

Registered Senior Member
Hating something just because you think it's nonsense is very silly? Saying "this group should get more hate because it's more ridiculous than this group" is basically saying that strange groups SHOULD be hated. Why?
All those people that hate child molesters, rapist and murders see in them what they have repessed themselfs?

Basically, yes. Many may feel offended by this, but it is truth.

This does not mean that you want to be a child molester, it only means that you have not understand it, it is only ignorance. At a given time in your life, you were told: “Child molesters are BAD, they are scum, blah blah blah”. But nobody gives you a good reason why child molesters are the worst, so you don’t understand why they are bad, but you think they are bad because you were told so. When you don’t understand something you are told to believe, you create a repression in order to prohibit yourself from doing what you are told is bad. This applies to everything.
When a repression like this takes place, you are going to hate everybody that do what you were told no to do. This is something interesting, because it give us a chance to know ourselves better; think about it, nobody has to behave as you want them to!!

I´m by no means saying that child molesters are good, but they are also not bad! This is controversial, but real, it is Zen. Child molesters are only a manifestation of our sick society, we are a part of this, we cannot deny it. Child molesters are a result of the way we handle criminals, of the way society think right now, they are not separate from our society, they are a result of it, we are all responsible.
A person that is a child molester, is not conscient of the suffering he is going to cause in that person’s life, and what he will suffer in result of that. Nobody taught a child molester those things, they have only told them “DON’T DO THIS, IS BAD!!”, so this creates a repression, and they manifest that repression physically. Repressions are always going to come back to haunt us in one way or another.
Basically, yes. Many may feel offended by this, but it is truth.

This does not mean that you want to be a child molester, it only means that you have not understand it, it is only ignorance. At a given time in your life, you were told: “Child molesters are BAD, they are scum, blah blah blah”. But nobody gives you a good reason why child molesters are the worst, so you don’t understand why they are bad, but you think they are bad because you were told so. When you don’t understand something you are told to believe, you create a repression in order to prohibit yourself from doing what you are told is bad. This applies to everything.
When a repression like this takes place, you are going to hate everybody that do what you were told no to do. This is something interesting, because it give us a chance to know ourselves better; think about it, nobody has to behave as you want them to!!

I´m by no means saying that child molesters are good, but they are also not bad! This is controversial, but real, it is Zen. Child molesters are only a manifestation of our sick society, we are a part of this, we cannot deny it. Child molesters are a result of the way we handle criminals, of the way society think right now, they are not separate from our society, they are a result of it, we are all responsible.
A person that is a child molester, is not conscient of the suffering he is going to cause in that person’s life, and what he will suffer in result of that. Nobody taught a child molester those things, they have only told them “DON’T DO THIS, IS BAD!!”, so this creates a repression, and they manifest that repression physically. Repressions are always going to come back to haunt us in one way or another.

It's people like you who deserve to be molested or raped by someone who does know it's causing you pain but doesn't care. By a one that would save it's ass or the ones they care about, but think others are disposable.

People like you make me sick as you don't have a clue that there are people who know know full well and don't care. You apologetic and numb retard.
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because people enjoy to hate!!

i mean i hate people who wear track suits and hoodies zipped up to they're faces with a total passion!! i hate chavs!! because its fun to hate those people, they act like twits so i hate them for it

"because people enjoy to hate!!"

This is the truth.

Some people enjoy the emotion of Hate so much that they look for people to hate. And they seek any excuse to continue their hate.

There are those for whom Hated gives them a reason for being, a driving force in their lives. It gives them a sense of purpose and a sense of being alive.

Then there are those who find life and purpose in Love, they love to be loving and find great purpose in their life through loving others.

Both these people find it hard to understand and relate to those in the other group.

Such is life

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I deleted posts that included what appeared to be bigoted remarks, particularly those that dealt with Wisdom_Seeker's post above regarding his opinion on child molestation which is informed by his religious world-view. Instead of addressing or criticizing the argument itself, some members chose to make ad hominem remarks which distorted what Wisdom_Seeker actually said. While I disagree with W_S's world-view on the matter, I also noticed that he was very clear in stating that he in no way supported child molestation. The comments that followed were hate-filled, insulting, and un-called for. I gave infractions where appropriate.

This is a thread about "Hate." It isn't an opportunity to demonstrate bigotry and limited thinking informed by whatever religious cult or political ideology one may subscribe to. It's an opportunity to discuss on a humanistic level a very real problem in society that is fueled by religious delusion and dogma; it's an opportunity to challenge that very assertion with intelligent discussion in which it is the argument that is criticized by those with whom you disagree and not the individual. Nor is it the thread to make light of your own personal ethnic prejudices and biases, though it might be the place to discuss what affect these prejudices and biases have on your life and the lives of others on a day to day basis.
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Basically, yes. Many may feel offended by this, but it is truth.

This does not mean that you want to be a child molester, it only means that you have not understand it, it is only ignorance. At a given time in your life, you were told: “Child molesters are BAD, they are scum, blah blah blah”. But nobody gives you a good reason why child molesters are the worst, so you don’t understand why they are bad, but you think they are bad because you were told so. When you don’t understand something you are told to believe, you create a repression in order to prohibit yourself from doing what you are told is bad. This applies to everything.
When a repression like this takes place, you are going to hate everybody that do what you were told no to do. This is something interesting, because it give us a chance to know ourselves better; think about it, nobody has to behave as you want them to!!

