Hate Groups...


Valued Senior Member
So, why aren't extremist Christian fundamentalists on the same black list of Hate Groups that the KKK, Black Panther Party and others are on? After all, they do the same thing, spread hate in attempt to deny the rights of certain groups in our society... including women, and African-Americans. As far as I'm concerned, these organizations are just as bad as the Taliban.

Some of the groups I am referring to...

Repent America

Westborough Baptist Church

Christian Broadcasting Network
Pat Robertson

Quote: “You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense, I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist.”

Quote: “[Homosexuals] want to come into churches and disrupt church services and throw blood all around and try to give people AIDS and spit in the face of ministers.”

Quote: “The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians.”

Quote: “I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. Christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife, and that's the way it is, period.”

Eagle Forum
Phyllis Schlafly
Quote: “Schools should not deprive children of their free-exercise-of-religion rights, or impose on children courses in explicit sex or alternate lifestyles, profane or immoral fiction or videos, New Age practices, anti-Biblical materials, or ‘Politically Correct’ liberal attitudes about social and economic issues.”

Falwell Ministries
Rev. Jerry Falwell

Quote: “I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'”- In regard to the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City.

Quote: “AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharoah's chariotters.”

Quote: “AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.”

Focus on the Family
Dr. James Dobson

Quote: “Co-educational sex education sheds children, girls especially, of natural modesty.”

Quote: “Those who control the access to the minds of children will set the agenda for the future of the nation and the future of the western world.”

Quote: “State Universities are breeding grounds, quite literally, for sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV), homosexual behavior, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, alcoholism, and drug abuse.”

Quote: “Today's children... They're damned. They're gone.”

Rutherford Institute
John W. Whitehead

Quote: “God’s plan for marriage works, whether you’re a man or a woman. And while modern society may try to convince us that alternative plans are just as good, solid research proves that the healthiest option is the God-sanctioned union of one man and one woman for life.”

Note: Prior to representing Paula Jones in her lawsuit against President Bill Clinton the organization was known for accepting cases in opposition to abortion and homosexuality. Many believe that John Whitehead saw Paula Jones as an opportunity to take down the President. And while Jone's case was dismissed, the many discredited allegations made against President Clinton lead to Monica Lewinsky and the subsequent impeachment of the President in the House of Representatives.

Traditional Values Coalition
Rev. Louis Sheldon

Quote: “... many psychotherapists who are Christian ... say once you enter into that [homosexual] lifestyle ... once you enter into the culture, into the music, into the gay bars, into the gay literature, into the gay theater ... and gay travel ... you have really put yourself into a groove that only a sort of an exorcism can release you from.”
So, why aren't extremist Christian fundamentalists on the same black list of Hate Groups that the KKK, Black Panther Party and others are on?

Because those Christian fundamentalists never advocate direct violent action against others. They're simply saying that God will punish those sinners. They all make the claim that sinners'll burn in hell for their thoughts or actions, but they don't say that people should kill or harm them. All those other groups you mention do advocate direct action.

People are free to hate anyone or any group that they want, they just can't advocate violence or harm ...on this Earth.

Baron Max
Because those Christian fundamentalists never advocate direct violent action against others. They're simply saying that God will punish those sinners. They all make the claim that sinners'll burn in hell for their thoughts or actions, but they don't say that people should kill or harm them. All those other groups you mention do advocate direct action.

People are free to hate anyone or any group that they want, they just can't advocate violence or harm ...on this Earth.

Baron Max

tell that to the victoms of abortion clinic bombings
tell that to the victoms of abortion clinic bombings

Those people aren't "Christian fundamentalists", they're extremists, terrorists, or whatever else you want to call them. But they are NOT Christian fundamentalists by any known, accepted definition or usage of the term.

Baron Max
Those people aren't "Christian fundamentalists", they're extremists, terrorists, or whatever else you want to call them. But they are NOT Christian fundamentalists by any known, accepted definition or usage of the term.

Baron Max

yet you don't note the difference between muslim fundamenalists and terrorism isn't that hipocritical
Look Baron, if you really want to stand up and try to justify and defend these kind of organizations and the hatred that they preach, which charge people with anger, the same people that murder gays and bomb abortion clinics, then go right ahead. That makes you no better than them.
I personally know evangelical Christian fundamentalists - I have never heard them call for a violent act to be committed against someone. There is some over all tone in the NT Bible that does restrain most monotheistic people (who are a little whacked in the head) from personally harming someone. Instead they usually pray to Jesus really really really hard! , I'd say this is unlike the Qur'an and Qur'anic tradition - they can be and are quite easily interpreted to justifying the murder of non beleivers.

