Has the Qur'an been altered?


Valued Senior Member
Many Muslims point to the fact that the Qur’an has not been altered since its conception as proof of its divine origin. Of course this maybe-fact in and of itself is by no means miraculous and therefore not a valid argument. Nevertheless, I was wondering if anyone had information disputing this claim. I’m not looking for a Christendom bashing of the Qur’an. Nor am I interested in anything to do with the Bible and/or comparisons of one book with the other (or other God inspired books). Of course Muslims like to point to the seedy history of the Bible and its canalization and somehow infer something about the Qur’an - - that can be a different thread (just trying to stop some of the run-offs here).

I have read some interesting information on the topic and thought I’d post here to see what others thought.

Many thanks,
For one, the Quran is the only religious text in the world that came down in a language that is still spoken by millions in the world. All other languages for the bible, Torah, ect..... are no longer spoken today. The loss of the language is crucial in verifying accuracy of the text.

Also, The Quran is the only religious text that exist in one version, and the original first Quran is still availalbe in Turkey....This can't be said of any other religion.
no conversions

I’m agnostic-atheist so no. He (Sedek) and I started to debate religion while at work (really quite freindly). I think Sedek was originally trying to convert me and (assuming I was a Christen) he started this debate by Bible-bashing. Which after I agreed to everything he said I think I had him quite stumped! He didn’t really have much more to go on after that! Funny really. Anyway, he has brought up a few ideas that (to him) seem fundamental to his argument so I am I just doing a little back-ground check to see if they are true.

My hope is that at the end of the debate we’ll both be a little more knowledgeable on the topic.
conversion is the biggest bull shit that I have ever heard of. Born again crap....We don't convert and we don't get reborn....We are already adult with experiences and brains. We learn..that's all.

In this day and age Michael, religion has became a show and tell. I'm really turned off by this. My internal makup and belief is in noway close to or similar to another even if they claim to go to the mosque I do....I don't go to a mosque by the way.

I believe our relationship with god is a private one....one that we should be jealous about. If you love a woman, you get jealous about others seeing her, same with your relationship with god, the more you keep it private and to yourself, the more it flourishes, the more you share it with others, the more it becomes about others...I call it religion adultry.
Originally posted by heflores
conversion is the biggest bull shit that I have ever heard of. Born again crap....I believe our relationship with god is a private one....one that we should be jealous about.
I agree but this is going off the topic.

This post is about whether the Qur'an has been altered or not. It may be yes it my be no.
Of course it have everything to do with the topic, because you know and I know that you have a hidden agenda and a preconcieved idea about islam. It seems that you have somebody at work who is working you..........Without knowing your true motive and basic ideas concerning belief, it's useless to debate codes.
Originally posted by heflores
Of course it have everything to do with the topic,
No it does not.

Originally posted by heflores
you have a hidden agenda
No I don't. And it wouldn't matter to the question anyway (see above)

Originally posted by heflores
you have a .... preconcieved idea about islam.
Of course I have a notion of islam I don't live in a bubble and beside (1) debate is a great way to learn and broaden those ideas (2) you insinuate presoncieved is bad. That's not my case.

Originally posted by heflores
Without knowing your true motive and basic ideas concerning belief
No my motives have nothing to do with the question.

The Question is: Has the Qur'an been altered?

See you Monday.
No the Quran has not been altered at all......here is your answer...I hope I stuck well to the topic.

Have a good weekend.
Originally posted by heflores
No the Quran has not been altered at all......

here is your answer...

I hope I stuck well to the topic.
satanic verses mean anything to you? (hint: it’s about a prayer to one of the daughters of allah)
changing the order from chronological order, to longest to shortest length suras? or do you think it is a coincidence?
what was the name of that caliph that had all the leaves, palms, memories put together, sent 4 official qurans & burned all other copies? Who indeed?
Randolfo Hitler is in the house....haleloya

Look the idiots of all idiots who know nothing about the Quran is offering us his expertise.....Randolfo, go and answer the chrisitian questions, you look like a guy selling bottle water in the fresh water hole.
And by the way Randolfo, you are confusing Islam and Chrisitianity, we are not the ones believing in fathers, mother, sons, and daughters. It is christianity and that believe in the father, son, children of god, dogs of god, and the royal holly spirits of god.....

