Harold Camping: Laughing on way to bank

I just don't see it standing up in court.

Judge: Let me get this straight, your complaint is that the world didn't come to an end...
He got PWNED by James Randi, the sceptic debunker. Randi caught PP using an ear piece in his faith healing 'acts' where his wife would radio people's details and ailments to him so he could pretend to have a message from God about Mr Smith, of 10 Road Street, Townsville, and his [insert illness here]. Randi recorded the radio communications and exposed him on national television. PP went bankrupt a year later.

Now he's back and scamming people out of $10 million a year. Why people still give him money I don't know.

There's been at least one major expose in recent years, so he hasn't been totally let off the hook. I remember a reporter intercepted him stepping into a very fancy car, and Popoff had to squeeze by while very harshly refusing an interview, demanding the reporter get out of the way so he wouldn't be run over. The same expose interviewed a married couple that was flat broke and had borrowed tens of thousands from their friends and relatives for some fake venture, only to secretly flush that money down Popoff's toilet while anticipating a miraculous payoff. No offense to said couple, but they did look like pretty stereotypical dumbass white trash. As long as there are poorly-educated lower classes looking for a quick fix to their problems, and silver tongues like Popoff's, these problems will keep occurring. I figure it's a form of social evolution where the dumbest members of society get ripped off and eventually weeded out of the gene pool (if they don't flood it with unplanned pregnancies first).