise, the Sun too, has its own inhabitants with their specific radiant nature. They were named as demons (zabani) in the Koran; they were given such a name!

Just like we, as the inhabitants of earth execute whatever we wish on powerless beings that is caught to us, the Sun's inhabitants, "demons of hell," will do the same on humans in their own manner as they wish there. All their actions will represent dreadful affliction for people there.

During its stay in the Sun "human spirit" (hologramlike body of frequencies) gets deformed, curved, shrunken and burnt (!) by the influence of high radiation. However it is never completely lost. It resembles someone's body in a dream, which gets squashed, broken, wounded and torn to pieces but after all it still maintains its life the same way as before.

During the life in the Sun known as "Hell," the body of frequencies is no sooner destroyed, squashed, stretched, enlarged, flattened, worn out and burnt than immediately turns into its previous main form. This happens over and over again.

"No sooner will their skins be thoroughly burnt than other skins are given to them." (4:56)

That Koran sign confirms our explanations above.

There is an important point that must be understood very well, now.


The same way as we have a "frequency parallel double" body, at the subatomic level associated with our physical-biological body at the level of our everyday life in the exterior atomic level, the SUN has also a replica, a "parallel double in frequencies" at the subatomic level; that such a dimension stands for its characteristic of becoming a "HELL."

For this very reason, we cannot determine the Hell-fire through our normal sensory means in our everyday lives, the same way as we cannot perceive the human spirits, angels and jinni, that are all life forms of frequency of subatomic dimension.

Beside this, people who had a transition from the level of physical body into the life of spirit body, that is wave-like body, not only observe the spirit world as their environment, but also the jinni sharing their environment and the angels of the same realm.

Furthermore, they watch the hell as well as the life forms in it as if it were right beside themselves. Because, within the perception of spirits, the concept of [local] distance ceases to exist. This is how it happens that people in the afterlife dimension can have a glimpse of hell from within their world of grave. InshAllah, you will find a detailed information about this theme in our book "MYSTERIES OF HUMAN."

Parallel to this, the stars known as the Milky way Galaxy represent heaven not in terms of their visible physical builds, but in terms of their "frequency doubles" (wavelike parallels) that form the subatomic dimension of their physical substance.

Yet, the same way as our everyday surrounding we perceive by our physical sensory means, constructs our current physical world, our surrounding in the afterlife dimension will also appear as our physical world constructed then, much as we now portray it as a "dimension of frequencies" IN CONNECTION WITH our current state of perception from the world.

On the other hand, some hologramlike bodies of frequency (human spirits) eligible to go out to countless number of planets called "heaven," will have a chance of meeting, communicating and setting up relations with one another at the same stations there, owing to the superior power within themselves. They will even have a chance of possession and disposition there.

So to speak, everyone there will be in a way a god (!) of the planets he reaches!

This is because he has been brought into being to be a khaliph of "ALLAH" on earth, and endowed, adorned with countless divine potencies, whereas the particular beings of those planets will lack such a concentrated power that humans own there.

Therefore the residents of "heaven" will reach such rewards that no eye has ever seen before, no ear has ever heard before and no tongue has ever uttered before. All our estimations about them will remain quite mean.

Those who will abide in heaven will be free from the conception of age.

There will not be such conceptions as grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter or children. Everyone there is of the same age.

Those who were adorned with the same potencies and who have the same level of knowledge will be altogether sharing the same environment. However, those who had less knowledge and less energy will be abiding in other environments convenient for themselves.

Perhaps your most beloved friend or someone you were closely attached to in this world will remain far away from you there.

* * *

Consider what your dreams mean to you the next morning when you wake up, only after a few hours, much as you may have lived whatever the other day and you may have seen whatever in your dream while asleep…!

Yesterday remains in the day before, last night in the night before!

If you are suffering torment in prison, even your most beautiful dreams of the night will mean nothing to you after you wake up in the same environment!

As soon as you close your eyes to this physical world [permanently], your consciousness will be opened to a completely new scene, and your life you were leading just a while ago will then count for you nothing more than a dream. Just as when you wake up in a morning from a dream, your whole life in this world will no longer count of any value there. Moreover you will be all alone on your own surrounded by completely new circumstances in a new environment!

So far as that is concerned, it matters for you to perform labor not only to provide you with assets that you are going to leave in this world anyway, but to do as sufficient works as you can to benefit you in the life beyond death.

In the life beyond death, each of us will reap in our spirits only the fruit of our own deeds that we have planted in this world!

