Hate Groups - How Big of a Threat Are They?


Valued Senior Member
Nearly everyone is aware of at least a handful of hate groups in America. For example, there is the Ku Klux Klan, Westboro Baptist Church and Black Panthers; three of the thousands of hate organizations that have actively thrived for decades.

My question is how much of a threat are they really to society? Prior to the 1960's, groups such as the KKK did hold a lot of influence, but today even the mention of such group typically makes us laugh.

Sure, they have their town rallies on the steps of the Courthouses, sure they have their offensive websites, and every once in a while you may see flyers of propaganda on your doorstep. But it seems to me that it is the people NOT associated with hate groups that tend to do the more prejudice based violence. I honestly can't even remember when the last time any clan member had committed a violent crime.

So what say you? Are they a substantial threat to the American society?
So what say you? Are they a substantial threat to the American society?
Yes, because as soon as they are no longer seen as a threat they will be able to gain ground unhindered. And then they are a threat.
Analogy: a wasp trapped in a bottle doesn't appear to be much of a threat, until you release it.

Then again, maybe the real threat is not recognizing them as a threat.
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particularly insidious are these racists

* According to a 2008 study, racism against gay Asian/Pacific Islander men leads to socially and contextually prescribed sexual roles for that may also contribute to the practice of unsafe sex among this group.

* According to a 2000 survey conducted of LGBT African-Americans in nine U.S. cities, a third of respondents reported negative experiences in predominantly white LGBT organizations and with white LGBT persons in bars and clubs.

* In 2005, Les Natali, the owner of a gay bar named Badlands located in San Francisco, was criticized by the city's Human Rights Commission who determined that thirteen instances of racial discrimination by the staff occurred. Examples include refusal for entry by African-Americans, white patrons being served first even though African-Americans were first in line among others. Badlands was picketed by a diverse group of community activists over several weeks to bring attention to the situation and a group, And Castro For All (AC4A) was formed that has continued to promote dialog about racism in LGBT communities.

* In 2006, there were reports of verbal attacks on gay Latinos by gay whites in The Castro district of San Francisco. John Mendoza, a protest organizer against racism in the Castro, said he was told by a gay white male to "go back to Mexico, you fucking wetback, where you belong". A rally was staged in response.

* Drag queen and performance artist Chuck Knipp has been criticized by anti-racism advocates for his character Shirley Q. Liquor. Knipp performs his act in blackface, and makes comments about blacks and black culture which some people consider offensive. Several protests have taken place and Knipp has canceled several of his shows (wiki)​

you would think that white gays would understand the lessons of bigotry by now.

i am trying to understand this apparent practice of racial exclusivity on the part of these white homosexuals.

i am hard pressed to think of, or find any white heterosexual male that will not have sex with any hot female of any ethnicity. our preferences run in the lines of tits and ass while the gays do ethnicity regardless of hotness

/cracks up

i mean for instance...... 2 white gay guys pontificate...

.....not being sexually attracted to black men or asian men...

string said:
...I only want white or Hispanic men....

thats like me saying i will not fuck beyonce, a black, jessica alba, a hispanic, and shu qi, a chinese
lets dive into the wonderful world of anecdotal accounts from....

Making a noise by Richard Smith, Gay Times, June, 1995, (No. 202), 10-12.

David McAlmont: "" 'I thought when I first came out, the gay community would be an enlightened one. But racism's rife in the gay community. Going into bars with a white person and buying drinks and watching your change handed back to the white person you're with. Queens that say they don't sleep with black people. White men who are exclusively into black men. It rears its ugly head all the time'."

