
Katazia said:
Gods are man made imaginary objects; there is no reason to conclude otherwise.

Imaginary doesn't mean false. Physicists have always used imagination to come up with their theories and discoveries. But I understand what you mean, for I have also seen gods as you do. However, now I understand what they represent.
c7ityi_ said:
Imaginary doesn't mean false. Physicists have always used imagination to come up with their theories and discoveries. But I understand what you mean, for I have also seen gods as you do. However, now I understand what they represent.

Of course ! Why dont you just create your own imaginary friend instead of following those of others ?
c7ityi_yorda said:
Imaginary doesn't mean false.
no yorda it means imaginary, fantasy, illusion, unreal, etc.
however if you believe your imagination to be real, then you are most certainly giving yourself false hopes.
c7ityi_yorda said:
Physicists have always used imagination to come up with their theories and discoveries.
all science has a factual base, the imagination in the form of educated guesses, is used to try to understand what those facts entail, but no theory or discovery was ever based on imagination.
apart from the religious theory about a god.
Mythbuster said:
Of course ! Why dont you just create your own imaginary friend instead of following those of others ?

Because God is not imaginary, he's our higher self. He's the only real existence, everything else is illusion.
c7ityi_ said:
Because God is not imaginary, he's our higher self. He's the only real existence, everything else is illusion.

Then why dont you tell us how does he looks like ? :confused:
Mythbuster said:
Then why dont you tell us how does he looks like ? :confused:

Because it's impossible to see him with your physical eyes. You can only see his bodies (tools) -- everything in the universe.

God is nothing where everything comes from and reveals itself. Like the center of the Zodiac, where all signs come from. God is nowhere, yet he is everywhere. But in God nothing and everything is an indistinguishable oneness. God is the self. God is love.

"No man has ever seen God; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known."

Jesus said: "He who has seen ME has seen the Father."

"You cannot see MY face; for man shall not see ME and live."

The prophet Ezekiel saw God in a vision: "As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle." http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ezekiel 1;&version=9;

The Zodiac
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C7ityi –

Imaginary doesn't mean false.
Yet an accurate and factual description until or if the claim is ever shown to be true.

I understand what you mean, for I have also seen gods as you do.
I have never claimed to have seen a god.

However, now I understand what they represent.
Which can also only be imaginary unless you can show gods are real which you can’t can you? So your assertion is meaningless.