If you fail to attain and take advantage of the divine qualities given to you, the divine peculiarities bestowed on your brain, during your life in this world, there will not be another chance for you later once you have tasted death. Many signs in the Koran al Karim repeatedly emphasize this fact:

"When death comes to each of them, he will say: "Lord, let me go back, that I may do good deeds in the world I have left behind. Never! These are the words which he will speak. Behind them there shall stand a barrier till the Day of Resurrection." (23:99-100)

"If you could see them when they are set before the fire of hell! They will say: "Would that we could return! Then we would not deny the revelations of our Lord and would be true believers!

Indeed, that which they concealed before will manifest itself to them. If they were sent back, they would return to that which they have been forbidden. They are liars all.

They declare: "There is no other life other than this one; nor shall we ever be raised to life again."

If you could see them when they are set before their Lord. He will say: "Is this not real? They will reply: "Yes, by the Lord." " (6:27-30)

As the subject of DEATH is touched already, let us now try to explain it as far as we can, for it is absolutely misunderstood among people.

read more at : http://www.ahmedbaki.com/english/books/allah/allah20.htm
hahah.. I'm kind of surprised Sufi responded. His last post (prior to this one) was like 2 months ago.

You know what's really surprising is that he truly believes the crap that he writes. :D

(all PbuYOU,SUFI)

we are watching, and we will "DINE at YOUR table"
YOU will "SEE" the comming of Messiah.
your "word" will NOT go un-rewarded.

http://www.ahmedbaki.com/english/bo...lah/allah20.htm (thank YOU)
"AS THE BREATH OF SPRINGTIME, so too, are my prophets"

"When death comes to each of them, he will say: "Lord, let me go back, that I may do good deeds in the world I have left behind. Never! These are the words which he will speak. Behind them there shall stand a barrier till the Day of Resurrection." (23:99-100)

a princess must wade thru MANY ....frogs (&dogs-gentiles) to find her PRINCE.
i usually try to be a little more...discerning.....about what i say about other's beliefs.......
but this is some crazy bullshit.
maybe hes right.
but id bet eternity on him NOT being right.

thank you for your time.
Chazman said:
The "sun" is the gateway to the spirit world. All un-fullfilled beings will be trapped by the fire of creation and left in(side) the void of darkness. the darkness of self,(or soul energy) that is being exposed to eternal light.....

Thank you :)
We are all dining at the table of Rasuls (the messengers) of Allah.
point noted but i highly doubt the day of judgement is in 4.5 billion years time. Muslims are predicting the day of judgement in this lifetime.

but non-religiously speaking theres no way mankind could live together
for that long ill giving us a few hundred years we would probably destroy OURSLEVES.

but howeverwhen the day of judgement happens then the sun will come closer which makes sense now with what you said but a lot faster then 4 billion years
Preacher_X said:
point noted but i highly doubt the day of judgement is in 4.5 billion years time. Muslims are predicting the day of judgement in this lifetime.

but non-religiously speaking theres no way mankind could live together
for that long ill giving us a few hundred years we would probably destroy OURSLEVES.

but howeverwhen the day of judgement happens then the sun will come closer which makes sense now with what you said but a lot faster then 4 billion years

There is no death for our souls. Death is an experience that all souls will taste. If I repeat it... After separating from our physical bodies through death, we will all be living with our spiritual bodies and therefore we will experience all those stages of our world and the sun not from the physical level but from within the spiritual dimension of the universe.

Those sprits that have been empowered by spritual practices in this world, will be able to escape from the gravitation of the sun and reach out to heavens, owing to the spiritual powers they have gained through employing their brains while alive. Others who were not hardwired "faith" in their genes, and who have not been able to practice and empower their spritual bodies will fail to uplift themselves and stay imprisoned in the hell forever, as the sun will turn to a black hole in the end.
Sufi said:
Others who were not hardwired "faith" in their genes, and who have not been able to practice and empower their spritual bodies will fail to uplift themselves and stay imprisoned in the hell forever, as the sun will turn to a black hole in the end.