I´m by no means saying that child molesters are good, but they are also not bad! This is controversial, but real, it is Zen. Child molesters are only a manifestation of our sick society, we are a part of this, we cannot deny it. Child molesters are a result of the way we handle criminals, of the way society think right now, they are not separate from our society, they are a result of it, we are all responsible.
A person that is a child molester, is not conscient of the suffering he is going to cause in that person’s life, and what he will suffer in result of that. Nobody taught a child molester those things, they have only told them “DON’T DO THIS, IS BAD!!”, so this creates a repression, and they manifest that repression physically. Repressions are always going to come back to haunt us in one way or another.

Deep stuff. Are you saying that we, as members of society are partly to blame for the creation of child molesters and pedophiles ?
Or that simply no one taught them right and wrong ?
Deep stuff. Are you saying that we, as members of society are partly to blame for the creation of child molesters and pedophiles ?
Or that simply no one taught them right and wrong ?

It is my understanding yes, child molesters wouldn’t exist in a society that does not enforce repression and fear on all its members.
Fear is the ultimate weapon for manipulation of the people; it is the oldest trick of the political book. And we currently live in a society that uses this technique of imposed fear (i.e.: Terrorists from Iraq are going to come to your house, rape your children and bomb America if you don’t go to Iraq and kill them first!!!). This is utter BS.

Another thing that our society currently has wrong is the repression of sexual energy. We are told what is good or bad, and we repress what we don’t understand but we are told that is bad.

The perfect example is that of the Catholic Priests, they are told to be celibate; they are told that that is the will of God. The priests choose to go with this, they “believe” that sex is bad in the eyes of God, and they adopt that behavior for themselves. But this is a repression, they are not “over” this sexual energy, they are not masters of it, they don’t even understand it right. This is what I’m saying when I say that when you are told to suppress something because is “bad”, but you don’t understand it, then you create a repression in order to accommodate that “rule of behavior” told by others. What happens with this repression in these priests? Mostly, it haunts them, and this repression is manifested in the most depraved and unusual ways we all know of.
How can you say that a priest child molester is to blame, when he is just a product of the Catholic Church ideals?

What is the right way to approach the celibacy ideal for priests? Actually, each time we ejaculate, we release big amounts of DNA, vitamins and minerals in order for the sperm to carry our genetic material and to survive while it reaches its purpose. This is all energy we are releasing, and we are releasing energy that is part of ourselves (DNA). This sexual energy can be transformed into higher levels, like for example: compassion. If you are able to transform your sexual energy into compassion and understanding, following celibacy; you can become able to heal people with this compassionate energy. This is what Jesus taught, to be celibate, to transform that sexual energy into compassion to heal whatever the hell you want to heal, especially inside of your own body. You could cure cancer, AIDS, whatever you want with the master of this energy.
This is the Bramacharya ideal, but it has been corrupted by centuries of repression. But this cannot be imposed, just for the fact that you become celibate, it doesn’t automatically make you a healer; this is just a step, you need to do some internal work in order to be able to transform this energy. So this cannot be imposed, if you are told “be celibate or go to hell!!!” then you repress this behavior, and you judge yourself and other with this standard, and you don’t even know why the heck are you doing it!!!
There is no easy way to transform this energy, like theres no easy way to stop hating something that you've hated for so long.
There is no easy way to transform this energy, like theres no easy way to stop hating something that you've hated for so long.

You are right, it is not easy to transform this energy, and if you don´t know how to handle it, then just have sex! That´s what I´m saying, if you want to be celibate and work on the transformation of your energy, you will probably achieve it, with patience; and if you can´t control your energy, then you know what to do... But if you are told to be celibate, and you don´t know why, just because of fear you repress it in order to act accordingly, and that repression will manifest itself later in any way possible; probably in some kind of sexual depravation.

And I don´t know about the hating, I never hated someone for a long time as far as I remember. I think is because I consider it useless, and just by the fact of understanding it, I just don´t fall for that.
At a given time in your life, you were told: “Child molesters are BAD, they are scum, blah blah blah”. But nobody gives you a good reason why child molesters are the worst, so you don’t understand why they are bad, but you think they are bad because you were told so.
This is a loaded topic of discussion, and I can't say that I blame people for reacting emotionally, (although I certainly do NOT endorse or condone this behaviour). You don't need to understand why they are bad, you accept it as the truth because you are told so by a trusted individual. If repression is then the mechanism for curtailing this behaviour in yourself, it can only mean that you do/did not trust what the individual has conveyed - which almost no child would.

When a repression like this takes place, you are going to hate everybody that do [sic] what you were told no [sic] to do.
Even if repression occurred in the way that you describe, why would you still "hate" somebody for doing something that you later come to understand the true meaning of?

