has the U.S. gov cracked down on KKK like "morman cult"


Registered Member
With all of the talk about the Morman cult practices i am just wondering if the U.S. government has ever gone into the KKK organization and removed the children from that "organization".
What is everyones opinion on this, is it considered child abuse in your eyes?
You must be referring to that sect that was in the news recently. If a relative handful of individuals use religion for to mask illegal activity are you going to blame everyone? Do you blame every teacher when one gets busted as a pedophile?

As far as the KKK, a grown man can be in a n organization and his kids not even know about it or not have any effect on them. What about street gangs, do you want to take their kids away too? Basically you are comaprng apples to oranges.
actually i was asking a question, i don't agree with all kids being taken away, and more then anything i was wondering what if anything the U.S. government does about such things as the KKK.
I live in a Canadian boarder town where there are some KKK like citizens one of whom just lost the rights to see his child because of the swastique (sorry no idea of how to spell that) tattooed on his neck.
Actually i shouldn't say that as i am not real sure what the KKK stand for other then what i have seen on t.v. and i am well aware that that is not 100% reliable.
thats what i thought, he shouldn't have lost his kid for it, he lost his job over it not to long ago, i guess the wrong person seen it and yelled loud enough, i assume the mother used this in court against him. I don't really know either one of them, we all went to the same high school, and he was kind of the leader of his large pack, so everyone knew who he was is all.
The KKK is not doing anything illegal either. Sadly, ignorance and bigotry and stupidity are not yet against the law!
Did you bother to read the part where i said i didn't know anything about them except what i seen on t.v. and that i don't rely on that?
so inform us all skaught what exactly does the KKK do.
As far as my understanding, they dont do anything illegal. They used to engage in illegal activities, but now more or less refrain and sometimes frown on violence. From what I understand it is not what they do, but what they believe, or, what they want. And that is this:
All non Aryan races are inferior, and should be deported back to their home countries. They are in full support of segregation.
But mostly they are just a bunch of crusty old racist pricks with nothing better to do with their time that to think about hating people.

Yeah, thats my understanding, don't know how reliable it is.
In the past the United States government has come down very hard on the KKK and rightly so.
skaught i thought the KKK was a banned organisation like, say Al Quida?

Ie its a crime just to belong to said organisation
With all of the talk about the Morman cult practices i am just wondering if the U.S. government has ever gone into the KKK organization and removed the children from that "organization".
What is everyones opinion on this, is it considered child abuse in your eyes?

It's not the US government's role to remove children from a cult if there is abuse. It's the role of the state authorities. . The governor of a state can request help from the feds in dealing with any situation but the feds are there as a tool and not to determine policy.

I think the KKK are whackos but why should children be removed? where is there a law against being an idiot? Any federal involvement would be to do with illegal activities and not because of whacko beliefs. I think the Cathholic Church is whacko teaching kids about eating flesh, drinking blood, etc...should all priests be arrested?
skaught i thought the KKK was a banned organisation like, say Al Quida?

Ie its a crime just to belong to said organisation

Mmm... I don't think so. Freedom of petition, freedom of speech etc. The government can't come down on someone because of their beliefs. That would be kind of oppressive! But I think that the gov't did come down on them back in the day when they were doing lynchings and burning crosses on peoples yard and vandalizing things etc. Which is why they have piped it down a little. The KKK is pretty quiet these days

The people who are a problem now are the skinheads. They are the ones that the gov't is watching. They are the ones who fight, kill, vandalize, etc. Watch the movie "American History X". Very good movie!
With all of the talk about the Morman cult practices i am just wondering if the U.S. government has ever gone into the KKK organization and removed the children from that "organization".
What is everyones opinion on this, is it considered child abuse in your eyes?

excuse me, the sect that was recently torn apart (and rightfully so) was NOT Mormon, they were somthing else, no Mormon would live they're life like that
I an deeply sorry about the misnaming of the subdivision of the religion i will see if i can change the name in the post and if not it is actually a
subdivision of the Church Of Latter Day Saints

again i am very sorry for this
I an deeply sorry about the misnaming of the subdivision of the religion i will see if i can change the name in the post and if not it is actually a
subdivision of the Church Of Latter Day Saints

again i am very sorry for this

the compund was built by the later day saints but NOT for that purposes, (again, the later day saints are mormons)

i dont denie that child abuse hapens in ANY religion but when the mormons are named they all get up in arms! (and rightfully so child abuse is a hideous crime)
What right does the government have in the first place to take anyone away from their own homes. The government has taken grown adults away with their kids for no reason other than some mysterious girl calling the police saying she was in trouble. Where is the 911 phone recorded tapes proving that the girl actually made that call?? Then where is the right to take adults away without reason? No one has yet been found guilty of any crimes so why should the government do anything except to the one adult that could have been responsible for the kids problems, if there really was a problem in the first place. :mad::mad:
What right does the government have in the first place to take anyone away from their own homes. The government has taken grown adults away with their kids for no reason other than some mysterious girl calling the police saying she was in trouble. Where is the 911 phone recorded tapes proving that the girl actually made that call?? Then where is the right to take adults away without reason? No one has yet been found guilty of any crimes so why should the government do anything except to the one adult that could have been responsible for the kids problems, if there really was a problem in the first place. :mad::mad:

do we know for 100% sure that all this actually happened or is it just hearsay?
That's my point, we are only told that something went wrong but as yet there's absolutly no proof or conviction or even an arrest for the incident.:mad:

then people cant be saying "OH MY GOD, TKAE THEY'RE KIDS AWAY, AND BURN THE MUMS"

(not that they should say that anyway) they need definate proof, you know the people they took out of the cpmpound, well what are they saying, are they saying "yes child abuse and beatings did happen on a regluar basis"?
Has anyone actually heard from anyone that was removed from the compound as yet? Not that I know of.:shrug: