Heaven on Earth


Valued Senior Member
Feel free to bash or to build on the following idea. It seems to be a popular concept that floats around in various forms and is the notion that life is heaven, here and now. Heaven then can be summed up as being life itself or, "life is a beach."

I recall watching a program where several leaders representing various religions were asked questions regarding the nature of Heaven and the afterlife. The thing that struck me about their answers was that many of those things they described seemed attainable here on Earth. Short of immortality as we might understand it, anything that we might want seems to be here.

A couple of questions:

If life here is not heaven, what is absent that we cannot call it such?

If life is heaven, what then is perfection?

I have no answers for above and invite you to simply explore the above with your own thoughts without answering the question.
At risk of sounding like dragon...

Heaven exists in the mind.
It is here and it is not.
I've often wondered that myself. I mean is heaven a physical place like here on earth (plants, sunshine, fresh air, etc.) or is it some sort of surreal place where we float around as spirits?
Is it another physical planet, another realm/dimension?
If life here is not heaven, what is absent that we cannot call it such?

I'm sure all cancer victims might have something to say about your ideas, don't you?

And what about the millions of people who are starving to death all over the world? You think they might have something to say about your idea?

What about people who are living in abject poverty? Sickness? Diseases? Murder victims? Drug addicts who can't find the money for their next fix? What about the boy who is madly in "love" and his girlfriend won't fuck him?

Perhaps you should think of your ideas with a bit of a broader perspective. Ideals are wonderful things, aren't they? ...until those ideals come up against the ugly realities of life.

Baron Max
I'm sure all cancer victims might have something to say about your ideas, don't you?

And what about the millions of people who are starving to death all over the world? You think they might have something to say about your idea?

What about people who are living in abject poverty? Sickness? Diseases? Murder victims? Drug addicts who can't find the money for their next fix? What about the boy who is madly in "love" and his girlfriend won't fuck him?

Perhaps you should think of your ideas with a bit of a broader perspective. Ideals are wonderful things, aren't they? ...until those ideals come up against the ugly realities of life.

Baron Max

Regardless of all that pain, most would still choose to live. No, most would fight to see the sun rise the following day.

Perhaps you should think of your ideas with a bit of a broader perspective. The ugly realities of life are always there, I know. I have been there. It's very easy to get lost in that ugly reality, too. :shrug:
I've often wondered that myself. I mean is heaven a physical place like here on earth (plants, sunshine, fresh air, etc.) or is it some sort of surreal place where we float around as spirits?
Is it another physical planet, another realm/dimension?

From a biblical perspective it is two things:

1) The expanse above the sky, (known to modern day humans as 'space').

2) A new Jerusalem made out of gold and gemstones that will come down out of heaven, (space), and land on a new earth. The good folk will dwell inside the new Jerusalem while dogs, the sexually immoral and fortune tellers have to stay outside the city.

Heaven is 'space', the afterlife is Jerusalem.
In a way. :m:

:roflmao: :roflmao:


I guess you could see it like that. In that case, I've made a few visits myself. You could ride with just plain ol' MJ, but that's kinda like riding in coach comparitively.
From a biblical perspective it is two things:

1) The expanse above the sky, (known to modern day humans as 'space').

2) A new Jerusalem made out of gold and gemstones that will come down out of heaven, (space), and land on a new earth. The good folk will dwell inside the new Jerusalem while dogs, the sexually immoral and fortune tellers have to stay outside the city.

Heaven is 'space', the afterlife is Jerusalem.

What's this then?

"From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force."

Jesus answered them, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted.

Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.

I don't want to play on metaphors...

But have you made love on hashish?
why the f**k would I want to, surely it would be better to be myself, and enjoy the experience, than have a drug control me.
it would be like date rape, with me being the drugged victim.
Perhaps you should think of your ideas with a bit of a broader perspective. Ideals are wonderful things, aren't they? ...until those ideals come up against the ugly realities of life.

Baron Max

In a previous thread, you gave me a bollocking for suggesting there is such a thing as physical reality and that I lack imagination:rolleyes: You said reality is a dream; so what ugly realities are you talking about? Cancer victims and starving people surely, only exist in Your dream.