has the U.S. gov cracked down on KKK like "morman cult"

That's my point, we are only told that something went wrong but as yet there's absolutly no proof or conviction or even an arrest for the incident.:mad:

Who would they arrest? if the women 'circle the wagons' then how would they get the men who were raping the young girls? If it was how they themselves got spiritually married, they would have to admit their lives were wrong.

The whole group sees itself as a family. To turn on one is to turn on the family.
Mmm... I don't think so. Freedom of petition, freedom of speech etc. The government can't come down on someone because of their beliefs. That would be kind of oppressive! But I think that the gov't did come down on them back in the day when they were doing lynchings and burning crosses on peoples yard and vandalizing things etc. Which is why they have piped it down a little. The KKK is pretty quiet these days

The people who are a problem now are the skinheads. They are the ones that the gov't is watching. They are the ones who fight, kill, vandalize, etc. Watch the movie "American History X". Very good movie!

does that mean that if i lived in the US i could join Al quida and not be arested for "being a member of a terrioust organisation"?

As far as i know thats EXACTLY what Hicks was charged with and he wasnt even IN the US when the US charged him with it
I'm stumped...I guess this is the extent of my knowledge on this subject!