The major cause of contemporary racism in America, is the dual standard of liberalism. If white people organize for whites they are called white supremacists or the Klan which has a negative and hostile subjectivity. If black people organize for blacks it is called the NAACP, which has positive and utopian subjectivity. Liberal dual standard creates a wedge of emotion, when each race is treated differently for the same actions and motions.
There are also racist laws, such as quotas, which make legal judgements based on race. Yet this is not called racism, which totally defies common sense and therefore caters to those without common sense. These laws also part of the dual standard. The dual standard creates a legal wedge between those who benefit and those who are discriminated against.
Another liberal special effect has to do with history revision. Slavery occurred in the past. If we do a science study, there are no modern people alive who had anything to do with that sorry time in American history. It happened 150 years ago and there is no humans on record who are that old. Yet modern people, who had nothing to do with this time in history, are given benefit or responsibility for something they had nothing to do with, in reality. Others, whose ancestors may have been surfs in Europe and who were not even in America during slavery are somehow responsible. Atheism should speak up since it claims to make judgements based on science and not on a form of time travel religion.
I remember during the hippy years of the love generation. At that time, the social divide had evolved and was not along racist lines, where I was, but rather it divided by what was called the generation gap. The saying was, do not to trust anyone over 30. It was assumed the older generation had been programmed and could not help themselves (POV of the love generation). But the youth under 30 were clean slates and could break the reins of traditions.
The youth of all colors and social backgrounds all got along (hippy was simplicity), at least where I was. Racism was almost over for the young people who would inherit the future. This was before the dual standard was created by modern liberalism, over the following decades, which was more about political power than love; buy votes with lies. I call these liberals the hippy-crates, who gave lip service but were self serving wolves all along.
Martin Luther King had a dream, where people would be judged based on their character and not the color of the skin. The under 30 crowd would judge people but the content or the lack of content of character. A good person is a good person, regardless, while a sleaze is a sleaze no matter what color their skin was; one standard for all.
Modern liberalism made character a thing of the past, when it began to stress color of skin, sex, etc., again. If you always did good by your fellow blacks, this character quality no longer matters, when laws use skin color to decide your fate. You can be a sleaze as long as your skin color adds up based on law, you will get benefit. Liberalism found they could gain votes by dividing people along various lines, but it first had to do away with the character requirement, by making morals relative.
During the love generation Jesus did make America a safer place. The hippies looked like Jesus because they were going for the character angle, not the surface of things; race card.