Heaven or Hell? (Atheists only please)

Well, I'm a bit peeved at Muslims over their idea of heaven for a martyr. It seems that male martyrs get 77 virgins to please them round the clock.

So, as a woman, would I get 77 Chippendale dancers ?
Brutus1964 said:
OK atheists, I am asking you to temporarily suspend your non-belief in God and humor me here a bit. If there is a Heaven and a Hell, which one would you prefer, and why?

I am not going to define what Heaven or Hell is. I will leave that up to you. I would be very interested in your comments. :)
You’re kidding, right? If forced to choose between eternal bliss or eternal suffering, any sane person would choose the former. What’s the point of even asking?
mustafhakofi said:
I with you dreamwalker, I also would be content with just death.

Of course, that would be "paradise", but I don't think I deserve an eternal rest. It doesn't sound logical that I would vanish just because this body vanishes, as if I would only be a body. Rather the body is an instrument which I use.
Nasor said:
You’re kidding, right? If forced to choose between eternal bliss or eternal suffering, any sane person would choose the former. What’s the point of


even asking?

NOTE: the very idea of an 'eternal bliss' or 'eternal suffering' very much reveals the naive thinking of the patriarcal splitters of polar-related reality

just speend 2 minuites trying to imagine eternal bliss, and eternal suffering. can you envisage it?....how can you KNOW bliss lessen you KNOW bliss, how can you KNOw pleasure lessne you know pain?

so their very idea of some heaven and hell that is everlasting is compltely foolish
Yorda said:
Of course, that would be "paradise", but I don't think I deserve an eternal rest. It doesn't sound logical that I would vanish just because this body vanishes, as if I would only be a body. Rather the body is an instrument which I use.
it would just be death, theres no paradise, your conscience ends when you body does there no here after, it is'nt logical, no it's laughable that you actually think you would be anything else but dead.
mustafhakofi said:
it would just be death, theres no paradise, your conscience ends when you body does there no here after, it is'nt logical, no it's laughable that you actually think you would be anything else but dead.

Hah. Once I thought so too. Never have I seen consciousness end or come into being. Rather, the body has made contact with it.
audible said:
hell, as all the best people will be there, read this http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=39484

two guys die and they meet in purgatory, they find out one is to go to hell and one to heaven, so they make a vow,to contact each other in six months.
the months past, and the one in heaven contacts his friend, and ask "whats it like down there", "brilliant" says his friend "theres no work just drinking singing having sex, what about you", "boring, all i do is work make the dinner, mow the lawn etc," is his answer, "why's that" says is friend, "I'm the only one here came" the reply.

need I say more.

( this in no way , means I have any believe in heaven or hell.)

I'd just like to let you know that in hell, according to the bible, one is alone in darkness forever. There is gnashing of teeth. It is neverending torture and sorrow that cannot be comforted. Can you imagine feeling hopeless and being ALONE in darkness FOREVER? Also, in Heaven there is work. You don't just sit on a cloud all day. There is no sadness whatsoever. I choose heaven :)
I think hell is something you create for yourself through negativism. Seems to me that I'm already in heaven.
I'd just like to let you know that in hell, according to the bible, one is alone in darkness forever.

But apparently there's also burning forever. Need I mention that fire kind of negates the possibility of darkness?
Fortuna said:
Well, I'm a bit peeved at Muslims over their idea of heaven for a martyr. It seems that male martyrs get 77 virgins to please them round the clock.

So, as a woman, would I get 77 Chippendale dancers ?

You would be lucky to get me, heathen!

Hey, I'm not a virgin, I know the basics, and I'm potty trained. What more could you ask for?

(Besides, I dance a mean cha-cha-cha.)
asphyxiation: I'd just like to let you know that in hell, according to the bible, one is alone in darkness forever. There is gnashing of teeth. It is neverending torture and sorrow that cannot be comforted. Can you imagine feeling hopeless and being ALONE in darkness FOREVER? Also, in Heaven there is work. You don't just sit on a cloud all day. There is no sadness whatsoever. I choose heaven :)
M*W: When will you be leaving?
Brutus1964 said:
OK atheists, I am asking you to temporarily suspend your non-belief in God and humor me here a bit.
If there is a Heaven and a Hell, which one would you prefer, and why?
kinda stupid question dont you think?
who the fuck would choose hell if it existed?
I am not going to define what Heaven or Hell is. I will leave that up to you.
okey dokey imho heaven or hell is what you make with your life here on earth

and if there was god it might go like this :D
Hell, please.
Heaven is full of god-bothering self righteous idiots. Hell is the alleged residence of all the great non-christian thinkers, Plato, Socrates, Ghandi, Lao Tzu, Buddha, , etc...


Level 1 - Limbo

Charon ushers you across the river Acheron, and you find yourself upon the brink of grief's abysmal valley. You are in Limbo, a place of sorrow without torment. You encounter a seven-walled castle, and within those walls you find rolling fresh meadows illuminated by the light of reason, whereabout many shades dwell. These are the virtuous pagans, the great philosophers and authors, unbaptised children, and others unfit to enter the kingdom of heaven. You share company with Caesar, Homer, Virgil, Socrates, and Aristotle. There is no punishment here, and the atmosphere is peaceful, yet sad.