Has anyone personally seen a god or demi-god?

Has anyone personally seen a god or demi-god?

  • Yes - I have seen a god

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Yes - I have seen a demi-god

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I have seen a demi-god but not a god

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • I have seen a god but not a demi-god

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 78.9%

  • Total voters
Stop falsely accusing me of things, and stop putting words in my mouth. I demonstrated the meaning of one of the root words, and told globenstein that it might be easy to figure out a definition from there.

No. I have seen neither a god nor a demigod.

And I'm Athelwulf.

I'm not falsely accusing you of anything and I'm not putting words in your mouth...you are putting them into other peoples heads.
Above you admit telling Globenstein "that it might be easy to figure out a definition" ...starting with your definition....that, to, me, is prescriptive.
I'm not falsely accusing you of anything and I'm not putting words in your mouth...you are putting them into other peoples heads.


zenbabelfish said:
Above you admit telling Globenstein "that it might be easy to figure out a definition" ...starting with your definition....that, to, me, is prescriptive.

I didn't define "demigod". I defined "demi-". Then I suggested that a definition might be easily derived from that. One could still be flexible with the definition of "demi-". I pushed no definition of "demigod" onto globenstein.

Again, stop putting words in my mouth.
'I pushed no definition of "demigod" onto globenstein.'

Perhaps unconsciously and without awareness.
'I pushed no definition of "demigod" onto globenstein.'

Perhaps unconsciously and without awareness.

Wrong. Perhaps I restricted the possibilities so that obviously wrong conclusions aren't reached — for example, a demigod is a hairless dog. What a definition Nazi I am! :rolleyes:

Maybe if you wanted to strain and split hairs, then maybe that can be construed as pushing a very flexible definition of the word. But to try to do so would be a waste of priceless effort.
Athenwulf - I notice you have a tendency to disrupt he flow of threads rather than to engage constructively...please stick with the OP
Athenwulf - I notice you have a tendency to disrupt he flow of threads rather than to engage constructively...please stick with the OP

Wrong. My posts are relevant to the discussion. You are just too short-sighted to see how it all ties in.

You stick with the OP. :rolleyes:
I started the OP Athenwulf...it invited people to share their experiences of god, demi-gods, or absence of these.
What was your first contribution? Was it relevant to the OP?

My personal opinion is that you are being disruptive...I'm sure you disagree. Rather than clog up the thread and go 'off-topic' I'd much prefer that you either make a valid contribution to the OP or allow others the space to do so.
What was your first contribution? Was it relevant to the OP?

After globenstein asked what the definition of a demigod was, I responded with a helpful guide to any of the possible definitions. It was an attempt to help the flow of discussion, and was thus a contribution to the original topic. My subsequent posts are a defense of my original contribution, and are by extension on topic, although I guess I'll admit that I'd have to split hairs there.

Since then, you have been hung up on what you interpreted as both a promotion of one highly specific definition of the word and as a deviation from the original topic. I find your posts to be more unquestionably off topic, except perhaps for the fact you were attempting to steer discussion.
What you fail to appreciate Athelwulf is that Globenstein is perfectly capable of looking in a dictionary or creating a definition of 'demi-god' in terms meaningful to personal experience.

I credit Globenstein (and all contributors) with the ability to do this.

From my perspective, Globenstein was considerately and politely asking me as the poster of the thread, if I had a predefined term for 'demi-god'.

Can you not see this?
And in the context of the thread, can you not appreciate why your initial post appears prescriptive and against the previously stated conditions of the OP?

If you had started your post with e.g. I define 'demi-god' as ...... and this is my experience...then all would be OK.

What you have obviously tried to unconsciously achieve is to universalize peoples personal (and local) experiences based on your own preconceptions.
Whoa whoa I didn't want to make all this debacle. I was just wondering what would be the caracteristics of demi-god, if it was a figure of speech or something totally unrelated to an actual half-omnipotent being.

But no, I haven't see any.
Demi is lesser, meaning under to the main or not as powerful, it has no discredit to the being, mearly an inference of some that are or greater power of some nature or an order of hyrachy.
much liek the family unit which has its leader as one or both of th eparents usualy down through the age to the youngest.

i have seen a women devoured by a ball of flame and leave no trace, it was quite bizzar, one could suggest there was some special power at work.
considering the ball of flame was around 15 feet high and around 30 to 50 meters in width and was caused from a gas leak.
there was no trace of her left at all, which does seem rather odd.
one minute standing there screaming
the next minute BOOM i nealy crapped myself and she was gone.
i suspect the actualy temperature to completely incinerate a human body is much greater than such an explosion could achive.
i was about 25 meters away from her side on to the rather masive explosion.
i have witnessed other weird things through life but these things are not always needed tobe explained, life is too short (and love is too far and few between) to dwell on such confounding weirdness.

there is an age old expresion "be carefull what you wish for...".
have you asked yourself how the proof to the question you seek would alter your life ?
what is the changes you would make if it were true or untrue ?
pick one you liek and run with it.
yes or no
it matters little to you unles you accept it with your heart and live it.
so choose one and live that so atleast your doing what you want and having a good time ;)
actualy, i have been in the pressence of 2 beings that most simple minded humans would maybe call a demi god or god.
but i seriousely doubt they would consider themselfs to be a god and would quite possibly be deeply insulted to be suggested as the god of humans and all their environmental and war like canabalistic goings on.

any being (human included) that is devoid of predjudice is infact god like in character in comparrison to the average and majority of humans.

note to meet someoen is a formal action and most peopel never realy meet other peopel in this day.
its all rather cold and preditory, a quick check to see if there is anything they can take from you or use you for and then they move on.