Hate Groups...

Please, elaborate. You've interested me... go on....

I wrote a long dissertation on this very subject and posted it last night. I deleted it because it was just too accurate an assessment of society, the whole of humanity that i just decided that for now it is better left unsaid.

But i dont think you exhibit traits of individuality first and foremost. Few people do, your asking for my view of you personally. Why should that matter?
I wrote a long dissertation on this very subject and posted it last night. I deleted it because it was just too accurate an assessment of society, the whole of humanity that i just decided that for now it is better left unsaid.

But i dont think you exhibit traits of individuality first and foremost. Few people do, your asking for my view of you personally. Why should that matter?

John, you know very little of me as I know very little of you. I am not here to assess traits of individuality nor would it be completely possible from mere discussion on the internet. However I am interested in hearing anything you have to say.

EDIT: I would love to see your dissertation on the assessment of society. If you do not feel comfortable posting it publicly, please PM it. I will not disclose any information if requested. But I truly am interested in what you have to say. Possibly we could reach some common ground.
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John, you know very little of me as I know very little of you. I am not here to assess traits of individuality nor would it be completely possible from mere discussion on the internet. However I am interested in hearing anything you have to say.

EDIT: I would love to see your dissertation on the assessment of society. If you do not feel comfortable posting it publicly, please PM it. I will not disclose any information if requested. But I truly am interested in what you have to say. Possibly we could reach some common ground.

It was off the top of my head and just life experience. And Thank you but only time can tell this tale.

not really in the sense he is trying to invoke simply because athiesm is not a religion there is not way to go to the fundemental beliefs of it as such

I think the word fundamental is enough to see that it is quite possible or actually probable. And religion was never mentioned in the post: atheistic fundementalists
only in America!!

in Canada its not allowed :p

Not necessarily ONLY in America. Many other countries have this same issue around the globe. But America does have its fair share of religious domination/confrontation. I agree. I've always wanted to move to Canada. Although the country is far from perfect, and you guys get taxed to hell, it is of my personal observation that you do not suffer the numerous violent social contrasts that we as American's do. I believe this is due to what I find in my opinion as the more culturally/socially evolved and stable government that Canada has.
Beyond that, I wanted to also mention that it's not just about that form of free speech. Many of these hate groups extend their desire to government policies, that the government should outlaw non-Christian ideas and standards. In this case, you will more frequently than you'll be comfortable with, encounter the proposition that you're somehow violating these alleged Christians' rights by not granting them legal and social supremacy. In other words, by holding off theocracy, you're violating freedom.

Creepy, but keep an eye and ear out for that one. It's kind of scary how deeply that sentiment runs.

Yes. Every now and then a Christian group addresses a lawsuit or at least a plea against the state, in various countries, claiming that the Constitution contradicts itself.

Namely, the Constitutions of many countries have an article to the effect "Each person is allowed to practice their religion in accord with their conscience". They also have the article that the State and Religion are separate. In the eyes of the Christians, this is a contradiction.
I don't know though if any of such cases has actually been tried in court.
I agree that most of that stuff is pretty wacky, but I think there is a lot of truth to these statements by Dr. Dobson:

Quote: “Co-educational sex education sheds children, girls especially, of natural modesty.”

Quote: “Those who control the access to the minds of children will set the agenda for the future of the nation and the future of the western world.”

Quote: “State Universities are breeding grounds, quite literally, for sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV), homosexual behavior, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, alcoholism, and drug abuse.”
Anyway, usually fundy Xains are restrained from actually physically harming someone. Usually - not always.
That may have something to do with the fact that they have lost all political power.

As soon as Christianity became the official state religion of the Romans, people like Saint Augustine started coming up with concepts like the 'just war'.
Yeah, I really worry every night.. or before every trip about them "700 Club"/Operation Blessing Fundamentalists.
(who show up helping at every damn disaster).
I know that soft-speaking son of his, Gordon, is really a Christian Jihadi too.
Chills go up my spine just thinking about these radicals!

Me, I'm always hoping there's 5 twenty-somethings with Korans speaking Arabic, sitting next to me to protect me from them.
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