Do you think Hitler deserves Eternal punishment, an unbearable punishment that Never ends? Not just 10^9999999999999 years. ;)

What will happen if the star doesn't implode into oneness, into a black hole? There are many stars which never become black holes. I believe hell is a place "in earth" after death, where there is nothing but I and the "devil". There's no way to know the "time" because we have no body and there is nothing which we could compare time with, so that it would become "visible". When we suffer, time doesn't go, time goes slow, when we're are happy there is no time, time goes fast. In hell, time seems to have stopped because of the great suffering there. But time goes on even if we have no idea of it, and after an "eternity" we will be released from "prison". God is all mercyfull.
what768 said:
Do you think Hitler deserves Eternal punishment, an unbearable punishment that Never ends? Not just 10^9999999999999 years. ;)

What will happen if the star doesn't implode into oneness, into a black hole? There are many stars which never become black holes. I believe hell is a place "in earth" after death, where there is nothing but I and the "devil". There's no way to know the "time" because we have no body and there is nothing which we could compare time with, so that it would become "visible". When we suffer, time doesn't go, time goes slow, when we're are happy there is no time, time goes fast. In hell, time seems to have stopped because of the great suffering there. But time goes on even if we have no idea of it, and after an "eternity" we will be released from "prison". God is all mercyfull.

There is an end for every suffering. We all experience it well ni this world.

In one of hadithes as far as I remember we are informed that there will come a day when the Lord will step on the fire of hell and it will be put off. Yet, this does not indicate that there will come the days of heaven from then on for those who were imprisoned therein. The dwellers of hell will abide there forever even if their fire becomes off (after maybe billions of years) in the afterlife realm... Becasue the power that will uplift human sprits into heaven is in having "faith".
All this noonesense about escaping the gravity of the sun, and hell lying in wait is patriarchal ....The idea of the need to escape the "7 planets".....:

The underlying theology of [the Alexandria] schools was essentially the same. The soul was thought to have originated among the stars, but in its descent into an earthly body, acquired the qualities of the seven planets. To remove these qualities, the mystic must re-ascend through the planets, under the conduct of a guide, a role usually assigned to a Sun-god. however, the planets are guarded by fierce opponents, and the mystic must learn the appropriate names of the guardians, in order to pass from sphere to sphere, culminating in a vision of the true god. these were all ideas that could be atributed to either the Chaldeans or the Magi, or more specifically, the Magussaeans.
These teachings formed the foundation of all the great schools of Hellenistic mysticism, including Hermiticism, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, the early Jewish Kabbalah, and most importantly, the Ancient Mysteries"

and about 'Hell'....Understand that patriarchy--which means 'the rule of the fathers' has separated--mythologically/religiously/philosophically-heaven and earth, body and spirit, woman and man. so, see that in this psychological schism all that is of Nature is considered 'evil'...they have personified this idea into the character of th "Devil" in Judaic-Christianity

whereas in earth religious paganism, the 'underworld' was a place NOT to be feared but was a continuum with the universe....and is our DEPTH...our Creative Genius
Sufi said:
There is an end for every suffering. We all experience it well ni this world.

Do you think it's possible to "repent", (to have forgiveness) in hell? Maybe after the "fire" has been put off? If we have faith? I believe in the "cycle of life and death", that we are born here on earth until we reach a kind of "nirvana", and then we come to heaven. They say that life on earth is suffering...
the "sun" of man and the "son" of G-D (all) (pbuh) are one and the same! they exist to serve both man and G-D. (all) (pbuh) without one, the other has no..purpose.

I know this is completely unrelated, and I apologise for digressing from the subject, but there's some quick questions I would like to ask.

1) What is G-D?

I assume you mean god, but wonder why the dash. Is it rude to write a human devised word? I mean, again I will assume that your god is Allah.. So therefore, would it not be appropriate to write "a---h", and have no issues with writing "god" which is technically not his name?

what about speaking? Do you say "g dash d" or do you say "god"? If you verbally say "god", what difference is there in just writing "god"?

2) What's with the (all) and (pbuh)? I mean, every single time you use a certain name you add that.. Wouldn't it work the same if you just voiced "(all) (pbuh)"? Do you honestly have to write it every time? It's just somewhat off-putting trying to read a post that's full of (pbuh)'s and (all)'s.
what768 said:
Do you think it's possible to "repent", (to have forgiveness) in hell? Maybe after the "fire" has been put off? If we have faith?

Not in hell... because there will not be any control of ours on our experience there, for we will only be subject to live the result of our actions and thoughts as we have formed in this world while we had a brain.

One can repent in this world if one has faith and so he stops restoring on his spiritual body the negative energy and information that would imprison him to hell.
We're all going to hell aren't we? Maybe we are there already. We can't do anything to repent, but I still believe that "time" exists.
what768 said:
We're all going to hell aren't we? Maybe we are there already. We can't do anything to repent, but I still believe that "time" exists.

Hell is on the route of everyone.

So it is time to do our best to turn our lives into heaven :)