Has anyone been following the trial of Warren Jeffs?

Another instance of "He said, she said"? You believe the girl is telling the truth. Can you or anyone substantiate that?

No. Nor am I required to since I wasn't a member of the court or the jury and not privileged to the evidence and information they were.

What did the parents do wrong? They gave their consent for the girl to marry. According to Utah law, it seems they did nothing wrong.

First, Utah state law reads that the age of sexual consent is 16. Any adult that has sex with a child under 14 is considered to have committed rape; any adult that has sex with a child 14-16 is considered to have engaged in unlawful sexual conduct.

Second, in Utah, children 14 years of age or below cannot marry; children 15 years old must have authority of a Juvenile Court judge; 16 & 17 year olds must have parents present to give their consent along with the free and not coerced consent of the child.

Finally, the victim is maintaining that she didn't give her consent. Parents have no right in any state of the United States to give their children to another for marriage when the child doesn't freely consent.
M*W: Yes, in those cultures, arranged marriages between even younger people for the purpose of breeding is widely accepted, and surprisingly, those arranged marriages tend to last.

Because a woman (or girl) who was married but then isn't is a non person. with no good access to food. Apart from other much faster forms of death she might face. Divorce is not an option.
M*W: For me, it wasn't about their age. Children in other cultures, as you pointed out, marry, have sex and babies as puberty sets in. For me, it was about the manipulation and mind control of human life. It's about people who follow blindly.

In other cultures this manipulation is often the norm. It is taken for granted by the people involved. Here it stands out and so we call it manipulation and justly point out the immorality of the practice.