Happy 4th!!!!

me w.e.

i should rely b beaten and punished 4 not doin this on time. im like way l8 but better than ever.


i guess since i'm completely late on this, i might as well wish everybody a great weekend.


thanks 4 starting this thread strgrl!
Originally posted by *stRgrL*

Hey....no problemo! Welcome aboard... again:D

Hey, why do you change your subtitle from kicks azz to kicks ass? Just curioius :D

Well I had "Azz" when I first started posting here, (didnt know if it was appropriate to cuss here), and then when I found out it was okay, I changed it to Queen Bitch. But then I thought that would have an effect on how newbies percieved me, so I changed it back to ass. Spelling correct this time:)

Take care:)
Originally posted by esp
Somehow, I don't think that it would be appropriate for us in the UK to celebrate 4th July.
But have a good one anyway :)

HELL, I figure you would all be celebrating, getting rid of a bunch of pride-filled, egotistical, freedom loving jerkwads.:D :D :D
Re: Joe

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
didnt know if it was appropriate to cuss here), and then when I found out it was okay

oh joy!
is it true?
can it be?
is it really ok if my posts r a tad. . . tainted?
ur the greatest strgrl!
we jus opened up a whole new can of. . . um

hey wait
thers gotta b a catch
vulgarity jus wouldnt b proper
not 4 civilized individuals such as we.:rolleyes:
i wonder what would happen if. . .

pussy juice!
cock suckerrrrrrrrrrr!


fine so if it appears im completely daft about the whole censorship deal, remember
im new
wat r th rules on censorship anyway?
it would b truly delightful if one of the nice fellow forumers here explained them 2 me.
(especially strgrl since i hav a total crush on her. . .shhhh. its a secret:rolleyes: )
why do you change your subtitle from kicks azz
how do i change mine?
mine is member
not even gold member or large member or something
just member
whats with that?
cool skill,

In reference to your question of changing your "title" please see the link below.


In reference to the cursing, I would ask you to keep it to a minimum. An occasional word here or there may "spice" the conversation. To use such frequently, lowers others opinions of you. It also makes you sound kind of foolish. Usually those who do not have a good command of language skill resort to these words rather than saying exactly what they mean.

We also have younger viewers here. You do not have to register to read, only to post. A lot of folks come to sciforums to learn and read what others think. You have a world stage in which to voice your opinions and be heard. Is that what you would present to the world if you wanted to speak your piece?
me w.e.

thanx 4 the link wet1 your the best!

thanks 4 the tidbits on vulgarity as well.
im not 2 abusive with that anyway. im usually a happy minded person who rarely has negativity coming out of my lips.:eek:

Usually those who do not have a good command of language skill resort to these words rather than saying exactly what they mean.

is that a proven fact?
furthermore, does having a good command of language skill make one a better more respectable person?
i happen 2 have a few friends who can barely read or write.
they happen 2 b some of the nicest people i know.
i personally hav more respect 4 good people than i do 4 people who think that their intellects and IQs make them so wonderful.
many times, these self proclaimed intellects turn 2 dust when confronted with a little bit of real logic.

Last edited:
too short!!! back to work already.

cool skill,

did someone mentioned you look like a village idiot with the way you write? I don't care if you are one or not, but you do look like one.

I don't read your posts because they are harder to decode than Morse code. As far as I am concerned, your posts are just blah blah blah that is eating up bandwidth.
Originally posted by Joeman
too short!!! back to work already.

cool skill,

did someone mentioned you look like a village idiot with the way you write? I don't care if you are one or not, but you do look like one.

I don't read your posts because they are harder to decode than Morse code. As far as I am concerned, your posts are just blah blah blah that is eating up bandwidth.

Don't waste your time, brutha. This kid has no clue. I mentioned this to him in another thread. All he can come up with is a bunch of immature, pseudo-intellectual, sarcastic clap-trap. I even tried to let him know this as intelligent & constructive criticism. He could do no more than try to insult me. I consider him nothing more than a Troll.:cool:

my dearest wet1,

thanx 4 ur reply. u r uncommonly kind and respectful.
stay that way. thanx agen 4 helping this newbie with regards 2 the rules and how tos.

as u can clearly c, i hav been bombarded by a few forumers hu have all kinds of advice about how one shud write. some have come 2 me with seemingly good intentions while others dont appear 2 even kno what their intentions r.
nobody really has given a humble request 4 me 2 write more clearly so they can better understand my wise words.;)
nor has anybody yet asked me y i write the way i write.
i encounter numerous presumptions and assumptions from people hu tend 2 accept things at face value. some forumers swear theyr Gods gift 2 mankind, and call other people immature and foolish. as if they were the most perfect beings in existence.
i know many in person who i cant even talk 2 because they think so highly of themselves that they constantly irritate me with denigrations of people hu hav done them no wrong.
(its not good 2 do that. really. especially 2 our fearless USA leader georgie junior):p

so why would someone who is perfectly capable of writing correct english grammar without putting forth any extra effort into it write the so called "garbage" that he writes?

-me w.e.

PS-(did anybody actually think i was gonna answer that now? no fun.):)

is it becos my spellchecker doesnt work? so unfair.
stupid thing. work dammit work!:mad:
*smacks spellchecker with palm of his hand*
cool skill

Well, I didnt actually understand your last post. (i am rather stoned right now though) ~ Anyhoo, I for one, enjoy your posts. I also enjoys those others in here that dont have the greatest grammer skills... makes no difference to me, your posts are appreciated...

And thanx Wet1 - your the coolest:D

Take care:)

Just like you, I exress my opinion.

Porfiry rules the roost so whatever he says is what goes.
cool skill,

I think I was too harsh on you. I should just lighten up and put you on my ignore list. Since I don't read your posts, putting you on my ignore list can reduce the download traffic and bandwidth consumption.

I do it because it is good for sciforums. Please don't take it personally. :cool:

hey joeman

does this mean u dont luv me anymor?
after all we been through?
after all those happy times we shared 2gether?
how cud u do this 2 me!
*weeps hysterically*
wat hav i dun 2 deserv this?

*stops weeping and looks up*
uv found sumone else havent u.
i knew it.

"Yea, noise? then I'll be brief. O happy dagger! this is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die." <--r&j by w.s.

goodbye cruel world!
I rarely change avatars or anything else in that line. Once picked it stays so I try to get it right the first time. Never really felt the need to do a lot of changing in those areas as I usually devote my time to the boards.

But thanx...