The concept of Islam is very simple, but your thick head will never get it, so I'm glad to hit you occasionly with a 2 x 4 peace of wood if you try to disrespect Islam again.

The Unity
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

[112.1] Say: He, Allah, is One.
[112.2] Allah is He on Whom all depend.
[112.3] He begets not, nor is He begotten.
[112.4] And none is like Him.

A copy of the Quran is at:
Although you don't deserve it a bit.
satanic verses mean anything to you? (hint: it’s about a prayer to one of the daughters of allah)

could u please tell me what you are referring at , or anybody

what was the name of that caliph that had all the leaves, palms, memories put together, sent 4 official qurans & burned all other copies?

enlighten us with the full story
Re: Randolfo Hitler is in the house....haleloya

Originally posted by heflores
Look the idiots of all idiots who know nothing about the Quran is offering us his expertise.....Randolfo, go and answer the chrisitian questions, you look like a guy selling bottle water in the fresh water hole.
I'm so insulted, that you would resort to name calling, BTW they say it takes one to know one, so you must be one too, well I'm not sure if I'm in good company or not with you. You say, "hitler", you need to learn how to you use that term properly. BTW, look in the mirror next time you feel the need to tell people where to go, then tell yourself that, see what you think if someone told you what to do, hmmm?

Your problem is, that I know to much about the Quran, & I don't believe it or Mohammad
Your problem is, that I know to much about the Quran, & I don't believe it or Mohammad

Its Muhammad , Randilfo

but could u please back things up , or are ur satanic verses claims and daughters and caliphs all blabla

yes ?

re: satanic verses

anyone here remember salman rushdie, the guy who had the nerve to air the muslim dirty laundry and got a death contract put on him by Khomeini?

the problem with you idiots is that you think you're smarter than the rest of us....we know what's up...if you didn't have oil under all that sand you'd still be playing "romancing the camel" on saturday night.....DEAD END!!!
Re: re: satanic verses

Originally posted by crazydanny
the problem with you idiots is that you think you're smarter than the rest of us....we know what's up...if you didn't have oil under all that sand you'd still be playing "romancing the camel" on saturday night.....DEAD END!!!

I guess your god decided otherwise, he gave us (The chosen race), we are semetic my friend...real semetic, so he gave us the oil in abundance, and don't forget, he also gave us the world reserve in gold and precious metals, coal, the most strategic location in the world.....But it's okay, he also plighted us with the likes of you that we must bear their annoying remarks and attempts to steal our resources till judgement day.
as opposed to what?

the only thing that makes the middle east strategic is the oil and Jeruasalem "the stone the whole world stumbles over"

I have an uncle who was Muslim, gave it up during the hostage thing in Iran, said his religion breeds extremist nuts. (hmmm...geeeeee...religious nuts in Islam? Where? You're kidding right?)

Tell me, then, are you against the war in Iraq?
Re: as opposed to what?

Originally posted by crazydanny
the only thing that makes the middle east strategic is the oil and Jeruasalem "the stone the whole world stumbles over"

I have an uncle who was Muslim, gave it up during the hostage thing in Iran, said his religion breeds extremist nuts. (hmmm...geeeeee...religious nuts in Islam? Where? You're kidding right?)

Tell me, then, are you against the war in Iraq?

That explains it. Iranians are not muslims or arabs....

Second, Jeruasalem, I spit on that shitty peace of land. It got nothing, I don't know what the arabs are wasting their breath over. Location wise, I think Egypt and the Suez Canal are most strategic location for the world.

War on Iraq, hell I support it if I saw some good outcome, but so far, not so good, so I'm holding my support signs till I see something worth supporting.