Happy Slapping!!!!

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
On bonfire Night, (firework night) a man was killed, when a group of "chavs" filmed him die on they're mobile phone, they pushed the man into the bonfire, and they found his burnt up body the next day, at least 3 boys have been arrested, the youngest being just 13!!! 13!! I ASK YOU what goes througg some ones mind, for them to do this, did they set out in the evening and say to one anouther, "Oh tonight we'll kill someone, ok mate?"


Police were today quizzing two teenagers on suspicion of murder after the charred body of a man was found in the embers of a bonfire.

The body of Stephen Croft, 34, was discovered by firefighters in Wirral, Merseyside, after a member of the public reported the Guy Fawkes Night blaze.

As crews arrived to extinguish the bonfire, on grassland at the junction of Borough Road and Whetstone Lane in Birkenhead, his body was found in the embers.

He had suffered head injuries and severe burns.

A 13-year-old boy was arrested this morning and remains in custody for questioning. Police said tonight a 19-year-old man has also been arrested.

Detectives were investigating reports that Croft was beaten-up and pushed onto the fire in scenes recorded on mobile phone cameras.

The grim find of his blackened remains was made hours after an officially organised fire, attended by more than 100 people, at a YMCA centre on Merseyside.

Residents said he had been attacked by youths who re-started the bonfire after the event on spare ground near the YMCA in Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead.

One witness said that three teenagers were jeering at the man and had recorded footage of them throwing a burning log at him in a 'happy-slapping' assault.

The man's badly burned body was discovered by a security guard from the YMCA centre when the alarm was raised by one teenager in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Police sealed-off the area and where conducting forensic tests and door-to-door inquiries in the area near Birkenhad town centre.

Stephen, known locally as "Chezza", lived locally and was a devoted Everton fan.

Student Chris Jones, 18, described the victim as a happy man who always wore an Everton shirt.

He said: "Chezza was a happy soul and was well known in the community.

"He loved footy and it's very sad what happened to him.

"I saw three lads, aged about 14, talking to him as he sat on his own near the bonfire.

"They were jeering him and an argument broke out, then they threw a burning log at him and recorded it on their mobiles."

A YMCA spokeswoman said: "The centre organised the bonfire and it was a success with a good turnout.

"Everyone had a really good time and the fire was put out shortly after 10pm.

"It was fairly quiet for the next few hours - but one of our security guards ran in to raise the alarm when he found a body on the bonfire.

"It's terrible to think that such a happy night could end in tragedy."

A Home Office post-mortem will be carried out today to determine exactly what injuries killed the victim.

A Merseyside Police spokeswoman said: "The man's body had suffered severe burns and the post mortem was therefore expected to be complex.

"What the fire service saw was horrific.

"Head injuries the deceased sustained indicate he may have been subjected to some kind of assault before his death.

"A thirteen year old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder but that is not to say that he will be charged with that offence.

"We need to build up a picture of what has lead to this death, and we ask anyone who was in the Whetstone Lane area at the time of the attack to come forward.


what can be done about this craze that seems to be sweeping great britain? Personally, i thinks its about time that the law was stricter, and people caught doing these so called "HAPPY SLAPPING" movies should be arrested and jailed for a long time, yes, even then ones who are just playing about with they're friends.

I know this will upset a few people here. but this has becomme a "chav" thing and its about time the law did somthing,

bonfire night night is suppose to be somthing that people can enjoy and have fun with, (and for the most part people do) but these "chavs" are making it difficult for people to have fun and people are slowly becomming affraid to even go out of they're front door because of them.


I hope that whoever killed this man, allbeit the boys already arrested or the people who filmed him dieing are locked away, because they are obviously a danger to our society.


Your thoughts?
Pretty disturbing that someone would do that. Where are their parents????

thats what i want to know aswell, ok the older boys you can understand them being out late without mum and dad, but the younger boy? i know where my 13yr old daughter is when she is out, because i often check with the perants of the friend she is with.
Researchers have found that 1 in every 100 people are psychopaths,

perhaps this is one of them.

Psychopathy is defined in psychiatry and clinical psychology as a condition characterized by lack of empathy[1][2] or conscience, and poor impulse control[3][4] or manipulative behaviors.[5] It is a term derived from the Greek psyche (soul, breath hence mind) and pathos (to suffer), and was once used to denote any form of mental illness, often being confused with psychosis. The term is often used interchangeably with sociopathy,[6] but there are differences among the three.

