heaven and hell? it means forvever.

Re: irritatingly controversial

Originally posted by daydream_believer
okay, i know this question is irritatingly controversial, but.....what is sin? what counts as sin? what actions are bad enough to condemn us to eternal suffering? if the bible is right and the christians are right then i'm damned to hell. That's why i'm not a christian. In christian eyes, i'm sinnin g al the time, in other points of view, and other religons, i'm an okay person. But i don't believe in the christian god and i'm a lesbian so I have to go to hell. But I don't think that's fair.

Sin is anything that goes against God. He is perfect so nothing among him can be anything but perfect. The Bible tells us what sin is and shows us that even through sin God's love came through when he sent his son to die. He died for our sins so they have already been payed for and we can be with God for eternity, but he is lord before he is savior. If you accept what he has done for you and ask him into your life he will open your eyes to how you are breaking his heart with your sins. But don't worry about that. The first step is returning his love for you, and asking for forgiveness for the life you've had without him. He will help you get sin out of your life, even if that seems unlikely or undesirable now. As for other religions; they play off of what you want. Everyone wants to hear that they are ok and they will be ok forever, but what if that's not true? No one ever said it was supposed to be easy. If a religion was easy to accomplish I wouldn't trust it. A God who created me must be more complex than ' rid yourself of everything in your life and find enlightenment'.

Christ's love,

christian fundamentalists

this will likely get me thrown out of sciforumforums but it has to be said. ALL YOU CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE NARROW MINDED, CONCEITED, SELF RIGHTEOUS WANKERS! If i die and you are right then I wouldn't be supporting the decision of any god with such narrow minded crap talking followers. If i go to hell (which I won't because it's not there) i would be worshipping satan all day everyu day because at least he wouldn't be your god. YOU'RE ALL THE SAME YOU FUNDAMENTALIST RETARDS! YOU ARE THE BAD ONES, DOING THE BAD THINGS BECAUSE TYOU ACN'T ACCEPT ANY VIEW POINT OTHER THAN YOUR OWN! I WILL NEVERE THINK LIKE YOU AND YOU ALL GIVE A BAD NAME TO ALL THE NICE, TOLERANT CHRISTIANS I KNOW! I HOPE YOUR GOD FORGIVES YOU BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE NEVER WILL FOR BEING SO UNFAIR TO OTHERS. to me, heaven would be hell, because I'd be surrounded by christians, so if i'm gonna punished, i'll be with you guys. SEE YOU THERE, GOD SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
interesting thread . . .what can be said to make sense of all this? humans are a confused bunch. a lot of us take the bible way too literally. why should we question it? maybe because of all the contradictions within it. it's an attempt at trying to explain man's existence, his "purpose" of existence. if you want to believe in the bible, that's ok. but don't tell people they're gonna go to hell if they don't read the bible and go to church every week. there are more religions than just christianity, and there are 'good' people in every culture no matter what their belief system is. so give people a chance, i guess that's all i'm trying to get at. life is complicated, and no one (and no book) is sure to have all the answers.
Xian Heaven & Hell

Originally posted by Jenyar
The force is strong in this one, but I sense much fear in him...

Bull-ca-ca! daydream_believer has no fear! It's only you Xians who have fear! He's YOUR savior, not ours! It's YOUR Hell, not ours! It's YOUR Satan, not ours! Yesterday is gone forever. Tomorrow is not yours. Today is ALL we have. Therefore, heaven or hell are right here and right now! It's what YOU make of it! Xians are the most miserable people I know. They fear everything. Most of all, they fear burning in Hell. Your religion is based on lies, and you are living a lie. You waste the life you have now by waiting for a place in heaven that doesn't even exist! You will NEVER see salvation like you've been taught. Jesus, if he existed, was not God. He saved NO ONE but his own ass from the cross. What the saddest thing of all about you holier-than-thou judgmental Xians is you so blindly believe in all this crap, and you try to cram it down everybody else's throats. Xians, most of all, know the least about Jesus. Do yourselves a favor, run from your church and burn your Bible before you lose what's left of your life!
Re: christian fundamentalists