Anyway, usually fundy Xains are restrained from actually physically harming someone. Usually - not always.
Look Baron, if you really want to stand up and try to justify and defend these kind of organizations and the hatred that they preach, which charge people with anger, the same people that murder gays and bomb abortion clinics, then go right ahead. That makes you no better than them.

So ....you want to take away their rights of free speech?

Baron Max
A friend of mine is a Baptist minister and he is married and has 2 wonderful children. He preaches nothing against any group of people and when we talk he doesn't care if there are gays or not. I'm not saying that all ministers are as tolerant as he is but I'm certain that he is one who would only try to help not hinder those of different persuasions or whatever. His congregation is made up of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laosion refugees.
So ....you want to take away their rights of free speech?

Baron Max

I see what your attempting... let me ask you this... if a bunch of middle eastern men were standing on your street corner, broadcasting on the radio and TV, preaching from the Quran and saying that Americans deserve to die a horrible death and spend eternity in hell because we are wrong in the eyes of God etc etc and influencing the people that WOULD go out there and fly planes into buildings, would you not find that disturbing? Same concept, different religion. You cannot say its not.
A friend of mine is a Baptist minister and he is married and has 2 wonderful children. He preaches nothing against any group of people and when we talk he doesn't care if there are gays or not. I'm not saying that all ministers are as tolerant as he is but I'm certain that he is one who would only try to help not hinder those of different persuasions or whatever. His congregation is made up of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laosion refugees.

I never said all Christian groups do this... I am pointing the the extreme fundamentalists. I know there are WONDERFUL, kind and caring Christians that do not seek the persecution of others.
So, why aren't extremist Christian fundamentalists on the same black list of Hate Groups that the KKK, Black Panther Party and others are on?

The Westborough Baptist Church made it on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups, and members of the church have been charged for commiting violent acts. I'm not sure about any of the others. It's also worth pointing out that the KKK claims to be a Christian group and a number of other racist groups claim to be religous in nature.

As for why such groups aren't prosecuted for hate speech, it's because the 1st ammendment provides certain protections to religion above and and beyond what other organizations are given. It is a necessary protection given that religions often are offensive to members of other religions.
The Westborough Baptist Church made it on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups, and members of the church have been charged for commiting violent acts. I'm not sure about any of the others. It's also worth pointing out that the KKK claims to be a Christian group and a number of other racist groups claim to be religous in nature.

As for why such groups aren't prosecuted for hate speech, it's because the 1st ammendment provides certain protections to religion above and and beyond what other organizations are given. It is a necessary protection given that religions often are offensive to members of other religions.

First and foremost, thank you for the information. :) :thumbsup: Secondly, I find it absolutely rediculous that hate speech is allowed as long as its "in the name of God". Absouletly insane. Reminds me of the medieval times and beyond when war for terror and conquest was accepted as long as they were doing "God's will". And this is not just limited to Christianity, this includes all religions that follow the same concept. If it was a bunch of Wiccan's or Buddhists parading around doing the same thing that these certain fundamentalist Christian organizations are doing, i would be just as upset. :mad:
And there are wonderful, kind and caring people in your group. Why dont you try being one?

My group??? What do you define as my group? As far as I knew, I don't belong to any group. And as far as my kindness and caring, I do feel that I am those things. And though I do not agree with some peoples ideologies, I don't hate them. However I do believe that groups like that need to be limited in order to attain and keep peace, preventing as much social conflict as possible. I don't understand why people feel the need to control other people in the name of religion. Its not ok for the KKK to stand on the corner promoting what they feel as thier superiority, why should it be ok for Christians to the do the same? (or anyone else for that matter) We are all human.
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MZ3Boy84 said:

I see what your attempting... let me ask you this... if a bunch of middle eastern men were standing on your street corner, broadcasting on the radio and TV, preaching from the Quran and saying that Americans deserve to die a horrible death and spend eternity in hell because we are wrong in the eyes of God etc etc and influencing the people that WOULD go out there and fly planes into buildings, would you not find that disturbing? Same concept, different religion. You cannot say its not.

Beyond that, I wanted to also mention that it's not just about that form of free speech. Many of these hate groups extend their desire to government policies, that the government should outlaw non-Christian ideas and standards. In this case, you will more frequently than you'll be comfortable with, encounter the proposition that you're somehow violating these alleged Christians' rights by not granting them legal and social supremacy. In other words, by holding off theocracy, you're violating freedom.

Creepy, but keep an eye and ear out for that one. It's kind of scary how deeply that sentiment runs.
My group??? What do you define as my group? As far as I knew, I don't belong to any group. And as far as my kindness and caring, I do feel that I am those things. And though I do not agree with some peoples ideologies, I don't hate them.

Whatever you say.