lollooks a like but the other guy is way better looking than dragon lol
lollooks a like but the other guy is way better looking than dragon lol
What is your ancestry?
You should post a clearer picture of yourself.
Well that an old 80's teen heartthrob actor...it could be worse, he could be compared to Ed Norton lol
Plus Draqon looks like he is attemping to look like a 50-60 year old russian mob boss. Quite a challenge for such a young face.
lol turns out im irish how do i chek on that?
You know that isnt quite clear.....i was adopted.....
The info that i did discover was......English, Irish, and some porteguese
hm labeld irish slash mexican slash i don't know?
Ahhh, Portuguese.
That makes sense.
That's where the Spanish tilt in your features comes in.