Though in widespread use, psychopathy has no precise equivalent[7] in either the DSM-IV-TR, where it is most strongly correlated with antisocial personality disorder, or the ICD-10, where it is correlated with dissocial personality disorder. Experts such as Robert Hare are working toward listing psychopathy as a unique disorder. However, only a minority of diagnosable psychopaths are violent offenders.[8][9] The manipulative skills of some of the others are valued for providing audacious leadership.[10] Some have argued that psychopathy is adaptive in a highly competitive environment, because it gets results for both the individual and the corporations[11] or, often small political sects that they represent.[12] However, these individuals will often cause long-term harm, both to their co-workers and the organization as a whole, due their manipulative, deceitful, abusive, and often fraudulent behaviour.[13]

In current clinical use, psychopathy is most commonly diagnosed using the checklist devised by Emeritus Professor Robert Hare. He describes psychopaths as "intraspecies predators[14][15] who use charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence[16][17][18] to control others and to satisfy their own selfish needs. Lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, they take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse".[19] "What is missing, in other words, are the very qualities that allow a human being to live in social harmony."[20]

chavs are our future. Do not diss.

your future maybe but not mine, i think they are the scourge of britain, they're tracksuits tucked into they're socks and wearing they'er baseball caps backwards, and the nasty horibble way they talk to people, scourge i tell you
The Gov and police are 100% to blame for this in my opinion.

The Gov. local MPs, police etc. all brush anti-social behaviour under the carpet, when ordinary law-abiding people turn to them for help they are ignored (have witnessed this personally many, many times). People are sick of this sort of behaviour from youngsters, those with the power to actually do something about it choose to do nothing.

It is disgusting.

What we need are squads of vigilantes patrolling the streets at night. I would be willing to do that, I know a lot of people would.
The Gov and police are 100% to blame for this in my opinion.

The Gov. local MPs, police etc. all brush anti-social behaviour under the carpet, when ordinary law-abiding people turn to them for help they are ignored (have witnessed this personally many, many times). People are sick of this sort of behaviour from youngsters, those with the power to actually do something about it choose to do nothing.

It is disgusting.

What we need are squads of vigilantes patrolling the streets at night. I would be willing to do that, I know a lot of people would.

you know is was so going to disagree with you when i read "The Gov and police are 100% to blame for this in my opinion." until i read on, and your right, they keep brushing anti social behaviour aside for more important issues.

but i will say that the transport police are brilliant. and they do what they can to make sure people like this are locked up.

If youngsters were affraid of what could happen to them if they step out of line then perhaps they would think twice.
If youngsters were affraid of what could happen to them if they step out of line then perhaps they would think twice.

I agree, but we set bad examples. If people break the law, fine them, or send them to jail. Pinning an ASBO on them doesn't seem to do a damn thing, it's a fake punishment. Also, get real Police on the streets, not those fake PCSOs, who are just a waste of time and money. A band aid for a bleeding wound. We need real Police, not fakes.

And lastly, enforce the laws we have. Send assholes like Pete Doherty to jail for his repeated transgressions. Make an example of him, because the example the CPS are setting right now, is that it's OK to dabble with drugs because you'll keep getting let off, and will never go to jail.
...Send assholes like Pete Doherty to jail for his repeated transgressions. Make an example of him, because the example the CPS are setting right now, is that it's OK to dabble with drugs because you'll keep getting let off, and will never go to jail.

Yeah, that's one case I never understood. Why was he let go time after time after...
Even here in the US we send them to jail after that many times.
I agree, but we set bad examples. If people break the law, fine them, or send them to jail. Pinning an ASBO on them doesn't seem to do a damn thing, it's a fake punishment. Also, get real Police on the streets, not those fake PCSOs, who are just a waste of time and money. A band aid for a bleeding wound. We need real Police, not fakes.

And lastly, enforce the laws we have. Send assholes like Pete Doherty to jail for his repeated transgressions. Make an example of him, because the example the CPS are setting right now, is that it's OK to dabble with drugs because you'll keep getting let off, and will never go to jail.

oh i totally agree with you, ASBO's are a total waste of time, even fining people is a waste of time, these people should be in jail, and the people who do petty crimes should be forced to wear a bright orange boiler suit with they're name on the back and the crime they commited while picking up litter or doing otehr work for the community!
oh i totally agree with you, ASBO's are a total waste of time, even fining people is a waste of time, these people should be in jail, and the people who do petty crimes should be forced to wear a bright orange boiler suit with they're name on the back and the crime they commited while picking up litter or doing otehr work for the community!

The problem is a lot of criminals go back to crime as soon as they get out of jail. When you analyse the situation, it’s obvious that most of them will get back into a criminal life, they have no real alternative. It can be very difficult for a convicted criminal to get a decent job or get back into education, even if they have the desire. And with the yob culture + booze & drugs, its a lot harder for youngsters to get their heads straightened out. Its really can be hard to adjust.

I had a mate who has done it all, drugs, stolen cars, anything dodgy, he’s done it. He was nearly killed a few years back, some guy nearly took his head off with a sword. This last summer he had a car accident and again nearly died. I went to see him in hospital and he told me how he stayed up at night crying, he told me how he wanted to go university and study – basically be normal, I could see the sincerity and regret in his eyes, though he’s dodgy he is a genuine nice guy. I looked at him and knew it would be very difficult. His friends were trouble, he had no qualifications, no work history, no references, nothing like that. Right now, he’s back to what he was doing before, its business as usual. These are the types of people that need help, they want to get out of their lives but they are trapped.