Happy Passover!

Flores said:
1- Keep the arabs fat and happy.
2- Keep the chinease and koreans poor and miserable.

I guess you really do hate Asians in general. You hate whites, you hate asians. You learned well from your false prophet Mohammad.
mouse said:
so you are absolutely convinced that structurally oppressing more than 1 billion people in a certain region would not lead us to violent uprisings and, finally, war between those who oppress and those who are oppressed?

How are they oppressed? And were they not oppressing the minorities in their midst?
mouse said:
so you are absolutely convinced that structurally oppressing more than 1 billion people in a certain region would not lead us to violent uprisings and, finally, war between those who oppress and those who are oppressed?

You have to understand people and their natures before you can understand my comment. Far easterners are simple people, they are happy with little and confused with much. By nature, these people are not plotters and they don't bottle up their ambition. Look at China for instance. Billions of people quite content and in peace without much resources. You have to let nature take it's course with these civilizations, and if their rulers want to be strict, let the people react to it without intervention.

Middle easterns are very complicated and their bottled up energy is very dangerous. They plot and they plan, and their ambitious is huge and the more you press them, the more you revitalize their ambitious. Keeping these people Semi-happy will dissipate just enough energy to keep them safe. They'll always be high maintenance and engaging with them is high risk.
DoctorNO said:
I guess you really do hate Asians in general. You hate whites, you hate asians. You learned well from your false prophet Mohammad.
Shut the fuck up, I only hate you. So step off if you care for the health of your pinus.
How are they oppressed?
I do not know, it was Flores' proposal to keep them miserable and poor, maybe she would have some insight in how she wants to implement it.

And were they not oppressing the minorities in their midst?
I'm curious how Flores came to the conclusion that keeping Chinese and Koreans down will lead to world peace. Whether the Chinese themselves treat minorities unfairly is another question.
Flores said:
I hate phillipinos just as much :cool:

Flores said:
Keep the chinease and koreans poor and miserable

Flores said:
Shut the fuck up, I only hate you. So step off if you care for the health of your pinus.

Flores, you liar. You contradict yourself. How can you even suggest an atrocity against the chinese & koreans if you dont have hate for them. You are full of hate against fellow human beings, flores. Admit it.

  • Mohammad said..."Allah does not love the unbelievers" (Quran 3:32).
Like teacher, like student. Eh flores?
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You have to understand people and their natures before you can understand my comment
Yes, you are right, since I did not study sociology, history or psychology in university my knowledge about the human nature is lacking. I therefore would like to be very very careful with making general statements concerning cultures foreign to me.

Far easterners are simple people, they are happy with little and confused with much.
Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea are regions running on free trade. Free trade does not fair well if people would like to keep things "simple". China is cautiously following their example, Shang Hai is transforming in a second Hong Kong. It seems that the economic tigers in Asia do not fit well in your ideas about Asians.
Look at China for instance. Billions of people quite content and in peace without much resources.
I do not think that China hosts billions of content people. Their current population is something "slightly" above 1 billion, if memory serves me right. It's impossible for me to tell if a significant portion of those people is happy with their lifestyle or not. What I can tell is that China is evolving into a more consumer oriented country. Apparently, people want to sell and buy stuff just as everywhere else.
You have to let nature take it's course with these civilizations, and if their rulers want to be strict, let the people react to it without intervention.
This seems a departure from your previous point:
Keep the chinease and koreans poor and miserable.
I agree that foreign interference in cultures is not necessarily a good thing. To actively oppress, seems opposite to a policy of non-interference, which I passionately disagree with.
mouse said:
Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea are regions running on free trade. Free trade does not fair well if people would like to keep things "simple".

I agree, but classic free trade is actually very simple..much simpler than you think, until of course it turns into full blown organized capitalism and we all know how ugly that beast could be without a balanced happy consumer base to fuel the hungry capitalism and it's drive to maximise profit....an equation which will never be balanced.....Because capitalism is driven by profits yet the fuel of it's real success is consumer power.....profits and consumer power are inversely proportioned.

mouse said:
China is cautiously following their example, Shang Hai is transforming in a second Hong Kong. It seems that the economic tigers in Asia do not fit well in your ideas about Asians.