Dive into Asian Gays [87]

“Within the black and Asian communities there is a general assumption of homosexuality being a white experience and this is intensified by a similar assumption within the lesbian and gay community,” said a Blackliners spokesman... “They sometimes face direct and subtle forms of racism and discrimination from both their own and white communities, and from HIV organisations, said a spokesman from the project. Blackliners, which is based in Brixton, has launched a program targeted at black and Asian men. It offers counselling not only for HIV and AIDS, but also for problems they face with discrimination, sexually or racially... It was the UK’s first festival of Asian lesbian and gay art. Its contributing artists hop

Black on White (G News) July 27, 2001 (Australian Gay Youth Resources)

Is racism rampant on London's gay scene? According to four white gay men who prefer to date black men, it is. Listening to their stories suggests that although the gay community has had a long history of opression, very little has been learnt. Do those men who expose a worrying and hypocritical current which is widespread on the gay scene, or are their experiences exceptional, and unrepresentitive of the norm? Gary Kelly, who was brought up in Glasgow and moved to London in 1981, had always dated white men. His sexual preference was only called into question when, in 1998 at the age of 35, he began dating black men. With much anger he recalls this period.... 32 year old Jonathon Weeb from Norwich moved to London in his twenties was also aware of a prevailing racism on the scene there. "I noticed that some white men didn't even like black gay men going to the gay clubs..." When listening to these men, one gets the feeling that they have all felt like outsiders in the gay community before they began dating black men. If this is true then the term "gay community" is a misnomer... For those of you who do not know, chocoholic is a modern derogatory term, much like dinge queen, for a gay white male attracted to black homosexuals... When people call me a dinge queen, they're saying I go out with dirty people. Gay people don't like to be labelled and stereotyped yet we white gay people do more labelling than any other group in the world. Dinge queen, rice queen, curry queen..." The stories we have heard are speclative, anectodal reflections from a handful of men in a city with a gay population nearing a million, so they cannot be read as definitive...

The Low Down: Black lesbiuan, gay men and bisexuals talk about their experiences and needs. (GALOPs Black Services Development Project, 2001: PDF)

Someone at the club said they didn't want to talk to me because I was black... More than half the sample, 57%, said that they had experienced racism from the white LGB communities. A number of respondents said that the LGB community was no different from mainstream communities when it came to racism. The types of experiences varied from the subtle, treated coolly, treated stereotypically to more direct forms of discrimination such as not getting served in clubs, being ignored and being treated as an exotic sex object. A number of Asian people said that people (from both the LGB and mainstream communities) assumed they were straight simply because they were Asian. A lack of targeted facilities, was seen to be a form of discrimination by some respondents... Most lesbian clubs are geared to white people. If there are more than 10 black lesbians the security becomes more visible. Certain music is not played, as they don’t want to attract black lesbians. Went to one bar near closing time, a member of staff said the bar was closed but they had just let some other people in... White gay men treat me with contempt, I’m either a sex object or I’m invisible...

Racism/Prejudice within the Lesbian community in parts of England (SWJ, 2008)

I'm an out and proud black British Lesbian. In the area I live I would say that 85% of lesbians are white. Many of my lesbian friends whom are all white have said to me they couldnt ever have a relationship with a black girl, asian girl or a oriental girl bascially anyone of colour.I asked them why they feel this way and they just screw up their face and say 'egrh no' . It angers me so much that in this day and age and with the multicultrul society we live in that people can be so one minded.​

"ergrh no"?
thats revulsion
i am trying to understand this apparent practice of racial exclusivity on the part of these white homosexuals.

i am hard pressed to think of, or find any white heterosexual male that will not have sex with any hot female of any ethnicity. our preferences run in the lines of tits and ass while the gays do ethnicity regardless of hotness

/cracks up

i mean for instance...... 2 white gay guys pontificate...

thats like me saying i will not fuck beyonce, a black, jessica alba, a hispanic, and shu qi, a chinese

First of all, there is a thread already discussing this topic. You have been a part of that thread so there is no need to troll the same topic into other threads. You're walking that fine line between harrassment and attempting to state a point with your anti-gay comments. I strongly suggest that be careful in your future posts.

Secondly, your post is irrelevent to this current discussion. We are discussing hate groups, not preferences of gay men. Keep on topic or keep quiet.
Secondly, your post is irrelevent to this current discussion. We are discussing hate groups, not preferences of gay men. Keep on topic or keep quiet.


this topic is also about prejudice, bigotry and hatred on part of the gay community as much as it is about the kkk

read and try to comprehend. take your blinkers off and go for the holistic approach
Gustav, you've made your point.
I don't think 'white gays' qualify a hate group as such. So lets leave it at this.
i'll decide when i have made my points, kapeesh?
secondly go tell a gay black man that endures discrimination and bigotry in the hands of the gay white community that they dont really hate him. what the fuck do you think you have achieved then?

i mean....

