Has the Qur'an been altered?

Heflores boasts:

I guess your god decided otherwise, he gave us (The chosen race), we are semetic my friend...real semetic, so he gave us the oil in abundance, and don't forget, he also gave us the world reserve in gold and precious metals, coal, the most strategic location in the world.....But it's okay, he also plighted us with the likes of you that we must bear their annoying remarks and attempts to steal our resources till judgement day.

You have, in one short deplorable post, given good reason why religion should be eradicated from the world.

Jeruasalem, I spit on that shitty peace of land. It got nothing

The religious mind is violent and hateful.

War on Iraq, hell I support it if I saw some good outcome, but so far, not so good, so I'm holding my support signs till I see something worth supporting.

Perhaps a religious cleansing would satisfy your need to kill.

You are one sick and twisted individual, pal.
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
Yes they are muslims . Come one hef , just cuz u dont like Shiaa doesnt mean they are not muslim .

They're not AM.....In my office, all the Iranians boast to be Atheists, they tell me weird stories about Islam, they are completely derailed....I don't know if it's the language barrier or the Shiahh mentality or what exactly, but most Iranians convert out of Islam when they leave Iran, a phenomena that I have seen. I don't see that happening out of other muslim countries, maybe the philipines.
Perhaps its their Islamic state they dont like . Iranians that dont live in Iran tend to have a good reason , and also most of the times they didnt quite leave by buying a ticket , oftenly they are very traumatised and so biased because of this , they start rambling , hating Islam , and Ive even heard them "lets blaim the Arabs they made us happy Persians convert" .

U do understand that Iranians that are not in Iran are minority , and again Im saying , its not their leaving or Shiaa that makes them convert , its their hate for their theocracy . People get hanged in streets in Iran u know , not everbody appreciates this , especially not if its family . The refugee Iranian doesnt represent the Iranian , lets not mix things up .
Originally posted by Randolfo
satanic verses mean anything to you? (hint: it’s about a prayer to one of the daughters of allah)
changing the order from chronological order, to longest to shortest length suras? or do you think it is a coincidence?
what was the name of that caliph that had all the leaves, palms, memories put together, sent 4 official qurans & burned all other copies? Who indeed?

Ahh, an ignorant comment again. Didn't we go through all this Randdolfo?? Did you not know the history of QURAN? Please PRove what you are saying. Why were some Qurans were burned?? Do you have a slightest clue? are you going to tell me that there were Quran's of Ftima and aisha and uthman? Please come back again with some backup and no not from answering islam websites........ ;)
Originally posted by Markx
Ahh, an ignorant comment again.

Please come back again with some backup and no not from answering islam websites........ ;)
Why should I do your research for you? If you don't believe, then find out for yourself, don't be ignorant of your own past, and depending on where you live or what search you do, then better for you
Originally posted by Randolfo
satanic verses mean anything to you? (hint: it’s about a prayer to one of the daughters of allah)
changing the order from chronological order, to longest to shortest length suras? or do you think it is a coincidence?
what was the name of that caliph that had all the leaves, palms, memories put together, sent 4 official qurans & burned all other copies? Who indeed?

You certainly need more education about islam my friend, I recommend these sites:







kind regards.