They are tigers alright and they'll consume China to the poor house.....This actually fit very well with my ideas about Asians, because it's a recipe of disaster to teach the chinease and other Asians who have historically and will remain to be the world largest working power to become mere consumers and service providers. If anything Chang Hai is transforming into a whore and disturbing the world economic balance.

mouse said:
I do not think that China hosts billions of content people. Their current population is something "slightly" above 1 billion, if memory serves me right. It's impossible for me to tell if a significant portion of those people is happy with their lifestyle or not. What I can tell is that China is evolving into a more consumer oriented country. Apparently, people want to sell and buy stuff just as everywhere else.

This seems a departure from your previous point:
I agree that foreign interference in cultures is not necessarily a good thing. To actively oppress, seems opposite to a policy of non-interference, which I passionately disagree with.

I never said that they should be actively opressed, I said, they should be left alone and not attended too.....Perhaps I used harsher words when I said poor and miserable, but I really meant "ignored". Their seemingly poor conditions are deceiving. They don't need the world charity, they simply need to be left alone... and immune from the quick hit and run consumer market that will devour them and others. The east is a mini-earth that could be independant and self maintained and sustained. That's why occupation and conquerement is last on an Asian person mind. An Asian has no motivation to conquer another.. They are just content and peacefull being left alone. When I said poor and miserable, I made a mistake, I meant slim and satisfied. Sort of like Ghandi, he is a very good example of the essence of the valuable gift that the east civilizations brings to our world. Independance, Peace, sacrifice, consistency, hard work, and selfless characteristics. These civilizations must remain like that.

On the other hand, if you look at arabs, you'll see something very different. The arabs who are much fewer in numbers have been given 90% of the world resource energy, yet they can't grow rice nor can they enjoy a drop of fresh water. All this wealth is under their noses, from oils and gases, to valuable minerals and metals...yet it's impratical wealth that must be sold to others to be converted to real measurable wealth that they can really use. Due to this, these people CAN NOT BE LEFT ALONE, they are agressive and fear of failing motiviate their aggression, they know that their survival rests on dependancy and they'll demand this dependency on their own terms. That's why I said that these people should be kept fat and happy.
funny.. the Holiday is celebrating the exodus from Egypt... yet to celebrate it, Israelis went back to Egypt.. lol (from April 7)

Some 3,500 Israelis, mostly families, in 430 vehicles have crossed the border with Egypt at Taba on their way to vacations in Sinai. Additional travelers to Sinai are expected with the post-holiday resumption of bus service to Eilat early today.
Happy Passover, Pesakh Sameakh, to all the Jewish sciforums people

To the International Court of Justice,

The wall anchors Israeli military occupation and colonies in the Palestinian territories, in a blatant violation of international law and resolutions, which do not permit annexation of land by force.

The wall drives towards the practice of ethnic cleansing and is subjecting an entire population to aggressive collective punishment, to the strangest and harshest laws such as separating the farmers, students, workers and the sick from their lands, water source, schools, doctors and hospitals and their workplace. Moreover, it divides each city and village into enclaves, splitting and dispersing members of the same family. These practices contradict basic human rights, the 4th Geneva Convention and the related international covenants.

The wall restores the ghetto culture and instills an apartheid regime encouraging discrimination in the era of human globalization and openness.

The wall destroys hopes for peace and all of the political initiatives, fostering an atmosphere of hatred, animosity and war between states and countries of the region as well as jeopardizing security and stability in the Middle East.
The wall is causing environment catastrophes, with the uprooting of a hundred thousand trees in the first phase alone and the destroying and/or annexing Palestinian water resources. Furthermore, the wall has destroyed and targeted archeological and historical sites in this ancient land.