Originally posted by daydream_believer
this will likely get me thrown out of sciforumforums but it has to be said. ALL YOU CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE NARROW MINDED, CONCEITED, SELF RIGHTEOUS WANKERS! If i die and you are right then I wouldn't be supporting the decision of any god with such narrow minded crap talking followers. If i go to hell (which I won't because it's not there) i would be worshipping satan all day everyu day because at least he wouldn't be your god. YOU'RE ALL THE SAME YOU FUNDAMENTALIST RETARDS! YOU ARE THE BAD ONES, DOING THE BAD THINGS BECAUSE TYOU ACN'T ACCEPT ANY VIEW POINT OTHER THAN YOUR OWN! I WILL NEVERE THINK LIKE YOU AND YOU ALL GIVE A BAD NAME TO ALL THE NICE, TOLERANT CHRISTIANS I KNOW! I HOPE YOUR GOD FORGIVES YOU BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE NEVER WILL FOR BEING SO UNFAIR TO OTHERS. to me, heaven would be hell, because I'd be surrounded by christians, so if i'm gonna punished, i'll be with you guys. SEE YOU THERE, GOD SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be the first to apologize for this. I'm sorry if something I have said has made you angry at God or me. I never intended to get your back up like that. But I do believe that what I have found is truth. I am not trying to shove anything down your throat. If it bothers you that much don't read my posts. You have a choice you know it's not like I'm coming to your door everyday giving out Bibles. but I can't help but think that you wouldn't react like this if you weren't feeling some conviction. I know there are a lot of christians who give christianity a bad name (It's hard not to, we are all human after all) but don't let the actions of some people including myself turn you off to God. The thing is, to do what God asks of me I am almost guaranteed to make someone mad. Given the choice I would rather please God over man, but I don't want people angry at God either. So please accept my apology.

In Christ's love,

Re: christian fundamentalists

Originally posted by daydream_believer
this will likely get me thrown out of sciforumforums but it has to be said. ALL YOU CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE NARROW MINDED, CONCEITED, SELF RIGHTEOUS WANKERS! If i die and you are right then I wouldn't be supporting the decision of any god with such narrow minded crap talking followers. If i go to hell (which I won't because it's not there) i would be worshipping satan all day everyu day because at least he wouldn't be your god. YOU'RE ALL THE SAME YOU FUNDAMENTALIST RETARDS! YOU ARE THE BAD ONES, DOING THE BAD THINGS BECAUSE TYOU ACN'T ACCEPT ANY VIEW POINT OTHER THAN YOUR OWN! I WILL NEVERE THINK LIKE YOU AND YOU ALL GIVE A BAD NAME TO ALL THE NICE, TOLERANT CHRISTIANS I KNOW! I HOPE YOUR GOD FORGIVES YOU BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE NEVER WILL FOR BEING SO UNFAIR TO OTHERS. to me, heaven would be hell, because I'd be surrounded by christians, so if i'm gonna punished, i'll be with you guys. SEE YOU THERE, GOD SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well said daydreamer.

Bible thumping just turns off all the available brain cells. Or so it seems.
Wow, i went off, didn't I?

I sure did go off. i guess i must have had pms. i'm noy usually this much of a bitch. must keep opinions about Xians to self.......most of the time. Sorry all you Xians out there...you just amke me mad sometimes...feel free to wander in the dark andf never question anything in the bible. it's not my concern. But don't ram it down my throat OR up my arse....i tend to spew all over you if you do that.
yah daydream, they're right. You've done nothing wrong if you've been forgiven for all of it... in the meantime Hilter was one of the greatest men who ever lived... hail him!
daydream_believer said:
okay, i know this question is irritatingly controversial, but.....what is sin? what counts as sin? what actions are bad enough to condemn us to eternal suffering?
Actually that question is not controversial at all... you never heard of the Seven Deadly Sins? Lust, sloth, gluttony, rage, pride, envy and greed. You commit anything related to these and that's a sin. "deadly" meaning that they're hell-earning sins.

