Have You Gotten Into Trouble For Jesus?


Valued Senior Member
I wanna know how many of you here have gotten into trouble for making fun of Jesus, calling god names, etc. I would like to hear stories about your parents hitting you (spanking) or punishing you for merely stating your opinion or some other religious notion. Give to us your experiences with religious people, how does someone deeply devout effect your life? Have you found yourself being harassed by religious people because you claimed they had been worshipping a fantasy? Tell us about your experiences with Christians and such, are they ignorant or not?

I know many will say people are different, and that those who are religious shouldn't be classified as ignorant or not, some will say it's the people who are or aren't. I say the religious worship in itself is ignorant and does nothing for the people except breed ignorance! Religion is pure ignorance, ignorance of the world and of life. So you tell me how have you been attacked and hurt because you say there is no god? What happens when you make fun of Jesus?
Well people used to drag you off to court to be tortured or killed for blasphemy or heresy.

Thankfully this never happens anymore, expcept maybe in Islamic nations, due to the fact that the church has lost all of its secular power in the world.

They used to own the world...even telling kings and emperors what to do.

The current Pope is really down on this loss of power. He complains pitiously about how young people have lost all concepts of authority.

He misses it badly.
Well people used to drag you off to court to be tortured or killed for blasphemy or heresy.

Thankfully this never happens anymore, expcept maybe in Islamic nations, due to the fact that the church has lost all of its secular power in the world.

They used to own the world...even telling kings and emperors what to do.

The current Pope is really down on this loss of power. He complains pitiously about how young people have lost all concepts of authority.

He misses it badly.
M*W: I'm not sure Benedict XVI is up on what's going on. I was a fan (?) of PJII having met him on his first day as Pope in The Vatican. Even though I had some wonderful and special experiences in my life, I was saddened at his death. I felt like he had done more for catholicism than any pope I've ever read about. He was a positive world figure. Even so, that wasn't enough to hold my belief.

It's probably true that young people refute religious authority. PBXVI has his work cut out for him, but it will only get worse and never get better, but then that's dependant on personal viewpoint.
i have never been in trouble for this in real life. the only time i have ever "gotten into trouble" is on sciforums, when james R gives me infractions for saying get down on your knees and start pleasing jesus. feel his salvation all over your face.

wich i will continue to say because it breaks no rules.

PJII was the epitomy of disgusting. Millions of the most wretched, especially women in Africa and Latin America were denied fundamental protection from a life of Aids and being 'Baby birthing machines' by the smug monster.

PJII claims to have talked directly to Jesus X and Jesus X told him that the rubber hits the road and rubber was not to be used to protect the most vulnerable in the poorest societies.

I don't believe that Jesus exists and that the Pope had any conversation with Jesus. Jesus never told him a darn thing and if the Pope said otherwise, he was a liar or delusional idiot. Those lies of the Pope have led to more misery for millions.

No mythical Jesus
i have never been in trouble for this in real life. the only time i have ever "gotten into trouble" is on sciforums, when james R gives me infractions for saying get down on your knees and start pleasing jesus. feel his salvation all over your face.

wich i will continue to say because it breaks no rules.


The wierd part is Jesus X freaks preach hatred 24/hours a day. 'Accept Jesus or burn in Hell.' 'Kiss his ass or suffer for eternity' I don't want no part of the dude. He's the Egomaniac or Egomaniacs and one wrong look and he's liable to cast you into the flame. when I go I'm being buried with a cannister of pepper spray and if any of those angels start fluttering around I'm going to spray them ...maybe a can of Raid would be better.
i have never been in trouble for this in real life. the only time i have ever "gotten into trouble" is on sciforums, when james R gives me infractions for saying get down on your knees and start pleasing jesus. feel his salvation all over your face.

wich i will continue to say because it breaks no rules.


Yeah, but then you can ask yourself this:

Would you get mad at a man for saying that to your wife?
Yeah, but then you can ask yourself this:

Would you get mad at a man for saying that to your wife?

say what to my wife? "get down on your knees and start pleasing jesus, feel his salvation all over your face?

no i wouldent get mad lol. i would laugh because its funny,

The wierd part is Jesus X freaks preach hatred 24/hours a day. 'Accept Jesus or burn in Hell.' 'Kiss his ass or suffer for eternity' I don't want no part of the dude. He's the Egomaniac or Egomaniacs and one wrong look and he's liable to cast you into the flame. when I go I'm being buried with a cannister of pepper spray and if any of those angels start fluttering around I'm going to spray them ...maybe a can of Raid would be better.

your post was interesting..

And you darksidZz. Do you know why you have not been laid? I can tell you EXACTLY why. But you know what? i wont tell you.
This is like the third time you brough this up, so i was wondering how lightly you would take it. Would it be so funny if someone told your wife to do that....(what you said three times already);)

told my wife to do what..... "start pleasing jesus" etc etc??????//

by the smug monster.
Theres a cute phrase!:p

The only Pope I thought was a decent enough person was John Paul I. He didnt get very far did he...before being poisoned. Just a few months in office.

This happened the day after he announced to the holynesses that most of them would relieved of their corrupt duties at the vatican bank...an incredibly secretive mulitibillion dollar corporation with decades of association with the italian mafia and the fascist governments of WWII.

Since his death its business as usual...and so it goes.