Have you ever ...?

Mormons I have had at my door and if she's reading this a big HELLO to a cute little tart all the way from Utah, the one and only Sister Bartholomew, ouch!

JW's lived next door so I always chatted with them. Everytime I had my neighbor convinced he was being hoodwinked, he would call an elder and the next thing you know his house was set upon by hordes of JW's.
M*W: Sister Bartholomew gets around. There was a Sister Bartholomew in Houston who tried to convert me to LDS several years ago. She was so sweet. I didn't have the heart to be mean to her. I had a real hard time getting rid of her.
I have had people try to convert me. Mormons, Baha'i, Xians (of various sorts) and Muslims. They all thought I should convert.

Funny enough, I lived in a Buddhist Temple, and they never once tried to convert me. I go back to that temple yearly just for holiday. I've taken pics of the Buddha statue there and the Priest even once put on his best robes for me to snap some shots, but they just never tried to convert me. Actually, as they know I'm atheist, they at time say that something will not make "sense" to me, because I'd have to believe in magical stuff, but they still explain my questions as best they can.

That is actually how all religionists are supposed to behave in my opinion.... when you enter a church or a mosque what have you they should be there for you help you and answer questions...
and perhaps that is the best way to convert people; show them your kindness