I´m by no means saying that child molesters are good, but they are also not bad! This is controversial, but real, it is Zen.
I'm in two minds as to whether this was actually included to specifically elicit inflammatory responses or not. It in no way builds upon what was previously said, other than to portray purported religious overtones. With that in mind, I would say that child molesters certainly are bad, by any definition of the word! Whether as the result of repression or not, they violently inflict their will upon a person with no choice, to the detriment of that person. That IS bad.

Child molesters are only a manifestation of our sick society, we are a part of this, we cannot deny it. Child molesters are a result of the way we handle criminals, of the way society think right now, they are not separate from our society, they are a result of it, we are all responsible.
Perhaps a few psychotherapy sessions, some mint humbugs, and a cuddle would help to alleviate the erroneous biological imperative that child molesters often feel? Society certainly CAN be blamed for the way we handle such criminals (finally, something that we agree upon), they should have no interaction with children whatsoever.

A person that is a child molester, is not conscient of the suffering he is going to cause in that person’s life, and what he will suffer in result of that.
Are you sure of that? Child molesters are incapable of seeing beyond their base desires, and predicting (albeit not specifically), that their actions will have injurous consequences for others? I find that unlikely, I'd like to see your evidence to the contrary. Besides which, you should add the caveat: "...and what [I believe] he will suffer in result of that."
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Now people are blaming me for saying child molesters are not "bad", but I also said they are not good. In this line of thought, nothing can really be good or bad.

On the other hand, I do not encourage this behavior, not because it is bad, but because it is ignorant. Such is the ignorance of acting in a hateful way towards another person.
The thing is, we are no one to judge these people; they are like that because of their life circumstances and because of their ignorance mainly.
For example, a Catholic Priest who was overwhelmed by his sexual energy, and he repressed that and eventually this repression was manifested in child molestation. Can you blame this priest? Cause this is a common case; the Catholic Church encourages celibacy in their priests, and this causes this behavior. Celibacy by itself don’t cause sexual depravations, but it does generates a quantity of sexual energy that is very difficult to manage appropriately.
I personally blame the Catholic Church’s ideals for child molestation, and not the priests who actually perform these acts; they are just victims of ignorance. And even then, I don’t say that The Catholic Church is bad, because they are the reason why Christianity has survived up to this point of history; and at the same time, they are responsible for priest-child-molestators.

So can you say celibacy is bad? Well celibacy is not bad by itself as I said, because this amount of sexual energy can be used for healing, like cancer and aids, it is called "energy healing", and it is the same sexual energy canalized through compassion. But on the other hand, if you are not qualified to transformed this energy, and practice celibacy; you are not practicing celibacy for the right reasons, and this can be devastating; because sexual energy is the most powerful energy in our body, and it can be pretty messy if canalized the wrong way.
You can certainly blame the priest for not choosing an appropriate outlet for his "repressed" "sexual energy". A porno mag, a blow up doll, hooker, or thousands of internet porn sites would just as easily release this energy in a less detrimental way. (Excluding of course, the whole "viewing women as objects" debacle).

Why isn't this "energy" you speak of released via that bane of every young boys existence the wet dream? Surely repression cannot control the subconscious mind?
You can certainly blame the priest for not choosing an appropriate outlet for his "repressed" "sexual energy". A porno mag, a blow up doll, hooker, or thousands of internet porn sites would just as easily release this energy in a less detrimental way. (Excluding of course, the whole "viewing women as objects" debacle).

Why isn't this "energy" you speak of released via that bane of every young boys existence the wet dream? Surely repression cannot control the subconscious mind?

Sexual desire is a form of energy, even a thought is a form of energy. And yes, the energy can be released by looking at porno sites; but a priest would certainly feel guilty afterwards because he would be doing what he is telling people not to do. This is a repression, they start feeling guilty for looking at women sexually, guilty for masturbating, guilty for the "plastic doll". It is a form of energy that wants to manifest itself a certain way, and then the priest would say "NO, this is bad!!", so he stop the energy from manifesting naturally.
This will be manifested later in a more violent way, as we spoke before; because energy cannot be "suppresed", only transformed. It can be transformed for consciousness, or if its handled unappropiately, it will be accumulated into the lower level of energy which is sexual, but violently.

When I say lower level it is because it is in the lower frequency of "life energy"; it is the level on which all living creatures are able to manifest this energy, even coral reef can do it by releasing the sperm in the ocean.

We humans are able to transform this energy into conscient actions, we are able to manipulate our thoughts, stop "feeding" the thought we don´t want, and start "feeding" the thoughts that we like.

You say that why don´t they have wet dreams? They certainly and probably have them, but I would bet they are mostly masturbating and feeling guilty about it; you cannot deny your sexuality, and this is what these people are doing.
I thought Catholicism was all about guilt, being repentant for your sins, and having your sins forgiven. You are saying that "Deity X" has placed this poor priest on Earth, had him repress a basic desire which was "X" given, and will then punish him for it. Surely the priest knows, or at least hopes, that his sins will be forgiven... repressed urges and all.

This should only break down into deviant behaviour where you have a priest that does not truly believe the very faith that he represents. His "energy" in effect should be expressed as, *gulp*, prayer. (I can't believe you just got me to say that, and I wont repeat it.)
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