Happy first day of spring. We have snow...


Snow here in IL. Damn global warming...

This is just as (actually, probably more) intensely stupid as those who complain about global warming when it's 110 degrees out. If you do not know the difference between climate and weather, then you ought to educate yourself, lest you say something that betrays your facepalm inducing ignorance.

What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?
Is that unusual?

Unusual weather is predicted as a result of global warming, so you could well be onto something there.
If it was unseasonably warm here we might tend to think maybe there is something to global warming. Since it's snowing on the first day of spring, that argument is kind of lost.
If it was unseasonably warm here we might tend to think maybe there is something to global warming. Since it's snowing on the first day of spring, that argument is kind of lost.

It hardly matters if that argument was lost, since it would be an intensely stupid one to make in the first place. Climate change is defined by long term effects, not by isolated unusually hot or cold days. You might as well argue that it isn't really spring, since spring is often defined in popular usage as warm weather. By that logic, it isn't really spring. But people who've bothered to open a book, or click on a URL, know that the seasons are defined by the equinoxes and the solstices, and popular usage redefining late spring as summer have no effect on the actual beginning or end of the seasons. Likewise, an isolated snowy spring day means little to nothing to a climate scientist.
If it was unseasonably warm here we might tend to think maybe there is something to global warming. Since it's snowing on the first day of spring, that argument is kind of lost.

Not at all, because global warming can mean local cooling.

Look it up. you might learn something.
Heavy snow events-a contradiction to global warming theory?
Global warming skeptics regularly have a field day whenever a record snow storm pounds the U.S., claiming that such events are inconsistent with a globe that is warming. If the globe is warming, there should, on average, be fewer days when it snows, and thus fewer snow storms. However, it is possible that if climate change is simultaneously causing an increase in ratio of snowstorms with very heavy snow to storms with ordinary amounts of snow, we could actually see an increase in very heavy snowstorms in some portions of the world.
Snow here in IL. Damn global warming...
We topped out at 50-55° here in the Western Extents of the Soviet Socialist Republik of New York, with mostly sunny skies and breezy conditions. I spent a portion of the day giving the garden soil its first turn - a waste of time, in a way, because there'll be plenty of rain between now & planting to turn it all back to a plot of mud. Still, it sure felt good to swing the ol' pick-axe again.

Also started the indoor garden with tomato plantings, so that I'll have seedlings of "brobdignian" proportions to plant in the garden some time in May. A fungal blight killed 15 out of the 16 I planted last year, thanks to a damp, dismal, drizzly Summer - no doubt courtesy of "global warming", or "climate change", or whatever they're calling it these days. It was rather annoying, but to paraphrase Rammstein - der Herrgott gibt, der Herrgott nimmt

Hopefully things will go better this time 'round.

Also commemorated the Vernal Equinox by firing up the grill & scorching up some hot dogs good & black & crispy like you're not supposed to 'cos it gives you da cancer... ...Then served 'em up smothered in horseradish mustard, onions, chili & relish, with 'tater chips & Polish dill pickles, washed down with ice cold India Pale Ale.

Welcome Springtime !

While I have no problem with people discussing the weather, or unusual weather events.

And while I don't even have a problem with people debating the pros and cons of anthropogenic (not anthropomorphic or anamorphic) global warming.

Weather is not the same thing as climate.
An unusually cold spell does not contradict anything.
Trends of less than 15 years are meaningless.
One off events do not constitute a trend.
alGore should have named his little religion something else besides "Global Warming" if he wanted to be taken seriously. Several of the top global warming "expert" scientists admit they forged/lied about their data. I really did not post this as a global warming debate thread. It was more about the snow on the first day of spring.
alGore should have named his little religion something else besides "Global Warming" if he wanted to be taken seriously.
You should address it for what it is instead of calling it a religion if you want to be taken seriously.

Global Change has been studied for a long time before Al Gore got involved, incidentally.

How is anyone to take you seriously when you make such deluded commentary?

Several of the top global warming "expert" scientists admit they forged/lied about their data.
Name them and provide citations so we can verify that they have done so.
I really did not post this as a global warming debate thread. It was more about the snow on the first day of spring.
It's snowing here, too.
We have summer, 70 degrees. The spring lasted not surprizingly 4 full days. I actually love spring but here in PA it is usually not longer than 3 weeks max....
It was about 80F here, absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining,flowers blooming, birds singing. Feels like Spring to me. Why do people live in cold places? I just don't understand. burr!
alGore should have named his little religion something else besides "Global Warming" if he wanted to be taken seriously. Several of the top global warming "expert" scientists admit they forged/lied about their data. I really did not post this as a global warming debate thread. It was more about the snow on the first day of spring.

The idea that global warming could happen, and could be man made predates Al Gore by abour 100 years.

Not to mention the fact that most models predict an increase in variance as well as an increase in the average (the extremes become more extreme and are reached more frequently).
Actually, snow can and did fall yesterday in OK, MO, KS at above freezing temperatures. I've driven 350 miles in that I know. I'm in western OK now, it's 70 degrees outside, snow is melting like crazy.

People who live in Illinois don't really have a real winter to complain about. A typical Northern IL winter consists of variable number of snowfalls and melt aways. Southern IL has really, really mild winters similar to those in Kentucky and Tennessee. Winters begin North of I-94 line in WI. Even then there are quite a few upper 30s January days in Saint Paul MN :).