Heaven or Hell? (Atheists only please)


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OK atheists, I am asking you to temporarily suspend your non-belief in God and humor me here a bit. If there is a Heaven and a Hell, which one would you prefer, and why?

I am not going to define what Heaven or Hell is. I will leave that up to you. I would be very interested in your comments. :)
hell, as all the best people will be there, read this http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=39484

two guys die and they meet in purgatory, they find out one is to go to hell and one to heaven, so they make a vow,to contact each other in six months.
the months past, and the one in heaven contacts his friend, and ask "whats it like down there", "brilliant" says his friend "theres no work just drinking singing having sex, what about you", "boring, all i do is work make the dinner, mow the lawn etc," is his answer, "why's that" says is friend, "I'm the only one here came" the reply.

need I say more.

( this in no way , means I have any believe in heaven or hell.)
lol: audible, great joke, loved it.

it has to be hell, the devil gets a very bad press in the bible, and he's not the nasty one so definitely hell.
Heaven is a very rich person having anything they want or need free to do just about anything.

Hell is poverty, lacking everything, destitute and a failure.
Well of course it depends on the definition of these places and of god(and who decides these definitions) but of course if heaven is perfect(for me) i'd without a doubt choose that(although my idea of perfect will vary wildly from anyone elses and this would mean we all have a 'personal heaven'). My opinion of most ideas of god is that he himself belongs in hell, so where would i want to be? In the place perfect for me in which god does not exist, i suppose by my definition i would choose heaven as theres nothing wrong with it, but by standard definition i'd choose hell, its interesting how things can be different from alternate viewpoints, though it depends what exact variants you wish to add into the discussion.
Okay, Brutus. Heaven and Hell are both here on Earth.

For me, Heaven-on-Earth is helping my wife's church build an addition; sending $500 to complete strangers in Florida whose daughter was born with a severely deformed cranial structure; buying a gallon of milk to replace one dropped by an elderly man in the grocery store parking lot; sending $500 to the Red Cross for the tsumani victims; returning 50¢ to a clerk who gave me too much change; sending $150 for gas to help an airman being medically discharged from the USAF in Alaska to help him and his wife get to his home in North Carolina.

If I passed someone who needed help that I could provide, and didn't, then I would be in my own private hell. So I guess I choose heaven, on Earth of course, because even as an atheist, I do have a sense of responsibility for my fellow man.
Very good answer Marv. OOPS, I broke the rule of only atheists. But, hey I started this thread so I am exempt.

The bible says very little about the nature or what is meant by heaven or hell. Like most things biblical the definition of hell is contradictory but the best analysis I have seen shows that hell is the grave, i.e. the first death where everyone goes (good or bad). The lake of fire is the second death (permanent destruction).

The Christian Heaven appears to be simply “in the presence of God” or it is the Earth beyond judgement day when everyone who has not been destroyed in the lake of fire will be resurrected here in physical form on Earth in an Eden like environment.

But the essentials of heaven and hell are concepts common to all religions, i.e. places that you will go after death depending on your behavior in life. Reincarnation is another variation.

What we see that is common to every primary religion is a promise of a life beyond death, a wish, a hope that it is possible to survive the ugliness and apparent permanence of death. Heaven and hell are of course as real as the land of Oz, and to somehow be reconstituted after you have decomposed or been cremated is a belief bordering on idiocy. But the concept of spirit or soul that can survive physical death offers an escape route from the problems of physical reinstatement. But now we know more about how the brain works there doesn’t seem to be any place where this ethereal entity might reside or indeed how it might interact with reality. The soul is of course once again a figment of zealous religious fantasies and has no basis or possible basis in reality.

Heaven for me is simply the opportunity to have an unlimited lifespan in this physical real universe with all the fears, joy, emotions, hardships, struggles, pain, and misery, that makes life real, challenging and worthwhile.

Hell for me would be a utopia where everything is perfect and where nothing can go wrong: sterile, unchanging, and stagnant.
heaven and hell are polar extremes...agreed?
like all polar extremes that are split, that is the work of patriarchy. who then use the split-off extremes as the carrot and stick authoritarian strategy to cntrol
the ones who fall for it
does this mean heaven and hell dont exist

dont be so quick

pre-patriarchal peoples have their land of Faeirie (my fave)...and summerland. but the places where permaanet, but ressting places between regeneration in physical form on Earth

Hell, th word was taken from Northern Goddess, Hel, who was Queen of the Underworld.
for the pre-patriarchal pagans, the Underworld was a continuum with heaven. a place we are born again. for as i keep saying, the main difference between 'God' and Goddess is that the former is 'above' and transcendental to 'matter' whist Goddess Is Earth. so there was no fear of death--though awe.
The Judaic-Christians demonize the Underworld and Goddess
the patriarchal pagans make it a grim place of shadows

when you take hallucinogens you can have the experience of these polar regions...depending on set and setting. and NDers also report visions of heaven and hell'like experiences

But what Christianity did--as did their influencers, the Orphics, they suggested--the miserable bastards that they were, that hel was aplace of punishment and was everlasting. they did millions of tiny children's heads in with this vile propaganda

no wonder athiests hate/negate 'God' and 'religion'!
Ah, that wonderful old piece. The only trouble is that apparently the only atheistic science fiction writers they could think of were H.G. Wells and ... Gene Roddenberry! I'm pretty sure Isaac Asimov will be there waiting for me in Atheists hell. And Ayn Rand!?? WTF? My God, Eternity with Ayn Rand!

No matter. Heaven is doing what you can for others, and then getting your reward in the love and respect people will give to you in return. Since I do none of that, I am in Hell.
But you are an honest man, Silas, and honesty is also entitled to respect.
i was in two minds on the one hand you'll have david koresh, the rev jimmy jones,jim swagard, joseph smith, yassa arafat, the Iatola homina, or any other crasy religious cult leader, and bad religious people in hell, and all the saints other good religious people on the other hand, in heaven, preaching from both ends, no thanks, so I'd have to decline and choose to stay in purgatory, or somwhere simular.
The word "hell" is derived from the Hebrew Gai-Ben-Hinnom meaning Valley of the Son of Hinnom.*

Here it is:

Doesn't look too bad... I think I'll stay here.


* Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gehenna
Brutus1964 said:
OK atheists, I am asking you to temporarily suspend your non-belief in God and humor me here a bit. If there is a Heaven and a Hell, which one would you prefer, and why?

I am not going to define what Heaven or Hell is. I will leave that up to you. I would be very interested in your comments. :)

Based on how this thought experiment was set up, I came to the conclusion
that I really don't have a preference.
I am asking you to temporarily suspend your non-belief in God

I hate to say it, but that just isn't possible. Heaven and hell do not exist, and neither does god, satan or frodo baggins.
Why would anyone want to be in paradise knowing that some will suffer in hell forever?
Ah snake, but you're forgetting something and so is brutus: god and the concept of heaven and hell (more generally, afterlife) are not a package deal, there are those who do not believe in god but believe in afterlife.

Ok I guess that's a probability, although that still doesn't negate it being completely fictional. Knowing that we're going to die is scary. It's also annoying to know I'll never get to see people exploring space, (Star Trek style), or to see how mankind finally ends up. As a result, many find some convenient piece of fiction to make things seem more fruitful for them.

The best we can do is leave our mark here.. Shakespeare's been dead a long time now, and yet we all still know his name, and can read his thoughts. It might not be sufficient for some, but I consider it a fair compromise.