
I thought Catholicism was all about guilt, being repentant for your sins, and having your sins forgiven.

Well yes, but that is only the perfect strategy for manipulation of the people.

You are saying that "Deity X" has placed this poor priest on Earth, had him repress a basic desire which was "X" given, and will then punish him for it. Surely the priest knows, or at least hopes, that his sins will be forgiven... repressed urges and all.

The problem with your logic is that "Deity X" placed the priest on his situation; and you don´t take into consideration that it was men´s greed & ego who put that priest there in the first place. A priest and a street bum are not much different in the eyes of the Lord. Besides, the fact that he is a priest, or whatever, does not means his acts will be considered different than anybody else´s.

This should only break down into deviant behaviour where you have a priest that does not truly believe the very faith that he represents. His "energy" in effect should be expressed as, *gulp*, prayer. (I can't believe you just got me to say that, and I wont repeat it.)

I got a theory on which priests are some the least religious people there are, with a few exceptions. Most priests don´t trust what they are saying, because they have never experience God by their own account, they are just saying stuff they learned from other people, not themselves. You will never wholeheartedly trust something you were told by others if you haven´t experienced it yourself.
This is a thread about "Hate." It isn't an opportunity to demonstrate bigotry and limited thinking informed by whatever religious cult or political ideology one may subscribe to. It's an opportunity to discuss on a humanistic level a very real problem in society that is fueled by religious delusion and dogma; it's an opportunity to challenge that very assertion with intelligent discussion in which it is the argument that is criticized by those with whom you disagree and not the individual. Nor is it the thread to make light of your own personal ethnic prejudices and biases, though it might be the place to discuss what affect these prejudices and biases have on your life and the lives of others on a day to day basis.

Love and hate...you can't have one without the other...two sides of the same 'coin' i.e. being human...Hating per se is not the problem, but rather, correctly identifying the proper object of one's hatred. If one is 'properly aligned' WITHIN with respect to experiencing and expressing Love, then proper alignment with respect to experiencing and expressing Hate follows. Conversely, if one is not in proper alignment with respect to Love, then one cannot be in proper alignment with respect to hate...including one's notions of hatred in general, i.e. hatred is wrong per se...

According to a learned religious man named Paul of Tarsus, Love 'looks' like this:

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends...

Delusion? In one sense I suppose...that is, in the sense that demonstrating that kind of love is humanly possible. For example, given physical death, how can one express love of the particular kind mentioned above in a way that "never ends"? Humans certainly need some sort of help in that respect...
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