"Healthy Food"

Why do we crave things that are not good for us? It's not logical. Here is that logic problem again. Yes, i know how long ago we needed the extra calories to store fat in case of famine etc. How we evolved to like calorie dense food but white processed flower isnt recognized by the body as even food, that is how bad it is for you.
Of course it's recognized as food - both by your brain and your body. That's why it makes you fat. If your body didn't recognize it as food it would just exit without contributing any food value.
Yet here we are craving cakes, donuts etc made from it not just the sugar. Pretty stupid actually just as i know some people addicted to coke and its the worst for you despite just the caffeine. I mean logically the bad should outweigh the good in assessment yet here we are with people who are addicted to it.
That's because many people heed the desires of their bodies rather than the dictates of their higher thought processes. We have an evolutionary drive to eat high calorie foods, and often that wins out even in environments where that is not beneficial overall.
If i see a jelly filled donut and fried chicken i will usually be drawn to the former rather than a salad. Now i regret it afterwards by feeling sluggish and with all the unhealthy preservatives doing its damage. But the thing is why does my mind and body almost always crave those foods versus a more healthy alternative when it already has experienced the ill effects?
Well, if you truly have ill effects (i.e. vomiting and diarrhea for two days) then your mind and body will indeed reject it for quite some time. But from an evolutionary standpoint, "feeling sluggish" is not negative. It's actually a positive; you take a nap and convert all that sugar and starch into lifesaving fat (which was once important.)
Why is life so illogical? Its actually insane.
It's pretty logical when you see where the original drives come from.
Of course it's recognized as food - both by your brain and your body. That's why it makes you fat. If your body didn't recognize it as food it would just exit without contributing any food value.

Nutritionists say bleached flour is not recognized as food by the body. Thats how artificial it is. Just because it digests anything put in the stomach doesnt qualify as food.
Of course it's recognized as food - both by your brain and your body. That's why it makes you fat. If your body didn't recognize it as food it would just exit without contributing any food value.

That's because many people heed the desires of their bodies rather than the dictates of their higher thought processes. We have an evolutionary drive to eat high calorie foods, and often that wins out even in environments where that is not beneficial overall.

Well, if you truly have ill effects (i.e. vomiting and diarrhea for two days) then your mind and body will indeed reject it for quite some time. But from an evolutionary standpoint, "feeling sluggish" is not negative. It's actually a positive; you take a nap and convert all that sugar and starch into lifesaving fat (which was once important.)

It's pretty logical when you see where the original drives come from.

Actually it isnt because one can become addicted to things that are killing or harming you. That was the point.
Nutritionists say bleached flour is not recognized as food by the body.
They would be incorrect. Bleached flour (specifically products made from bleached flour) contains starch, and starch is broken down by amylase (contained in your saliva and small intestine) into glucose and other sugars. Glucose can be used directly by the cells in your body as fuel.
Why is life so illogical? Its actually insane.
It's pretty logical when you see where the original drives come from
Actually it isnt because one can become addicted to things that are killing or harming you.
Of course. Sometimes things do not work like they are supposed to.

There have been cases where people have been trapped by their seatbelts in a burning car; that's certainly not the expected outcome of using a seatbelt. But it wouldn't make sense (based on that) to say "seatbelts are illogical; they are actually insane" because their PRIMARY function is to restrain your body in case of a crash - and they generally do that pretty well.

Now, if you decide to drive your car at 5mph through puddles of burning oil, it might turn out that wearing a seatbelt doesn't make sense any more - just as relying on your food instincts (which evolved during a time of scarcity) might not make sense when living in an environment with more food than you can handle. But that's because the environment has changed, not because the original purpose is insane.
I start the day off wit a big brakfast:::

One an 3/4 cups of berries (blue an rasberry)... one an 1/2 Tbl tart cherry juice concentrate (Omega Organics is the best)... one an 1/4 cps of yogurt... 1 cp of steel cut oats an 3 strips of fake bacon.!!!
I start the day off wit a big brakfast:::

One an 3/4 cups of berries (blue an rasberry)... one an 1/2 Tbl tart cherry juice concentrate (Omega Organics is the best)... one an 1/4 cps of yogurt... 1 cp of steel cut oats an 3 strips of fake bacon.!!!
I eat just about anything, but all in moderation. I believe that is the key to good health.
I actually plan to live forever, and so far I'm doing OK! ;)
They would be incorrect. Bleached flour (specifically products made from bleached flour) contains starch, and starch is broken down by amylase (contained in your saliva and small intestine) into glucose and other sugars. Glucose can be used directly by the cells in your body as fuel.

Of course. Sometimes things do not work like they are supposed to.

There have been cases where people have been trapped by their seatbelts in a burning car; that's certainly not the expected outcome of using a seatbelt. But it wouldn't make sense (based on that) to say "seatbelts are illogical; they are actually insane" because their PRIMARY function is to restrain your body in case of a crash - and they generally do that pretty well.

Now, if you decide to drive your car at 5mph through puddles of burning oil, it might turn out that wearing a seatbelt doesn't make sense any more - just as relying on your food instincts (which evolved during a time of scarcity) might not make sense when living in an environment with more food than you can handle. But that's because the environment has changed, not because the original purpose is insane.

Well i think nature is illogical. Evidently its not getting or sending the memo. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer are affecting a lot of people. Many people have a hard time not overeating too. Diets are a ridiculous industry. Besides just food, people can be addicted to caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and hardcore drugs which are destroying them. For instance, the release of hormones (high) etc from drugs but destroying and ravaging your body (teeth rotting, organs failing, starvation, brain cells dying) and yet it (addiction) craves it more not less etc. You would think your mind/body would reject such things. Drug addiction is an undeniable litmus test that nature can be insane, unwise or stupid.
Well i think nature is illogical.
I think it's quite logical; it just isn't producing the result we want. If someone jumps off a building, hoping to fly away like a bird, what happens next is simple physics, and quite logical - but may not be what the person wanted.
Evidently its not getting or sending the memo. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer are affecting a lot of people. Many people have a hard time not overeating too. Diets are a ridiculous industry. Besides just food, people can be addicted to caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and hardcore drugs which are destroying them. For instance, the release of hormones (high) etc from drugs but destroying and ravaging your body (teeth rotting, organs failing, starvation, brain cells dying) and yet it (addiction) craves it more not less etc. You would think your mind/body would reject such things.
Why would it? Your body is obeying evolutionary directives that came from a time when eating as much sugar and fat that you could was a good thing. Today it's not. But evolution works over the span of tens of thousands to millions of years, and we have not been around long enough for evolution to "catch up" and give us new programming. Fortunately we have brains, and most people are able to override that old evolutionary programming.
Drug addiction is an undeniable litmus test that nature can be insane, unwise or stupid.
I'd say it's a litmus test that shows that PEOPLE can be insane, unwise or stupid. You always have the power to say no, even when your innate drives make it hard to do so.
I eat just about anything, but all in moderation. I believe that is the key to good health.
I actually plan to live forever, and so far I'm doing OK! ;)

Im to old to live long enuff to make it into the live-forever crowd... but in the meantime i eat anythang i want an all i want of it :tongue: