Happy Slapping!!!!

The problem with chav culture is it often leads to neets (not in employment, education or training), in other words useless, bored, stupid scum. It's sad to see it happening so fast here in the UK, no wonder young migrant workers are in such huge demand.
The problem with chav culture is it often leads to neets (not in employment, education or training), in other words useless, bored, stupid scum. It's sad to see it happening so fast here in the UK, no wonder young migrant workers are in such huge demand.

I think its good that it is now compulsory for children to stay in education until they are 18, that can only help. I think more needs to be done to combat boozing and drugs - they are a part of chav culture. Some youngsters do not have the sense or maturity to get out that trap once they fall in. Drugs and booze can ruin youngsters and the problem is that alcohol and drugs are readily available, you get drugs everywhere, even in good schools.
I think its good that it is now compulsory for children to stay in education until they are 18, that can only help. I think more needs to be done to combat boozing and drugs - they are a part of chav culture. Some youngsters do not have the sense or maturity to get out that trap once they fall in. Drugs and booze can ruin youngsters and the problem is that alcohol and drugs are readily available, you get drugs everywhere, even in good schools.

like what can they do to combat drinking? ban it? or make it less accesible to youngsters? or make it more expensive? or..teach kids from a young age that drinking is bad for you?

at least no one has yet blamed chav culture on broken homes, that really gets me going, it doesnt matter where you come from if your a violent scum bag then you'll kill or assaul someone.

CHAV: Council House and Violent
I think its good that it is now compulsory for children to stay in education until they are 18, that can only help.

It's not compulsory yet, the proposal for the change to 18 won't even get published until next spring, with a supposed target of 2013 for making the change.

I think it's a really crappy idea. Kids who hate school will hate being forced into training, and effectively, this prevents bright motivated kids from getting a job at 16, and keeps them on the dole.

Kids who didn't pay attention in class aren't suddenly going to pay attention when they are being given more vocational training either. Raising the age limit to 18 is an admission that teaching methods are failing our kids, despite the supposed improvement in GCSE grades year on year.
The problem with chav culture is it often leads to neets (not in employment, education or training), in other words useless, bored, stupid scum.
What do we call it when we reify the intangible? I forget the word now. 'Culture' isn't something 'out there' directing our lives. Culture is us. It's a product of our environment.
It's not compulsory yet, the proposal for the change to 18 won't even get published until next spring, with a supposed target of 2013 for making the change.

I think it's a really crappy idea. Kids who hate school will hate being forced into training, and effectively, this prevents bright motivated kids from getting a job at 16, and keeps them on the dole.

Kids who didn't pay attention in class aren't suddenly going to pay attention when they are being given more vocational training either. Raising the age limit to 18 is an admission that teaching methods are failing our kids, despite the supposed improvement in GCSE grades year on year.

perhaps then they should consider bringing back national service, if these kids dont go into work, training higher education when they leave school then they should be made to do national service, it has worked in other countries so why not UK?

the service would teach these "people" how to act in a way that is excepted by society!
perhaps then they should consider bringing back national service, if these kids dont go into work, training higher education when they leave school then they should be made to do national service, it has worked in other countries so why not UK?

the service would teach these "people" how to act in a way that is excepted by society!

How long do you give the kids to get a job after leaving school?

I wouldn't do national service, fuck that. OK. I'm far too old now, but if some jerkwad told me I was going to have to get my hair cut and run round playing soldiers I'd bayonet the MoFo. There's no way I'm going to go kill some poor bastard in a 3rd world country on the say so of a politician I didn't vote for, for a cause I disagree with.

If all National Servicemen (sorry, ServicePeople) did was domestic assignments as non-combatants I don't see the point of National Service.

Maybe if the politicians hadn't messed around with the educational system, enforced the laws we already have, and put real Police officers on the streets, not those fake PCSOs, we wouldn't have a 'youth' problem.
How long do you give the kids to get a job after leaving school?

I wouldn't do national service, fuck that. OK. I'm far too old now, but if some jerkwad told me I was going to have to get my hair cut and run round playing soldiers I'd bayonet the MoFo. There's no way I'm going to go kill some poor bastard in a 3rd world country on the say so of a politician I didn't vote for, for a cause I disagree with.

If all National Servicemen (sorry, ServicePeople) did was domestic assignments as non-combatants I don't see the point of National Service.

Maybe if the politicians hadn't messed around with the educational system, enforced the laws we already have, and put real Police officers on the streets, not those fake PCSOs, we wouldn't have a 'youth' problem.

you know what i actaully agree with you about these PCSO'S they are crap, and they are just a cover for a failing system, but these kids cannot be left to run riot and get away with what they do.
you know what i actaully agree with you about these PCSO'S they are crap, and they are just a cover for a failing system, but these kids cannot be left to run riot and get away with what they do.

Indeed, so we disband the PCSO's, and hire one real Policeman for every two previous fakes, and voila! Real Police able to really arrest offenders, rather than a faker being able to ask people to adhere to some bylaws.
we dont have many chavs in london, but yeah you guys are pretty screwed when my generation gets into complete power. thats what the biblical apocolypse was on about.

we dont have many chavs in london, but yeah you guys are pretty screwed when my generation gets into complete power. thats what the biblical apocolypse was on about.


your saying that your generation will let people go around happy slapping and killing people, all hail your generation!!

Psychopathy is abit of cop-out really.
You have to remember that sociologically the 'psychopath' is little more than a social-construct invoked as a kind of bogey-man, something to project our own inherent immorality onto.
The milgrim experiments have proved quite well that we all have it within us to be the gas-chamber attendent at belsen or the guy flipping the switch on the electric chair.
In this instance it all it took was basic group dynamics and (id guess) some beer and bravado for it too go to far. You certainly dont have to envoke psychopathy atall, individually they might all be perfectly reason, well-adjusted kids.