has atheism ruined America?


Registered Senior Member
Atheism is said to be ruining this country. I have a picture to show you, but this is a new account and i can't post the link. So here is what the text says.

"It's time to stomp out Atheists in America. The majority of Americans would love to see Atheists kicked out of America. If you don't believe in God, then get out of this country.

The United States is based on having freedom of religion, speech, ect... which means you can believe in God any way you want (baptism, catholic, methodist, ect...) but you must believe.

I don't recall freedom of religion meaning no religion. Our currency even says 'in God we trust'. So to all the Atheists in America get off our country.

Atheists have caused the ruin of this great nation by taking prayer out of our schools and being able to practice what can only be called evil. I don't care if they have never committed a crime, Atheists are they reason crime is Rampant."

I don't believe so, i believe the religion that is fighting to restrict our freedoms as Americans the most is Christianity.

Think about it, Christianity is fighting to take away a pregnant woman's right to chose if she wants to have her kid or not. (this is not an issue on pro-choice/pro-life, it is merely an example of how our rights are being taken away by the religion.)

Whats your opinion?
my opinion is:

1. America is not ruined
2. no one belief is responsible for American stability (muslim extremism is not a religion)
3. Atheists...Christians...Catholics...Muslim, what matters is not religion but what is done by people, the work they do for the country.
drknssshllreign said:
Atheism is said to be ruining this country. I have a picture to show you, but this is a new account and i can't post the link. So here is what the text says.
Last time I read something like this it was on theonion.com - a satirical newspaper-style website. Very funny. :)
Can you elaborate there? What kind of fear?

yes, as Dragon said, right now fear of terrorism. But it is fear always, have you seen "Bowling for columbine"? It exposes the culture of fear that has been imposed in America by the Government, since forever. Fear of terrorism, ultimately, it is a paranoic fear of death.
I believe so as well, you can not catch a murderer who is christen and sentence him to 20 years, but catch another who committed the same crime to the exact extremity and sentence him to death because he is Atheist. People are held accountable for their own actions as individuals, not as the group as a whole.
The churches were sometimes useful, it is a shame that people almost need to be lied to, in order for some true cooperation to occur.

My own opinion is, grow up America(actually grow up humanity).
yes, as Dragon said, right now fear of terrorism. But it is fear always, have you seen "Bowling for columbine"? It exposes the culture of fear that has been imposed in America by the Government, since forever. Fear of terrorism, ultimately, it is a paranoic fear of death.

Ok. I thought that terrorism was one of the fears you would mention. I think it's an overhyped fear. It puzzes me to hear of any American having fear of terrorist attacks. They don't scare me.
I think another fear could be fear of lawsuits. This wave of PC over the last decade is IMO, almost directy spawned from lawsuit happy jackasses. God forbid you use the term black instead of African-American(which I think is a bullshit term anyway).
I have only seen bits and pieces of Bowling for Columbine. Michael Moore while having decent initiative, has a knack for tactless persistence that grates on my nerves. I think lack of parenting has a lot to do with why situations like Columbine happens.
Along with fear, too much repressed anger and frustration is an issue with Americans too; and don't forget obesity. LOL.

Nietzshefan said:
My own opinion is, grow up America(actually grow up humanity).
I agree 100% with this entire statement.
well than what does buddhism teaches on subject of Christianity? What does Dalai Lama say?

I don´t know what the Dalai Lama would say. But I once heard a story:

Once there was an advanced Buddhist monk giving lectures to a bunch of followers... The local Catholic priests were getting worried because this Monk had many followers, and they were increasing in number. So they decided to send an undercover Catholic priest to the lectures to see what it was all about. The Catholic priest went to the lectures with his Bible off course, and it suddenly came to him what to do in order to expose this "evil monk". The priest started speaking, and he asked the Buddhist monk if he could read a part of that "Holly Book" and see what he has got to say about it. The monk off course allowed him, and the priest started reading from the NT: "The Beatitudes" of Yeshua.
After listening carefully to "The Beatitudes", the Buddhist monk started crying. The Catholic priest asked what was up, and the teacher said: "That man was a Buddha". The Catholic priest proudly said: "No, this was not Buddha, this was Jesus, of the New Testament". So the monk said: "You may call him as you want to, but I know, this man was a Buddha"...
I don´t know what the Dalai Lama would say. But I once heard a story:

Once there was an advanced Buddhist monk giving lectures to a bunch of followers... The local Catholic priests were getting worried because this Monk had many followers, and they were increasing in number. So they decided to send an undercover Catholic priest to the lectures to see what it was all about. The Catholic priest went to the lectures with his Bible off course, and it suddenly came to him what to do in order to expose this "evil monk". The priest started speaking, and he asked the Buddhist monk if he could read a part of that "Holly Book" and see what he has got to say about it. The monk off course allowed him, and the priest started reading from the NT: "The Beatitudes" of Yeshua.
After listening carefully to "The Beatitudes", the Buddhist monk started crying. The Catholic priest asked what was up, and the teacher said: "That man was a Buddha". The Catholic priest proudly said: "No, this was not Buddha, this was Jesus, of the New Testament". So the monk said: "You may call him as you want to, but I know, this man was a Buddha"...

so Buddha is anyone? what is the moral?
That is so hypocritical.
According to a lot of theists here atheism is supposedly a belief too, like some sort of religion.
But now all of a sudden it isnt !?

Regardless of wether it is or not, it would still be brutal discrimination to kick out all atheists.
Never mind freedom of speech, what about freedom of thought ??

The woman who wrote that letter is seriously retarded, and so is everyone that agrees with her.
so Buddha is anyone? what is the moral?

Yeshua was a Buddha. And real Buddhists who have listen to Yeshua´s teachings realize this, and it doesn´t matter were the teachings come from: Christianity, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam... It doesn´t matter if those are religiouns that consider themselves the "only truth"; from a Buddhist perspective, they are all talking about the same thing. There have been many Buddhas, and there will continue to be so... Everybody can be a Buddha, and that is a truth that has been covered up by these religions, because of fear that they can not manipulate a bunch of Buddhas!!! Some Buddhists may be offended by this, but that would be their Ego speaking, because even the Buddhists, that is one of the few beliefs that don´t hold the truth from the people, cannot possibly have the whole truth, that can only be experienced, not taught.

I guess what I´m saying is that a Buddha could be someone who have never heard of Buddha before; and some Buddhists find this inconceivable, because of their ego. But we have to take in consideration, that Gautam Buddha was not a Buddhist or a follower of anybody.
Yeshua was a Buddha. And real Buddhists who have listen to Yeshua´s teachings realize this, and it doesn´t matter were the teachings come from: Christianity, Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam... It doesn´t matter if those are religiouns that consider themselves the "only truth"; from a Buddhist perspective, they are all talking about the same thing. There have been many Buddhas, and there will continue to be so... Everybody can be a Buddha, and that is a truth that has been covered up by these religions, because of fear that they can not manipulate a bunch of Buddhas!!! Some Buddhists may be offended by this, but that would be their Ego speaking, because even the Buddhists, that is one of the few beliefs that don´t hold the truth from the people, cannot possibly have the whole truth, that can only be experienced, not taught.

I guess what I´m saying is that a Buddha could be someone who have never heard of Buddha before; and some Buddhists find this inconceivable, because of their ego. But we have to take in consideration, that Gautam Buddha was not a Buddhist or a follower of anybody.

But God and Jesus are different entities. Jesus is a human. God is something that has no proof of existing, yet is clearly felt by many. Does buddhism teach that God is us all?