

OH JOY!!!!
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When you die and go to heaven do you go to heaven as you are or as you want to be?
I mean, is heaven full of old people or do they get to be a child or young adult again?
In Islamic tradition, a person will be reborn in Heaven in the prime of his youth which is 20-25 without blemishes and will become more beautiful every day afterwards.
What if they didn't have a prime. (died in infancy or were crippled)
And thanks for the info! :)
Jannah (Heaven) and Jahannum (Hell-fire) are mentioned frequently in the Quran, and many times alongside each other to show that one has an decision between the two.

Allah (swt) controls both Heaven and Hell, and decides who belongs by balancing the good with the evil they did in life. The most important belief is Monotheism.
I have never come to a conclusion on what we'll look like in heaven, if looks are even a part of it. I've never really bothered to look up any opinions either...

If we do have some sort of image, physically, then I guess it wouldn't be fair if you entered heaven as you died, obviously, noone would have any fun being 4 months old, or 90.

I would assume we'd be kind of an average age, fit and healthy. Babies would probably look like how they would grown. I would guess...kind of a Garden of Eden thing, where everyone is just an adult who can bench press their own body weight. Just my guess.
God created three divine beings: Man, Angel, and Jinn.

Angels are beings made solely to follow the orders of God, they have no free will. The description of the forms and roles of angels are very different in Islam than Christianity.

Man was created from clay with the first man, Adam, and woman Eve (Hawwa), peace be to them.

Jinn are created from Fire and live in a different world than us, they also have free will.

Satan (name is Ibliss, called the Shaytaan) was a Jinn and the concept of the devil is very similiar to Christianity, except he has no power beyond God's will and does not rule over Hell. He is only a whisperer.


Angels, Man and Jinns are Air, Earth and Fire respectively. They have different roles in creation, although all are a part of it.
Lol, and people fall for it.. :bugeye:

The actual word used "alaq" could be substituted by element, dirt, drop, clot , etc. You can take your pick.

definition of alaq (from Qamoos al-Muheet)
Blood in its normal state or blood which is extremely red or which has hardened or congealed, a piece thereof; every thing that sticks; clay that sticks to hands; unchanging enmity or love; Zu `alaq is the name of a hill of Banu Asad, where they defeated Rabi`ah ibn Maalik; An insect of water that sucks blood; that portion of a tree that is within the reach of animals.

Some scholars refer to it as drop (as in drop of semen), others think clay as a composite of water and natural (earth) elements makes a good analogy. Still others think the resemblance to a blood clot makes more sense.
The actual word used "alaq" could be substituted by element, dirt, drop, clot , etc. You can take your pick.

I can take my pick? Doesn't anyone know what the word in that instance is actually saying?

How much different is it from climbing out of the primordial muck and ooze over millions and millions of years.

Uhh.. vastly.
When you die and go to heaven do you go to heaven as you are or as you want to be?
I mean, is heaven full of old people or do they get to be a child or young adult again?
trying to determine the nature of liberated life from one's conditioned life is kind of like trying to determine what a fresh hot pizza tastes like by eating things one finds submerged in the drains of Turkey.
trying to determine the nature of liberated life from one's conditioned life is kind of like trying to determine what a fresh hot pizza tastes like by eating things one finds submerged in the drains of Turkey.

I have no idea what you just said.

My Mom thinks we have no bodies in heaven. We are a soul in heaven, not a body. Our existence in heaven is so different that our existence on earth that we wouldn't be able to grasp it now.

So then I have to question streets of gold, the pearly gates, angels, etc.
My Mom thinks we have no bodies in heaven. We are a soul in heaven, not a body.
True, but what about when those in heaven return to the new and improved Earth that we are to live on for a thousand years? Physically bodies will be needed then. If not, and we stay in our spiritual bodies (souls), then does that mean our physical world is directly connected to the spiritual one?