And also, about such a small thing and eating 10 hamburgers in front of a homeless man without sharing and that therefore plunging you into hell forever. You will NOT go to hell, NOT FOR ANYTHING, if you go to your church or priest or if you get desperate the homeless guy, because if you are forgiven you CANNOT go to hell. So if you're worried then why not confess? I'd never do it myself but it seems to make the Catholics feel better... ta.
Oh and also to daydream's delightful outburst several posts ago about the satan-worshipping and the wanker-christians... well you can do whatever the fuck you like when you die, remember. Let's say that god's drunk and allows you into heaven, you can do whatever you like because you're in eternal bliss as a reward for living a good life... so why don't you go on a kill spree with me? I'm dying with a machine gun... *tents fingers* heh heh heh...
Mystee said:
Sin is anything that goes against God. He is perfect so nothing among him can be anything but perfect. The Bible tells us what sin is and shows us that even through sin God's love came through when he sent his son to die.
Shit... I only just read this post of Mystee's now, sorry. But what is crawling about on your stomach for some totally perfect person? If He's so damn good and can only stand to have perfect things around him then they're ain't gonna be ANYTHING is there? Because he made everything so damn imperfect... the flowers waste nutrients, the sun causes cancer, people take the opium that he created, tigers eat meat... can anyone really help it?
Mystee said:
The first step is returning his love for you, and asking for forgiveness for the life you've had without him. He will help you get sin out of your life, even if that seems unlikely or undesirable now.
And where is this fucking love exactly?
Mystee said:
As for other religions; they play off of what you want. Everyone wants to hear that they are ok and they will be ok forever, but what if that's not true? No one ever said it was supposed to be easy. If a religion was easy to accomplish I wouldn't trust it. A God who created me must be more complex than ' rid yourself of everything in your life and find enlightenment'.
What you've described here is YOUR religion... and this is the problem with my little sister too! You believe that everything you do wrong in your life will be totally forgiven and you'll get to live in god-awful eternal bliss if you go to a church every 10 minutes as say "Father, I'm sorry I looked at the front cover of Ralph magazine again!" Doesn't that seem like wishful thinking to you?! That seems like a hell-easier way to get what you want than every other religion! And to that last thing about the creation, i was created not by some complex shit god but by my parents who used the lust which god both hates and created! Fuck, I'm outta here. Go you Daydream!
daydream_believer said:
ALL YOU CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE NARROW MINDED, CONCEITED, SELF RIGHTEOUS WANKERS! If i die and you are right then I wouldn't be supporting the decision of any god with such narrow minded crap talking followers. If i go to hell (which I won't because it's not there) i would be worshipping satan all day everyu day because at least he wouldn't be your god. YOU'RE ALL THE SAME YOU FUNDAMENTALIST RETARDS! YOU ARE THE BAD ONES, DOING THE BAD THINGS BECAUSE TYOU ACN'T ACCEPT ANY VIEW POINT OTHER THAN YOUR OWN! I WILL NEVERE THINK LIKE YOU AND YOU ALL GIVE A BAD NAME TO ALL THE NICE, TOLERANT CHRISTIANS I KNOW! I HOPE YOUR GOD FORGIVES YOU BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE NEVER WILL FOR BEING SO UNFAIR TO OTHERS. to me, heaven would be hell, because I'd be surrounded by christians, so if i'm gonna punished, i'll be with you guys. SEE YOU THERE, GOD SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
well said,
mind you they cant help it, they been brainwashed!
Jesus in Jeopardy"he was crossed" :D
rainbow said:
Because he made everything so damn imperfect... the flowers waste nutrients, the sun causes cancer, people take the opium that he created, tigers eat meat... can anyone really help it?
Then maybe you should redefine what you understand by perfection.

rainbow said:
i was created not by some complex shit god but by my parents who used the lust which god both hates and created!
If it was only lust you would have been abandoned in the street. You were made out of love by God, just like your parents.