
When you go to heaven you feel just peachy perfect, eating wonderful bread at god's table and telling him how great he is. God loves you that's all you need to know and a good thing too because there are billions and billion at that table and he can't hear shit all what you are saying. Well he can barely hear 144000 hebrews sitting really close to HIM, speaking ancient gobblygook and arguing that they don't even deserve to be there. There's a lot of people asking where do they get to play the harp for eternity and why aren't the angles, all naked babies. The angels are actually giving you very dirty looks, because all you do is eat all day. Actually you really don't care if someone looks old or young - you are so past outward appearances. Actually you look JUST like GOD. You are just one more perfect looking soul floating around, waiting for fucking eternity to come and end this meaningless shit.

Doesn't Worm-food sound good now?
How much different is it from climbing out of the primordial muck and ooze over millions and millions of years. Believers just go the condensed version route.

It is like someone beating you with a stick for believing in the easter bunny, then telling you that you must believe in peter pan instead.
My Mom thinks we have no bodies in heaven. We are a soul in heaven, not a body.
True, but what about when those in heaven return to the new and improved Earth that we are to live on for a thousand years? Physically bodies will be needed then. If not, and we stay in our spiritual bodies (souls), then does that mean our physical world is directly connected to the spiritual one?

beats the heck outta me. I'm an atheist. :D

Maybe the earth is a different earth. After the hell it goes through during the Apocolypse, its gonna have to be.

In near-death experiences, how come no one ever sees hell?