Hands in Prayer

Yeah, it is. So the faster evolving ones are those who are not adapted to their environment and need to catch up, eh?
Perhaps it depends on one's environment. I'm sure you fit just where you should be, and I where I am.
Putting one's hands together to pray is probably meant to show God that your hands aren't busy doing overtime somewhere else. It would be a sin to pray for sex and not show God your hands.:D

I wonder if some people actually get off on praying, if they do then what would you call it?
Meditating is not praying.

A few people really get off on the meditating. A least for Buddhsim that's considered an obstructing distraction. One refucuses on the mditation until it passes. Some adjust their position to make it less comfortable if they have trouble staying focused because of it.

Since many Buddhists have romantic partners, I'm not sure why they would need to have meditation about satisfying sexual urges. Though I suppose the Tibetans have using sexual urges as a meditation.
Why do people put their hands together when they pray?



I don't. :)

All Praise The Ancient of Days
I always wondered if it could perhaps be some lost symbolism of being bound by the hands.
Putting one's hands together to pray is probably meant to show God that your hands aren't busy doing overtime somewhere else. It would be a sin to pray for sex and not show God your hands.:D

I wonder if some people actually get off on praying, if they do then what would you call it?
M*W: When I was Catholic, I noticed that people often didn't clasp their hands in prayer like Protestants do. However, my introduction to Catholicism was through a neighborhood Catholic charismatic prayer group. Those people used their hands a lot in prayer like flinging them in the air and the laying on of hands in prayer. I, however, was a more traditional Catholic and found the charismatic style not for me. I think the charismatics really got off to praying and speaking in tongues. I never could get the hang of speaking in tongues, and the members of the prayer group thought that I really didn't fit in because of it. They were right. I didn't. Their idea of praying for someone amounted to nothing more than viscious gossip they spread around in the name of prayer. Talk about 'holier than thou!' I think the use of hands in prayer or even in healing is sensual as in the sense of touch. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Outside of the religious sense, I think touch is healing.
I've heard that church doors are shaped like praying hands, designed to catch prayers.

What possible use is there in praying when God already knows what you were going to say?
When we said grace or prayed in church we just bowed our heads. But when we said our bedtime prayer, we clapsed our hands.
I wonder if its a thing parents teach their small kids so they won't fidget, and they always know where their hands are.