In order to solve the harms caused by this wall, which are listed above, a unified and strong campaign, should condemn and combat these actions to stop and reverse the construction of this wall, for no change in route could dissolve these violations.
We appeal for your urgent action for the sake of peace. We call on you to act immediately, to stop and remove the Israeli segregation wall that is under construction now in the occupied Palestinian territories.
The National Initiative to Resist the Wall
So sue them. The wall is not permanant, its a negotiation tool, so when the Pals feel like talking they can work something out. Would you prefer some missiles? What do the Pals need Israel for anyway? Start your independence early.

Are suicide bombs within the Geneva Convention? There is a principle of law that says you have to come to the court with clean hands, in other words, you can only condemn someone for doing something illegal if you have done nothing illegal.
otheadp said:
what does this have to do with Passover?
seems some muslims hate jews so much, that they have to spit on them, kick them, stab them in the back, reminds me of the Yom Kippur War.

Happy Holidays y'all
Asia = simpletons?

Asians are actually quite complicated. For example, many Asian languages (Thai, Mandarin, and Cantonese) use tones to create more meaning out of sound. For example “MA” can easily have 5 different meanings depending on the tone used. Chinese may have actually been the first to use writing. Chinese characters can be quite complex - in this way a lot of information can be represented in a small amount of space. I'd say the communication is quite complex. Some of the earliest writings on human nature are Chinese. The Chinese were at one time (1400’s) the most advanced nation on earth. Unfortunately, after venturing to the rest of the world, the Chinese considered everything to be quite barbaric and not civilized enough to be worth bothering with. Japanese social protocol and etiquette is quite sophisticated. Japanese sword play is complex as is Asian martial arts and meditation. Some Asian natural medicines are quite sophisticated (for example inoculation was a Chinese invention also the only worthwhile alternative to western medicine to fight malaria is a Chinese herb). Paper - nifty Chinese invention along with the decimal system, matches, brandy and whiskey, the rocket cast iron, gunpowder etcetera…. In the 1800’s Tokyo was one of the worlds largest cities and considered the cleanest (Japanese who visited to Europe were astounded at the filthiness, while Europeans were surprised at the Japanese “commoners” level of hygiene). As for personal beliefs many Asian religions are just to complex for the average Westerner to appreciate and if anything border on the philosophical rather than the religious.

I think Asian’s can seem “simple” due to the fact that most Asian societies frown upon showing a loss of personal control - for instance, the act of raising ones voice during a conversation would be considered poor form. As a matter of fact this can lead to an Asian person quietly quitting a conversation. To the “loud simpleton” this may appear that the Asian has resigned in intellectual defeat – perhaps by their mild mannerism and reluctance in continuing the conversation. Actually, its considered a waste of the Asians time to bother with this individual anymore. I wonder how well that complex Arabic character P_M would fair in Asia? Heck even his posts seem loud – and that’s just to read!!

Compare that with . . . . . say the actions of firing guns into the air while simultaneously shouting praises to god at the top of ones voice, jumping up and down and blathering about eternal bliss and gods love (all the while drops of foam gather around ones mouth) screaming for the blood of foreigners. All the while being lead by the nose by some religious nut case. Complex behavior? I just don’t see it. (note: I was referring to a typical Sunday in Texas at a Republican pep rally :)
Vienna said:
Yeah - Where is your Holiday Greeting munim?

Have you no respect for the Jewish faith?


Pure rascism, I swear. The world today is so full of shit because of people like you.

I thought you said you were Atheist/Agnostic. Infact, your exact words were, I'm sort of Atheist/Agnostic, maybe there's a God , maybe there isn't, who cares!Anyway. I don't care whether yo're Jew, Athiest, King of the underworld etc.. You make me sick.

I guess you're Atheist only when it comes to Islam. :m:
Randolfo said:
reminds me of the Yom Kippur War.

Yeah Randolfo, what a great day? When The Egyptians kicked some Israeli ass out of Sinai. Actually, it wasn't too many asses, because Israelis have habit of occuping land, kicking residents out and then not having enough of their own people to fill the occupied land. Sort of like the most cruel thing you can do and people like you blindly support it......Hope Jesus will be proud of you.
PASSOVER is OVER....Can we get on with our lives now, or do you guys plan on saying Happy passover all year long.