Heaven and Hell... i choose neither

This probaly the closest I have ever heard anyone come explaining what might have been the cause of our universe.Lets say that there was nothing inside the box, but there was something outside.Could it be the mind of God or The Creator exists eternally oustide the box, and entry into the box is not necessary.What is needed is for the creator to think something into existence where and when it whises.For as our thoughts can come to fruition with our physical help, all that is needed for a power such as the Creator is thought.For thought is energy and once energy is created it is eternal.

Paul/Machiaventa :cool:
Godless said:
God spelled backwards is = Dog,
Evil spelled backward is = live.

Aint that wierd? So be good to your dog, he may be god's eyes.
And be sure to be evil, since it's part of life, to plainly live!!. LOL

Ok!! you don't have to be that evil, just a bit sin won't hurt you, as long as you don't harm anyone. Is basically what Taken has posted.
M*W: I believe in Dogs. Dogs live. Dogs are my God. Dogs are my children. Dogs are my babies. I love my Dogs. My dogs are Duchess Luchese (Duchy), April Daisy, and Mr. Charles Bailey Brown. All Labs. They are so smart! They love me. They don't talk religion to me. They are not Christian dogs. My dogs are my saviors. You can have Jesus. I'll take Dogs.
Maybe you should adjust your medication dosage.The more you post the more you begin to rant.The more you rant the less sense you make.

Machiaventa :cool: