Hard to believe?

How about the billions of people living in China and India that have never been informed about you "god"? Since they never heard of it then are they condemned somehow in your view?

I don't think that Waiter_2001 specified what 'god' he/she was talking about. It seemed kind of generic.

Even among less theistic religions like Buddhism, there are still goals and aspirations. There's still a path to be walked and practices to be performed. But what about this very interesting problem associated with achieving religious goals? Even if we don't choose to personify it and call it 'god', the problem would still seem to exist.

It's interesting (to me anyway) that in Mahayana Buddhism, the ultimate Buddhist goal of liberation and nirvana is kind of deemphasized in favor of the boddhisattva ideal. Boddhisattvas are more advanced travelers on the buddhist path, ones whose original self-centered goal of personal liberation is gradually replaced with a selfless compassion.

I think that's another interesting kind of response to Waiter_2001's conundrum.
How about you find out what's really going on in India and China? You must think they're real nincompoops.

I've traveled there, India, and they are mostly Hindi which has many Gods that they believe in. So then your god isn't known by them, for the most part, and I ask again are they all doomed since they don't know of your god but only theirs?
The purpose of my opening post was that we are born into a "Godless world", allowing only ascension. How many of us have been sexually abused by our Fathers when we were only children: hence a Godless world! :)

It doesn't matter WHICH God you believe in, rather that you BELIEVE!