Happy All Souls Day

Not so much all or nothing, but certainly fundamentalist.
I take from Jesus what I find wise in his teachings, but do not refer to myself as a Christian, because I do not follow all of his teachings.

...Krishnamurti...and so on

Your a proud atheist. You follow yourself. You do not need to read Jesus, buddha, nietzsche or krishnamurti for wisdom, because you will only accept things you already agree with. Therefore you already have everything you want within your own opinion.

:) But as a faulty human being your opinions are also faulty. Nothing can ever be built good on a faulty foundation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Oh well. I think tags should have an authorship panel or something.
Hey.. you did it. You, you.. GEOFF!

Aha! but no I didn't. What bugs me though is that someone used "git", which is a Brit word, but I'm the only expat in the thread. I think I'm being set up here.
Just kidding. Actually it's very meaning.

Well, this thread has been thoroughly trolled, although accidentally this time. I feel my work here is done. Or, my work here has been horribly compromised. Either way the horse is dead. Why keep beating it?
I made a thread on it in the mod forum. Thanks for pointing it out :)

My apologies to the OP and to James. Please remove this off-topic conversation :)
What say the Catholics to the people who accuse them of stealing all their holidays, Gods and Saints in their syncretic absorption of conquered cultures?

I've never really read a reasoned response to this.

It's not hard to form one. The Christian Church, while expanding into the general population of the Roman Empire and later Europe, subsumed and absorbed cultural customs and traditions. Since that didn't exactly contradict the Christian faith, they simply "sanctified" those cultural customs. But, they didn't really take any doctrinal things from this; the saints are not gods, despite what many anti-Catholics would like others to believe.

I'm not a Catholic, or even a Christian of any kind; I'm a neopagan, and if anything I should be offended by that phenomenon.
But I'm not offended in the least; I find it to be a fascinating historical occurrence. Without it, we'd not have much of the knowledge we have on those pre-Christian cultural customs.
And, as far as I see it, they didn't "steal" from "conquered" cultures. They simply absorbed what these converted populations brought the table. It's marvellously adaptive, showing the true versatility of the Roman Church throughout the centuries.