"Someone at the club said they didn't want to talk to me because I was black... More than half the sample, 57%, said that they had experienced racism from the white LGB communities. A number of respondents said that the LGB community was no different from mainstream communities when it came to racism. The types of experiences varied from the subtle, treated coolly, treated stereotypically to more direct forms of discrimination such as not getting served in clubs, being ignored and being treated as an exotic sex object. A number of Asian people said that people (from both the LGB and mainstream communities) assumed they were straight simply because they were Asian. A lack of targeted facilities, was seen to be a form of discrimination by some respondents... Most lesbian clubs are geared to white people. If there are more than 10 black lesbians the security becomes more visible"

wtf is that all about?
what give you the right to judge then minimize their perceptions and experience?

is it the fact that you are some goddamn moderator in sci?
if you aint gonna contribute, take a hike
i'll decide when i have made my points, kapeesh?
secondly go tell a gay black man that endures discrimination and bigotry in the hands of the gay white community that they dont really hate him. what the fuck do you think you have achieved then?

i mean....

"Someone at the club said they didn't want to talk to me because I was black... More than half the sample, 57%, said that they had experienced racism from the white LGB communities. A number of respondents said that the LGB community was no different from mainstream communities when it came to racism. The types of experiences varied from the subtle, treated coolly, treated stereotypically to more direct forms of discrimination such as not getting served in clubs, being ignored and being treated as an exotic sex object. A number of Asian people said that people (from both the LGB and mainstream communities) assumed they were straight simply because they were Asian. A lack of targeted facilities, was seen to be a form of discrimination by some respondents... Most lesbian clubs are geared to white people. If there are more than 10 black lesbians the security becomes more visible"

wtf is that all about?
what give you the right to judge then minimize their perceptions and experience?

is it the fact that you are some goddamn moderator in sci?
if you aint gonna contribute, take a hike

So are you saying that all white gays hate black people, or are you talking about a gay division of White Power?
The topic of this thread is 'Hate Groups' and white gay people that hate black people are not by definition a hate group just because they are all white and gay.

Hate Group: The term “hate group” is used to describe any organization in any sector of society that aggressively demonizes or dehumanizes members of a scapegoated target group in a systematic way.
Yes, because as soon as they are no longer seen as a threat they will be able to gain ground unhindered. And then they are a threat.
Analogy: a wasp trapped in a bottle doesn't appear to be much of a threat, until you release it.

Then again, maybe the real threat is not recognizing them as a threat.

I'm more urged to disagree with that statement in the observation that over the past 20-30 years, attention toward hate groups such as the KKK has drastically dwindled, and simutaneously it seems as have their actions. But again, that is just what I see.
To me, it's almost like an attention complex. When your child is bugging the hell out of you for no reason other than to annoy, you can do one of two things. Pay attention to his words and actions and he will likely continue. But when you start ignoring them, they move on to other activities like playing with the G.I. Joe's because they recognize that they aren't going to get the attention that they seek by their current actions.
***To the Mod's: Can this thread be moved to Ethics, Morality and Justice? For whatever reason I didn't recognize upon creation that this thread would be better placed there. It's not necessary but would be highly appreciated. Thanks.***
I'm more urged to disagree with that statement in the observation that over the past 20-30 years, attention toward hate groups such as the KKK has drastically dwindled, and simutaneously it seems as have their actions. But again, that is just what I see.

To me, it's almost like an attention complex. When your child is bugging the hell out of you for no reason other than to annoy, you can do one of two things. Pay attention to his words and actions and he will likely continue. But when you start ignoring them, they move on to other activities like playing with the G.I. Joe's because they recognize that they aren't going to get the attention that they seek by their current actions.
Hmm perhaps, but I think that is a bit simplistic.
It could be that you don't hear as much from them because less attention is paid to them (because they are not considered as much of a threat anymore).
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***To the Mod's: Can this thread be moved to Ethics, Morality and Justice? For whatever reason I didn't recognize upon creation that this thread would be better placed there. It's not necessary but would be highly appreciated. Thanks.***

Done ;)