has atheism ruined America?

That is so hypocritical.
According to a lot of theists here atheism is supposedly a belief too, like some sort of religion.
But now all of a sudden it isnt !?

Regardless of wether it is or not, it would still be brutal discrimination to kick out all atheists.
Never mind freedom of speech, what about freedom of thought ??

The woman who wrote that letter is seriously retarded, and so is everyone that agrees with her.

Many things are good in moderation. Fanaticism is always bad as far as i have seen, and when you get a group together with a common belief system


Is it demonstrated here?

Can a singular belief system work?

Maybe, but the problem is getting everyone to agree, which will not happen any time soon.
But God and Jesus are different entities. Jesus is a human. God is something that has no proof of existing, yet is clearly felt by many. Does buddhism teach that God is us all?

Buddhism teach you not what to believe, but how to experience things so you can know them, not just believe in them.
From my perspective, you can say that Buddhism teach that God is within us all, althought they never say it like that; it is my interpretation. They teach you not to seek for God in something external from you, but inside you. By knowing the part of you that is connected to God, you become a Buddha, your suffering cease to exist; because you no longer identify yourself with your physical body, but with the part of yourself that is unmoving, eternal (energy)...
Buddhism teach you not what to believe, but how to experience things so you can know them, not just believe in them.
From my perspective, you can say that Buddhism teach that God is within us all, althought they never say it like that; it is my interpretation. They teach you not to seek for God in something external from you, but inside you. By knowing the part of you that is connected to God, you become a Buddha, your suffering cease to exist; because you no longer identify yourself with your physical body, but with the part of yourself that is unmoving, eternal (energy)...

well I understand this and agree to it 100% wholeheartedly...but how do I implement this in real life?
I don't suppose it will help my American immigration process if I mention I'm an atheist? Perhaps if the question is raised then I will say I am agnostic :D
painting with too broad of a religious brush - - -

Atheism is said to be ruining this country. I have a picture to show you, but this is a new account and i can't post the link. So here is what the text says.

"It's time to stomp out Atheists in America. The majority of Americans would love to see Atheists kicked out of America. If you don't believe in God, then get out of this country.

The United States is based on having freedom of religion, speech, ect... which means you can believe in God any way you want (baptism, catholic, methodist, ect...) but you must believe.

I don't recall freedom of religion meaning no religion. Our currency even says 'in God we trust'. So to all the Atheists in America get off our country.

Atheists have caused the ruin of this great nation by taking prayer out of our schools and being able to practice what can only be called evil. I don't care if they have never committed a crime, Atheists are they reason crime is Rampant."

I don't believe so, i believe the religion that is fighting to restrict our freedoms as Americans the most is Christianity.

Think about it, Christianity is fighting to take away a pregnant woman's right to chose if she wants to have her kid or not. (this is not an issue on pro-choice/pro-life, it is merely an example of how our rights are being taken away by the religion.)

Whats your opinion?

To characterize religion, especially "Christianity" as you have is unreasonable. All Christians do not believe as you seem to described them. A few extremists such as you quote do not sound like Christians with a deep and profound faith. The "get Jesus or get" types you offer as a model Christian doesn't fit the picture I have, and I am certainly no Christian, nor even an apologist for religion or Christianity.

The New testament does offer an interesting plum for consideration. MAthew, 6:5-6 say, paraphrasing, 6:5when you pray do not pray as the hypocrites do, praying in the broad streets and the synagogues, for all to see.
6:6 When you pray go into your private room and lock your door.

This sounds reasohnable to me, as who but the individual, even the child or the mentally challenged, know what is best for them as individuals?

The Mathew Chapter 6 then goes on to give what is now known as the "Lord's Prayer" as an example of how to pray, instead of repeating a list of things you want from "God". Now, as the Lord's Prayer was an example of how an individual should pray in private, then what do we call those "churches" or synagogues thatr regularly have the Lords Prayer read allowed by the Priest/Preacher/Deacon/Rabbi where the congregation is asked to join in?

Chapter 6 begins with a warning to "beware" (In some biblical versions)
of those pronouncing their piety with word or symbol - crosses, white collars, priestly garb, whatever?

Jesus, or someone other, who originally wrote these words ascribed by Mr. Mathrew, seemed to have a solid grasp on religious sagacity as it applies to some modern vfersions of "Chtristianity". The "Get Jesus or Get out" crowd fits most squarely in the group of which Mathew 6:1 warns.:shrug:
Atheism is said to be ruining this country. I have a picture to show you, but this is a new account and i can't post the link. So here is what the text says.

"It's time to stomp out Atheists in America. The majority of Americans would love to see Atheists kicked out of America. If you don't believe in God, then get out of this country.

The United States is based on having freedom of religion, speech, ect... which means you can believe in God any way you want (baptism, catholic, methodist, ect...) but you must believe.

I don't recall freedom of religion meaning no religion. Our currency even says 'in God we trust'. So to all the Atheists in America get off our country.
"in God we trust" on your money was added in '54 when the commie hating McCarthy & co wanted to make the US look more holy,godly than commie Russia
The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion


The United States Constitution serves as the law of the land for America and indicates the intent of our Founding Fathers. The Constitution forms a secular document, and nowhere does it appeal to God, Christianity, Jesus, or any supreme being. (For those who think the date of the Constitution contradicts the last sentence, see note 1 at the end.) The U.S. government derives from people (not God), as it clearly states in the preamble: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union...." The omission of God in the Constitution did not come out of forgetfulness, but rather out of the Founding Fathers purposeful intentions to keep government separate from religion.
Atheists have caused the ruin of this great nation by taking prayer out of our schools and being able to practice what can only be called evil. I don't care if they have never committed a crime, Atheists are they reason crime is Rampant."
thats totaly contradictory statement wouldnt you say?

if atheists morality is so bad why is it that highly religious Bible Belt has the highest number of divorces,not to mention crime and poverty??