Has time always existed?

I would like to point out how similar this is to Zeno's Paradox. In that case, they are doing with distance what this thread does with time.

Zeno's paradox: http://www.redpython.co.uk/Printable/zeno_achilles_paradox.htm

I just had to comment...

Zeno's paradox is the equivalent of mathematical prestidigitation. It attempts to make you constantly update the length of time under consideration. This does not happen in the real world. If one object A is travelling at 10m/s and another object B is travelling at 1m/s and they've started 10m apart, B will of course be overtaken by A inside the elapse of the 2nd second.

If you've started by perceiving the problem per second, why would you suddenly shift to a per centimeter perception and make the time divisions variable? And why the hell would this have baffled mathematicians for 2000 years :eek: ? Were the wives running after their dinner :rolleyes: ?

We've also come to the point where this isn't a religion thread (?) we should be carrying on in Physics or something.